When the war resumed, Zhang Dahu immediately rushed up and prepared to attack with a killing spree.

With the Goryeo army in front of him, Zhang Dahu had nothing to fear, opened the city gate, and immediately gathered the soldiers.

The mighty army was behind him, and he rushed out in a hurry.

The attack with great fanfare, the unbridled slamming, and such a fight still has an imposing manner like a rainbow.

As a general defending the city, Zhang Dahu felt that he was invincible and invincible! won't give in at all.

Chapter 946 The armor is not left, and there is nothing to fear!

Such an army is still coming in a dazzling array, and the people of Goryeo rushed under the city gate.

Taking all the situation into consideration, Zhang Dahu felt that Gao Li was just seeking his own death and hitting the stone with the egg.

The arrogant Goryeo came to attack the city he was guarding. Isn't this a man's arm and a chariot!

Therefore, Zhang Dahu and his elite troops immediately went to charge and attack the army of Goryeo.

The armies on both sides were entangled, chattering and shooting, and the soldiers charged first.

Many soldiers are still waiting impatiently. Zhang Dahu's soldiers are all lively guys.

They came chatteringly, walked unscrupulously, blocked the army of Goryeo, stopped them.

The soldiers on both sides were at the base station together, and they couldn't wait to shoot, and they struck down hard. The soldiers were very powerful.

Even with such a large Goryeo army, it may not be able to stop Zhang Dahu's army, he has no fear.

After all, under Zhang Dahu's command, many soldiers were training day and night, chattering endlessly.

Even if the Goryeo army came, Zhang Dahu felt that he would definitely be able to kill it and repel the enemy army.

Ying Changge didn't know about Goryeo, because the border land was outside and there was a lot of distance.

Even if he wanted to pay attention to any news, there would be no reply in a short period of time.

Zhang Dahu, who was guarding the border, was really arrogant, and did not report the war to Ying Changge.

Ying Changge, who didn't know anything about this, was still concentrating on dealing with the refugees and making sure they were hungry.

Food and seeds are still being transported, and many people both inside and outside the city came to collect them.

Concentrating on managing the refugees here, Ying Changge wants them to return to a stable and well-off life.

Otherwise, famine will continue to prevail, and I am afraid that more refugees will be involved, which is of great importance.

At the frontier, General Zhang Dahu was still attacking as always, in order to deal with Goryeo.

If Ying Changge knew about this, he would definitely dispatch troops to hunt him down and capture him.

However, it is a pity that Ying Changge did not know everything that happened in the borderlands, and the news came very late.

Moreover, the defending general Zhang Dahu had no plans to report the situation at all. He felt that this was a trivial matter.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Goryeo's attack is just wishful thinking, it's just harassment, but it may not be able to break through his city.

With the victory in hand, Zhang Dahu didn't hesitate, and dashed toward the shooting star with great strides.

He and his own army are persistently attacking, bravely going to meet the army of the enemy Goryeo.

Many Goryeo troops were still moving unscrupulously, and they spread around to surround Zhang Dahu.


Zhang Dahu and his men were going to kill Goryeo's army to pieces, so they went on a rampage.

But Zhang Dahu didn't dare to take the risk, he always let his elite soldiers charge first.

In Zhang Dahu's eyes, the enemy was just a mob, and he had no fear.

Let your vanguard go to charge first, aggressively kill the enemy, and let them die directly.

If you dare to offend the enemy army on your border, if you can't stay, you must kill them, and the whole army will be wiped out.

Still in the aggressive charge, the troops are staggered, the crowd is crowded, and so many soldiers are very brave.

The army rampaged, the soldiers fought and fought in blood, and there were swords and shadows everywhere.

Chapter 947 All of them are human, which is really rare!

The shrieking sound is earth-shattering, and it is even terrifying.

There was no delay in this, and they charged at once, coming in full force to surround the enemy.

It was precisely because of the enemy's collision that everything was in his hands, and he took on the most powerful posture.

Zhang Dahu is a masculine man, and his aggressive attack is a lore every time.

Under his own dispatch of "083", Zhang Dahu became even more powerful. He was really invincible and invincible.

Even if there were a few enemy troops in front of Zhang Dahu, he would not stop and continue to kill them one by one.

The enemy was forcing Zhang Dahu to take action. Naturally, he would not stop, and immediately started to attack and kill him.

A group of people walked aggressively, and the soldiers frequently shot, just to kill the enemy.

So many enemy troops look like a rainbow, but in fact they are nothing but ordinary!

When Zhang Dahu saw it, he laughed even more at ease, feeling that everything was mediocre.

He and his own men were still attacking hard, and they easily repulsed the people of the Goryeo army.

Showing a comfortable smile, Zhang Dahu and his soldiers continued to pursue the victory.

In his own eyes, many soldiers were nothing but ordinary, and Zhang Dahu continued to chase and kill.

He and his own soldiers tried their best to kill them, and many people died under the swords of their own soldiers.

Nodding very satisfied, Zhang Dahu then continued to move forward and continued to attack.

He was in tandem with his own men, and continued to attack the opponent in groups, so that he could make a contribution.

He is also a person who imitates Ying Changge, but he is loyal to the court and the opposition.

As long as you can kill the opponent, you don't need a lot of troops to defeat the opponent.

With all his might on the battlefield, Zhang Dahu killed a lot of people and eliminated them all.

In the borderlands, there is no one in panic, even quiet, there is no war, and it has always been peaceful.

But now, the Goryeo army has come here, unexpectedly wanting to offend Zhang Dahu.

Isn't this a very stupid thing! It is impossible for him to let these armies sway in front of him.

As a result, a series of people are still aggressively attacking, and they are killing each other.  …

After a **** battle, they fell into this mighty attack, but Zhang Dahu's people continued to stalemate.

Many enemy troops were repelled by Zhang Dahu, and in his eyes, he mocked the incompetence of the Goryeo army.

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Dahu and his soldiers continued to chase in order to surround them.

Let them all be wiped out, without leaving one, Zhang Dahu will be able to make military exploits at the border.

Military merit is so important, one battle can tell life and death, Zhang Dahu will not let the enemy come and go.

Since he is fighting with his own soldiers, he must wipe out all the enemy troops.

The war is still stalemate, and many people are still rushing out in an endless stream, which can be called a storm.

Domineering chase, Zhang 5.0 Tiger's men and horses are all black, and a large area is all people, which is really rare.

He and his men are all confident, so what about the Goryeo army? In fact, it is in order.

Patiently retreating and continuing to retreat, many soldiers fought fiercely with him.

There were countless fights, and the soldiers fell one by one, in a pool of blood.

Chapter 948 The talent of a general!

With a happy smile on his face, Zhang Dahu laughed three times, "Okay! It's really good! Keep chasing and killing!"

Since the Koryo enemy has no fighting intentions, Zhang Dahu needs to continue to chase and kill.

Unscrupulously chasing, Zhang Dahu's men and horses are many, and they are still impatient.

The battle was bombarded, blood flowed, and many dead enemy troops were trampled underfoot.

At the time when the army was in chaos, Zhang Dahu was still patiently facing the enemy, refusing to allow the enemy to leave alive.

The brave and fearless charge, and his soldiers are doing their best to confront it, very powerful.

Come one kill one, come ten kill ten! Zhang 05 Dahu's army has already taken the initiative.

Can't wait to fly over, Zhang Dahu rode on the horse, and wiped out several people together.

The enemy died in battle, and Zhang Dahu won a great victory, but he refused to stop, and continued to chase and kill.

Seeing the Goryeo army fleeing, Zhang Dahu laughed and continued to chase after his horse.

Showing his mighty stance, Zhang Dahu and his soldiers all marched forward in one go.

After beheading many soldiers one by one, Zhang Dahu's horses trampled on the corpses of the enemy and continued to chase.

The border war is easy to quell, Zhang Dahu feels that he is really a great general!

Approaching this place, Zhang Dahu's chasing soldiers continued to chase and kill, and they couldn't wait to go to chase and kill the Goryeo army!

As long as the entire army is completely assassinated and killed, the army will inevitably die, or even not a single one will remain.

Many enemy troops are still fleeing, and they seem to be unable to stop Zhang Dahu's pursuit.

In the borderland, what Zhang Dahu has to do is very simple, that is, kill these enemy troops.

After beheading the enemy, he will naturally be able to report Ying Changge and Ying Zheng, and he will be rewarded for his military exploits.

Otherwise, such a confidential matter and premature reporting will only put this place in danger.

Right in front of him, at this moment, Zhang Dahu is just concentrating on the battle, killing them all.

Seeing that the enemy was still escaping, Zhang Dahu and his soldiers continued to charge.

In order to defend his city, Zhang Dahu of course took offense as defense, and swaggeringly started to attack.

Can't wait to fight and attack bravely, many people died in his hands, and they were completely defeated.

With a sharp sword in hand, the murderous Zhang Dahu was still taking risks and attacking in order to keep them.

Under Zhang Dahu's eyes, a group of troops had no chance to escape, and were directly trapped here.

Yelling and shouting, Zhang Dahu and his own soldiers continued to dash forward and fight fiercely.

Every sword cut off the enemy's head, and Zhang Dahu's sword was covered with fresh blood.

It won't end so easily, he must wipe out the entire Goryeo army to face the truth.

For Zhang Dahu, this is a good opportunity to kill the chicken and warn the monkeys! He killed him immediately.

Every soldier died in his hands. Zhang Dahu was brave and seemed to be invincible.

The Goryeo army was helpless, and under Zhang Dahu's hardship, they quickly evacuated.

Zhang Dahu's majesty was displayed, and their faces were full of different gestures.

Still moving forward as always, there are many people in hand, and each of them has a lively attitude.

Chapter 949 I don't care at all!

Going deep into the enemy's army, Zhang Dahu fought unimpeded, always impatiently chasing.

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