As long as there is an order from Ying Changge, it must be fully implemented, and the officials are very careful.

With all their own staff, many officials did their best to serve Ying Changge.

Go through fire and water, and do whatever you want. Ying Changge dispatched them to reorganize the refugees in these cities.

It's not because of Ying Changge's cautiousness, but because he understands that the wise people work hard, and the hardworking people govern others.

He wants to control the overall situation, so that he can balance the officials and let all the refugees in the city survive.

Let the refugees survive completely, so that they will not die, will not starve to death.

When disaster strikes, everything is very dangerous, and no one wants them to be so embarrassed.

But even so, there are still many officials who fall into the trap, ignoring the safety of the refugees at all.

Knowing the situation of the refugees already, how could Ying Changge bear to stand by? Impossible!

So, he set out with the officials, personally contacted the nearby grains, and dispatched them together.

More and more food is coming with the support of the wind and fire. It is really wonderful that one side is in trouble and all sides support it.

Waiting patiently, Ying Changge sat here, letting the food quickly move in the city.

It is his own wish to save all these refugees!

Ying Changge's house is kind-hearted. In order to help these refugees, he can't wait to distribute food.

070 Days from the South to the North, the food is rushing to be transported.

So much food seems to be a lot, but it is still not enough to help tens of thousands of refugees.

The mere amount of food, within a few days, can always be eaten by the mountains, and Ying Changge still needs to find a way.

These grains are under the control of Ying Changge, and he must experience them and supervise them carefully.

Otherwise, if there are only a few officials, it would be even more excessive if food was deducted again.

Ying Changge didn't trust these officials, the only thing he cared about was the people in these cities.

The refugees are very embarrassed, and their situation is even more difficult. Only a steady stream of food can save them.

After personally urging, Ying Changge instructed that the food should be distributed only under the dispatch of the officials.

Grain and grass go first, and so much grain is still being used for disaster relief one by one, and is given to refugees and ordinary people as food rations.

Refugees are all just to eat, but they don't have any chance to eat food.

Chapter 939 Maybe there is still a chance!

Without any way back, the refugees could only be forced to starve and allow themselves to live reluctantly.

It is a rare and good opportunity to go to the wave of food and grass, and then distribute it to the refugees.

As long as they can all have a meal to satisfy their hunger, Ying Changge has made a supreme merit!

Especially when Ying Changge's people were staring at it, one by one officials did not dare to be careless and patiently distributed it.

Disaster relief is the top priority. With Ying Changge's instructions, naturally there will be no mistakes or mistakes.

The officials are doing their best, they are numerous, and they are in a hurry to distribute their own food.

When the food is in the hands of the refugees, they have a chance to survive.

How difficult it is to eat a meal to satisfy the hunger, the refugees are ecstatic about it, they are very excited.

They got up quickly and quickly went to collect their own food, so that they could go home to cook and eat.

The food and forage were still being distributed, and Ying Changge personally followed them, not allowing these officials to be short-lived.

At this moment, it is also very important to be able to eat all the food, otherwise it will be dangerous.

He wanted to rescue the refugees himself, but Ying Changge had no chance because he lacked skills.

Under the circumstances of helplessness, Ying Changge asked these officials to go to the scene carefully.

Distributing food and rescuing the people, the refugees were very grateful to Ying Changge, they were very excited.

Many people are still chattering about distributing food, and the food brought in is particularly important.

To take care of the food and distribute the food, Ying Changge must ensure that the refugees must be able to get it.

Paying attention to everything, he didn't have any panic, Ying Changge paid attention to his movements slowly.

Any danger was within his predictions. In just a few days, many people were able to get food for disaster relief.

Noticing that the people in the city had a short period of hunger, Ying Changge was very pleased.

After all, he also has his own abacus, and what Ying Changge hopes most is to let these people live.

Food is distributed quickly in the streets and alleys, everyone can get some relief, and there is food at home.

It's just that the refugees still have no food, they are just full and hungry, and they are very embarrassed.

It is precisely because there are so many refugees with so much food that Ying Changge's relief to them is not a moment's work.

This matter needs to be discussed in the long run! Ying Changge must give the people a peaceful and healthy day.

The disaster of the disaster victims is even more difficult, especially the lack of clothing and food, and tens of thousands of refugees are homeless.

They have been begging honestly, and some of them have left their hometowns so that they can stay away from here.

As long as they leave the city, there may be a chance of survival, and the refugees must do their best.

In order to survive, they can do anything, it is impossible for them to starve to death here.

Don't underestimate the refugees, Ying Changge is very kind, and she must get them out of this sea of ​​misery.

Otherwise, so many refugees would starve to death at the same time, and how many innocent people would be lost.

Having already obeyed Ying Changge's orders, many officials were doing their best to carry out the orders.

Ying Changge came here to order them to distribute food, but they dared not disobey, they had to do it.

This is Ying Changge's order, and officials must obey them one by one without making any mistakes.

Because Ying Changge killed Chen Erbao, he had already established a lot of majesty in the city.

But anyone who defies Ying Changge will have no good end, which is an inevitable truth.

Otherwise, if he offends Ying Changge, he may be buried here if his head moves.

Therefore, in order to save tens of thousands of refugees, so many refugees must be saved one by one.

Refugees are densely packed, walking in groups on the streets and alleys, so many of them are one number.

The huge number of people is not supported by any food, I am afraid that there will be starved corpses in the streets.

Touring inside and outside the city, Ying Changge was busy day and night, training himself for the people.

What's more, there are many people who are patiently dealing with the connection of grain and grass, and they are loyal to Ying Changge.

These officials are not fools. Once they do not obey Ying Changge's orders, the end will be tragic.

Therefore, Bi (Zhao's) had to let them all know his fate, and he did his best.

Running back and forth, carefully busy, Ying Changge received a lot of food.

With so much food in his hands, there was no delay, nor did he stay in the slightest.

As the so-called gift of roses, the hand has a lingering fragrance. Ying Changge directly changed hands and distributed the food to the common people.

Refugees receive food day and night, and there are so many officials, many soldiers guard the food and grass day and night.

For tens of thousands of refugees, this grain is the most important thing, so we must be careful.

Therefore, these soldiers were conscientious and guarded carefully, for fear of any accident.

Chapter 940 Naturally, a full meal!

Many refugees are still lining up in an orderly line, they are grateful, so they will queue up to receive.

Once there are any violators of disorder, they must be thoroughly beheaded in order to face up to them.

It is late at night, but these refugees are still obediently continuing to collect food.

At this moment, an eight-footed man rushed up aggressively, "Get out of the way!"

With a wave of both hands, the big man pushed four or five people to the ground with ease, and he immediately stepped forward.

"Is food distributed here? Push me away! I'm hungry!" He immediately walked up.

Putting all the people next to him aside, he walked up quickly, the big man's voice was loud.

How arrogant and arrogant, this big man is really arrogant and does whatever he wants.

With no one in his eyes, he drove straight in from far and near.

It's just like this for a boy with high power. It's ridiculous that a commoner 070 is still so rampant!

Ying Changge passed by and happened to come across this incident, so he walked up slowly.

"Stop! Who are you!" Several guards beside Ying Changge immediately surrounded the place.

Concentrated queuing and orderly appearance can allow people to receive food faster.

It's just that I never imagined that so many guys are all arrogant and domineering, and they won't line up at all.

Ying Changge walked up quickly and asked patiently, "Don't **** and wait in line, you will naturally have food to eat."

"This time there is a lot of food, and I guarantee that all of you will be able to eat so much food to satisfy your hunger."

Patiently appeasing them, Ying Changge knew that they were all starving, so they were so arrogant.

Just hope they can be well and not starve to death, that's enough.

But this big man didn't listen at all, he looked arrogant, and no one stared at them, "What's your business!"

"I'm hungry, so I have to eat! If I don't eat, I'll be so hungry!" The big man waved his hand impatiently.

"Now, the most important thing is to **** the food!" The big man laughed, "Give me the food!"

"The more the merrier!" The big man stepped up immediately and prepared to take the food himself, but Ying Changge was unwilling.

"Stop it!" Ying Changge came out to stop, "If you want to survive, you must line up!"

"Protect the order in the city, so that you can survive with the help of food and grass."

"Nonsense, nonsense!" The big man snorted coldly, "I must kill you!"

"I've been hungry for a long time, if you dare to delay me, I'll make your life worse than death!"

It turns out that people are forced to such a situation when they are hungry, which is really a pity.

Shaking his head secretly, Ying Changge said, "Don't worry, I won't deceive me if I say a word!"

"As long as you can survive, you can continue to have food to eat, don't act recklessly!"

After hearing Ying Changge's words, the big man still shook his head (affa), "Impossible! You lied to me!"

"I haven't eaten for more than ten days. I eat horse feed and drink stream water every day!"

"Now that there is so much food, I naturally have a full meal!" The big man became impatient.

He made a quick shot, immediately grabbed a bag of grain, and was about to leave with the grain on his shoulders.

Ying Changge stood up calmly and stood in front of the big man, "Put down the food in your hands!"

"Everyone receives a limited amount of food, and it is absolutely impossible for you to plunder more materials!"

"People who don't do it for themselves will be destroyed!" The big man shouted, "My Wang Erniu has never read a book!"

"But, I also know the truth." He immediately began to refute, after all, it was a dead end.

Wang Erniu is just a peasant, he will not let himself die of hunger.

He was still very young, especially at a young age, it was a pity to starve to death so early.

Noticing the person behind Ying Changge, Wang Erniu asked, "You seem to be some kind of noble son!"

"You have a lot of food, why don't you give me some!" Wang Erniu scolded.

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