He easily trampled many soldiers under the horse, Zhang Dahu was arrogant.

It is impossible for him to be defeated. It is not something Zhang Dahu hopes to lose his reputation. He is a fierce general.

As always, in the rushing chase, Zhang Dahu beheaded dozens of enemy soldiers under the rippling sword's edge.

But the army continued to escape, and it seemed that they would not stay and fight at all, and they were already scared.

With joy on his face, Zhang Dahu smiled happily, and then he and his soldiers immediately returned to his city.

It's just on the surface, the Goryeo army is really mediocre, and there is no chance of defeating Zhang Dahu.

With pride on his face, Zhang Dahu and his soldiers returned to his mansion, "Come on, write a letter quickly!"

This explains the great opportunity to make meritorious deeds. After all, Zhang Dahu has just repelled a lot of enemy troops, which is really mighty.

As a result, Zhang Dahu reported all the matters here carefully, and then reported it to the court and the public.

All of a sudden, the incident of the Koryo army's offense to the frontier land will be fully known.

In the streets, everyone knows that what Goryeo has offended is really ridiculous!

Ying Changge also knew about Goryeo's repelling, and he even sneered at it, he didn't care at all!

He is still concentrating on managing the famine in Jinghai County. In this way, the situation of the refugees will be stabilized for the time being.

Without any danger, Ying Changge could be regarded as having rescued all the refugees in Jinghai County.

Although it is only a temporary measure, it can also support the refugees and satisfy their hunger.

A lot of manpower was used to distribute food and grass seeds. In this way, the refugees were grateful to Zhang Ying Changge.

The letter was sent back, and Zhang Dahu, of course, reported everything that happened here.

In Jinghai County, Ying Changge also immediately received a secret report and knew about this kind of thing in the past.

Goryeo actually offends the border, it's really damn! Ying Changge thought carefully and fell into deep thought.

After thinking like this, Ying Changge immediately knew that there must be something wrong.

Why would Goryeo start sending troops at this time? Maybe, there are hidden secrets and strangeness in it.

Goryeo is a serious confidant. They led troops to attack, and Ying Changge was of course very worried.

But the battle report said that Zhang Dahu, the general defending the city, repelled them one by one and defended the city.

This is naturally something to be happy about, so Ying Changge felt relieved as soon as he came, he was very happy.

Ying Changge and his men are all dedicated to alleviating the famine of the refugees, and Ying Changge can make them stable.

Many refugees have received food seeds, and they immediately began to cultivate so that they can wait for a bumper harvest.

As long as there is a bumper harvest of food, the people who are self-sufficient will be free from famine.

For a while, Ying Changge was incapable of doing anything, so it was impossible for him to pay attention to the war on the border.

Since the Goryeo army was repelled, then (money is good) basically there are no other problems.

Ying Changge still trusts the security of the border very much, but he is dedicated to continue to **** food.

There is very little food, but there are still a lot of seeds, and Ying Changge must send them all.

The Koryo army lacks enough troops, but it may not be able to break through the borderlands, they can't!

Letting his soldiers continue to distribute seeds from house to house in the city, Ying Changge himself is very busy.

Chapter 950 is the famine implicated!

He didn't know that this time the war in the borderlands was ignored, but it caused a very important disaster.

Knowing that the frontier land has already won the battle, Zhang Dahu is even more proud and proud.

Imagine that he is about to be promoted and rich, Zhang Dahu is working hard day and night to train soldiers.

As long as these soldiers are brave and fearless to meet the enemy, it is naturally easy to kill them at that time.

The steady stream of the Koryo army was already afraid of Zhang Dahu, and did not dare to continue to show up to the enemy.

At that stop, Zhang Dahu became famous directly. He felt that he had the talent to go through the sky and the latitude.

Extraordinary power, killing the 083 Army of Korea is a matter of hand! Zhang Dahu wins the ticket!

Staying in his own city, Zhang Dahu's people are very eager, in order to fight another day.

The battle with the Goryeo army was fierce, but it boosted Zhang Dahu's morale.

In this way, Zhang Dahu is even more powerful, and he will definitely focus on guarding the city.

Today, Ying Changge continues to help the refugees in Jinghai County, in order to ensure their survival.

Refugees are the most important, they are implicated in the famine.

As long as the refugees don't die, Ying Changge's trip is worthwhile, and he must save this famine.

While Ying Changge was working hard to cure the famine, there were many changes in the situation.

Zhang Dahu got up today and heard his soldier's scolding, as if he was very anxious.

After carefully discerning for a moment, Zhang Dahu understood that it was the Goryeo army who had once again offended him.

So many enemy troops, outside the city, but did not directly attack, it is really funny.

With a contemptuous expression on his face, Zhang Dahu stood on the city, even more so.

"A bunch of rabble, even dare to appear in front of me again, I don't know whether to live or die!"

With a scolding, Zhang Dahu waved his hand, "If he wants to fight, I will fight, I must kill them!"

"It's funny how such a bunch of useless people dare to come here again!"

Standing on the city, Zhang Dahu akimbo, his eyes shot out a breathtaking look, very brave.

As long as the Goryeo army came to attack, he must rush up and kill them to pieces.

Seeing that many people appeared in front of him, Zhang Dahu was still waiting patiently.

Because the enemy army only appeared, but there was still a little distance from his own city, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Just gather the army in your hands together, at this moment, there is no danger.

With his own manpower, they quickly formed a battle, so that they could respond to the enemy's surprise attack.

As for the loss, many people came all in one go, and they may not be able to kill themselves and break into the city.

After winning a battle, Zhang Dahu was very proud and felt that he was not an ordinary person.

So, standing on the city, Zhang Dahu carried his sword in a sassy look.

Sure enough, Zhang Dahu still saw the Goryeo army going on a rampage and approaching his city.

How could he just sit back and watch! So, the attack started immediately. Counterattack started.

Once again in groups with his own soldiers, Zhang Dahu opened the city gate and quickly attacked.

Chapter 951 Protect the frontier land!

The mighty large group of people are all menacing, and they must kill the Goryeo army.

As long as he kills the enemy, Zhang Dahu can be promoted all the way and become a great general!

As a result, Zhang Dahu, who was eager to make contributions, quickly led his army to charge, and a large group of people were chasing after him bravely.

Many people are still behind Zhang Dahu, and their army is very mighty, approaching the battlefield directly.

In this barren mountain, in front of the Goryeo army, Zhang Dahu's men attacked aggressively.

Rapid charge, rampant as always, he felt that killing the Goryeo army was as easy as the palm of his hand.

With his own men and horses rushing up aggressively, Zhang Dahu has already drawn his sword and pulled out his scabbard, fighting fiercely.

Bloody battles, big sword collisions, ping ping pong pong, they fell into this entanglement.

Even if they knew the strength of the opponent, the Goryeo army was still not afraid of Zhang Dahu and continued to shoot.

Acting according to the plan, Zhang Dahu's men directly confronted the enemy, just to kill him.

Wearing armor and majestic, Zhang Dahu rode on the horse but did not stop and was still ready to go.

When the army came to the enemy, many people came to Zhang Dahu. They were like tigers and tigers.

But even so, Zhang Dahu was not afraid. He had won battles, and he was already proud.

He and his own soldiers were charging unremittingly, and Zhang Dahu had already charged into the enemy's inner side.

Under the siege of the army, many people came to assassinate Zhang Dahu, seeming to know that he was a general.

Fortunately, Zhang Dahu is not an ordinary person. His skills are very powerful, and he directly swept thousands of troops and struck with one sword.

He killed a few enemy soldiers with ease, and then he rode on a horse to continue the battle.

The Goryeo army would not let Zhang Dahu stay alive, and more cavalry came to surround Zhang Dahu.

Seemingly aware of Zhang Dahu's bravery and aptitude, many archers were ready to start shooting.

These are the elites of Goryeo, and their archers are exceptionally elite and shoot them directly.

However, Zhang Dahu did not die so easily, and he admired Ying Changge and the like.

Ying Changge's reputation is outside, Zhang Dahu naturally admires him very much, and wants to follow Ying Changge.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Kill the Goryeo army and annihilate them all, then Zhang Dahu will be able to make a contribution.

Hard work is very important, Zhang Dahu also wants to be as happy as Ying Changge!

That's why he is chattering and attacking, and the sword in his hand is constantly beheading the enemy.

One by one, all the enemies died under Zhang Dahu's sword, and he wanted to protect the borderlands.


Ying Changge, who lacked skills in clones, didn't know that the Goryeo army was coming again, so he was very relieved.

After staying in Jinghai County, Ying Changge has been struggling to cope with the loss of tens of thousands of refugees.

In the face of so many refugees, it is very important that one can save one.

As long as they are not in any danger, Ying Changge will save them from dire straits.

No matter what the situation of the refugees is, as long as they grow food and harvest seeds, that's enough.

Over and over again, the grain is rolling, and there will be more harvests, and Ying Changge's strategy is also useful.

When he was still busy with the refugees in Jinghai County, he would not have thought about the dangers of the borderlands and.

Chapter 952 It's easy to defend a city, but it's hard to attack a city!

Especially on the border cities, Zhang Dahu personally defended them, and even opened the city gates to start a battle.

The army of Gaoli and Goryeo were still charging fast, and Zhang Dahu rode on his horse and charged quickly.

The entanglements and wars you come and go with, and the **** battles, many people have already been beheaded by Zhang Dahu.

In terms of martial arts and skills, Zhang Dahu is also not bad, he is always eager to kill the enemy.

The two-pronged approach, the sword, light, sword and shadow "Zero 83", such a fight has already made Zhang Dahu even more powerful.

He was stained with blood, and he was always chattering and attacking, how mighty and powerful his sword was.

If the confrontation continues, Zhang Dahu will definitely catch them all and kill them.

Vigorous, the first battle broke out, and Zhang Dahu and his men were still trying their best to fight against each other.

The impact of the blade was indescribably dangerous, but Zhang Dahu still carried the blade to destroy it.

boom! Another enemy general was beheaded, and the menacing Zhang Dahu was entrenched on the horse, how majestic.

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