However, after hearing Wang Erniu's words, Ying Changge was extraordinarily calm, "You're joking!"

"I tried my best to dispatch a lot of food and grass, just so that you can have a full meal."

"Big mistake!" Wang Erniu shook his head, "Nonsense, get out of the way!"

Walking up quickly, facing Ying Changge, Wang Erniu shoved, just to push Ying Changge away.

Seeing Wang Erniu being so rude, the people behind Ying Changge wanted to attack, but were stopped.

Ying Changge, who didn't care, waved his hand lightly, and then stood in front of Wang Erniu.

"Put it down! That's not only your food, but also the food of other refugees."

"You can't take it for yourself, you have to distribute it generously, what do you think!"

Every word of Ying Changge's song is very deep and powerful, and it is especially clear when it falls into Wang Erniu's ears.

Chapter 941 The illiterate guy!

"Haha!" After laughing three times, Wang Erniu turned his head and stared at Ying Changge intently, "Just kidding!"

"Can you persuade me with just a few words of yours! It's ridiculous!"

Wang Erniu was unwilling to guard against these grains, which would allow him to eat more for several days.

"I'm going to starve to death myself, how can I care about others! Get out of the way!"

He raised his hand again, and pressed his thick arm on Ying Changge's body.

At this moment, Ying Changge was still very indifferent and calm, and immediately raised his hand to counterattack.

boom! The fists of the two slammed together, such an offensive, aggressive, how mighty.

This kind of quarrel is just mediocre, at least Wang Erniu will not kill Ying Changge.

Therefore, Ying Changge also left behind his strength and slammed it out with one palm, which is really unexpected!

After staggering back a few steps, his face was extremely cold, and Wang Erniu shouted.

"Okay! I never expected that you are really a master who doesn't show his face!"

After throwing away the food on his shoulders, Wang Erniu approached Ying Changge and waved his fists.

Such a heavy fist could not wait to hit Ying Changge's face, hitting him with blood all over his head.

But Ying Changge and others also, his martial arts are superb, always able to patiently confront the enemy in the face of Wang Erniu.

Bang, a fist hit firmly, this punch is really irritable, and even more murderous.

With such murderous intent coming, no one could block Ying Changge's counterattack.

Obviously it was Wang Erniu who made the first move, but in front of Ying Changge, he fell behind.

He was very surprised and looked terrified. He quickly raised his arm and immediately grabbed Ying Changge's fist.

But such a punch had no chance to fight back at all, Ying Changge's fist was full of mighty power.

With just such a fist, Wang Erniu's arm was numb, and he staggered back.

His face was pale and bloodless, and Wang Erniu knew at once that he had met a master.

"Okay! Come fight me for another 300 rounds!" Wang Erniu laughed, clenching his fists and continuing to come.

He is a trainer, so his arms are rough, and the whole person is very burly, tall and big.

If he can continue to attack, Wang Erniu believes that he can still subdue Ying Changge.

He came quickly, and with a fist, he slammed down Tian Linggai, who was Ying Changge.

It's just a bag of food, Wang Erniu will not directly kill the killer, but will fight back.

Wang Erniu was originally an illiterate guy, a strong man who likes to fight and kill.

A fist attacked with force, Wang Erniu up and down his hands, and even opened his bow from left to right.

A pair of arms has a tiger-like offensive, and I can't wait to directly knock Ying Changge to the ground.

However, Ying Changge's figure flickered, and his steps were dexterous, so he wouldn't be intercepted just like that.

With a patient blow and a quick shot, Ying Changge once again blocked Wang Erniu's fist.

boom! Wang Erniu's fist fell into his palm, Ying Changge didn't move.

He caught Wang Erniu's fist at once, and Ying Changge immediately continued to counterattack in an orderly manner.

For the sake of the overall situation, in order to allow the refugees around here to have food relief to survive.

Therefore, Wang Erniu's selfish method is very wrong, and Ying Changge must stop it.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Don't look at Wang Erniu's five big and three thick, but Wang Erniu is not just a beast.

He was still chattering, and every attack hit Wang Erniu.

Such a mighty offensive is really too ferocious, and ordinary people can't resist it, Wang Erniu is as powerful as an ox.

Although Wang Erniu is mighty, Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, and the tricks in his hands are very dexterous.

The figure dodged, and with ease, Ying Changge passed Wang Erniu's casserole-sized fist.


Unwilling to give up, but still coming with perseverance, Wang Erniu shouted, his fists were extraordinarily powerful.

boom! The fist hit Ying Changge's head abruptly, but it failed to drop the mark of the fist.

Because Ying Changge had already raised his arm, blocking Wang Erniu's huge fist with ease.

I have long known that Ying Changge is dexterous, so now Wang Erniu is fighting with all his strength!

The fist in his hand charged quickly, slamming into Wang Erniu's abdomen.

The underside of the ribs is a very easy place to get injured. Wang Erniu was injured by Ying Changge like this, and he was in great pain.

After taking a few steps back with a grin, he turned around and continued to carry the food.

A lot of food can support Wang Erniu to live, but he is hungry and knows it is not good.

In order to survive, he had to take away the food here, and Wang Erniu felt that he was very kind.

Because there is so much food here, Wang Erniu did not rob them all at once.

There are a lot of things left here, enough for other people and refugees to feast on.

Chapter 942 Disaster relief food is the top priority!

"Get out of the way!" Wang Erniu shouted, and once again stretched out his hand and pressed it on Ying Changge's shoulder.

But Ying Changge is not a good stalker, his fists are so powerful, like a tiger coming out of the cage.

With a quick blow, Ying Changge's fist was fast and accurate, hitting Wang Erniu's abdomen directly.

He grinned in pain, and then Wang Erniu bent down and spit out a lot of bitter water.

"Wow! Your fists and feet are so heavy, how can you be so powerful!"

Wang Erniu raised his head, and then he was still impatiently approaching, waving his fists hard.

However, before Wang Erniu could make a move, Ying Changge decided to strike first with "083", and he immediately counterattacked.

Afterwards, he came out on top and made great plans. Every punch of Ying Changge anticipated Wang Erniu's attack.

Punching to the flesh and counterattacking forcefully, such a blow is really fierce and completely unexpected.

Quickly chasing, coming unscrupulously, Ying Changge's every attack was extraordinarily passionate.

Dealing with Ying Changge, Wang Erniu never rested, and he sacrificed himself for his own food.

But such an offensive could not defeat Ying Changge, let alone let him continue to survive like this.

After a few snaps, Wang Erniu was covered with bruises all over his body, and the mark on his fist was very clear.

Just after hearing Ying Changge's fists and kicks, Wang Erniu knew that he was incomparably mighty.

Gritting his teeth, he quickly confronted the enemy, Wang Erniu's fist smashed **** Ying Changge's head.

Really lawless! Ying Changge sighed helplessly, and he immediately fought back.

Fist bumps, you come and go, they simply keep fighting and continue to fight closely.

In order to be able to kill the opponent, the afterimage of the fist in his hand flashed with an unusual edge.

Obviously it's just fist and kick, but in Wang Erniu's view, Ying Changge's fist is really tough.

boom! A fist hit hard, and Wang Erniu's fist was blocked by another hit.

This is not a fair fight, because Wang Erniu's martial arts are not very strong.

Let him continue to attack, every time the fist is full of fire, even with great fanfare.

With a bang, his fist slammed down, and Ying Changge punched him in the face with precision and accuracy.

He covered his face in pain and wailed, and then he staggered to the ground.

Such a punch is extraordinarily powerful, almost making him unable to guard against it, which is really a pity.

Bang, the marks on the fist are very heavy, Ying Changge's blow, anyone with discernment can see such an attack.

But he couldn't dodge easily, which was the strength of Ying Changge.

What's more, now that Wang Erniu is carrying food on his shoulders, his figure is even more cumbersome and unable to fight against the enemy.

Ping ping pong pong, punching and kicking, the two are in close confrontation, you come and go, it is really fierce.

Ying Changge couldn't be easily subdued, such a mighty stance could always win the game.

The invincible attack stabbed quickly, Ying Changge's fist was like a sword, and the cold light flashed.

Snapped! With another fist, Wang Erniu, who was hit by Ying Changge, retreated again and again, unable to stop it.

In such a long battle, he didn't have any chance to get close to Ying Changge.

Under the charge of every move, his every step is just right, arbitrary 0......

Continuing to walk, he passed Wang Erniu's fist. At this time, he remained motionless.

On the contrary, Wang Erniu had already suffered a dark loss and could no longer block Ying Changge's fierce fist.

The close discussion between the two only made Wang Erniu more and more embarrassed.

He was stunned and looked terrified. The fists and feet in his hands were still fighting hard, fighting back incessantly.

The crackling attack and the big fanfare, this fist is really fierce and unexpected.

With the impact of each punch, the punch directly turned Wang Erniu's dizzy, dizzy.

Gritting his teeth, Wang Erniu didn't kneel in front of Ying Changge with the abrupt fighting strength.

But at this moment, Wang Erniu was still dizzy, and there was no chance at all to get up.

At this moment, Ying Changge grabbed the food from Wang Erniu's shoulder and returned it to its original place.

Wang Erniu looked very resentful in his eyes.

Disaster relief food is the top priority, and Ying Changge will not cause any damage to these food 5.0.

Wang Erniu, a tyrannical refugee, fought so hard to satisfy his hunger that he shouldn't.

Ying Changge then stopped him. He walked quickly and hit Wang Erniu with a fist.

Such a man of five big and three rough, but was beaten back a few steps, he was stunned.

Staring at Ying Changge in disbelief, Wang Erniu admired him very much, and he was indeed a trainer.

Without any hesitation, Ying Changge continued to catch up, because he must take the food.

Returning the food to the distance, Ying Changge strode the meteor approaching, hitting Wang Erniu on the chest.

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