The ministers pretended to be deaf and dumb, and pretended to be dumb, and would not say anything.

Originally thought that the Goryeo army would continue to attack, but they temporarily entrenched the city and rested for a while.

His face was cold and stern, Ying Zheng didn't show any excitement, he was already gloomy and indescribable.

"Don't say it! What can you do! Say it, you can solve these enemies!"

There was no sound, there was no sound in the hall, and the ministers were silent and silent.

Chapter 959 Knowing about the border!

"A bunch of wine bags and rice sacks!" Ying Zheng scolded mercilessly, "Get on me quickly! Go protect the borderlands."

Under the dispatch of Ying Zheng, a lot of troops followed the general to go out on the expedition.

However, Ying Changge was still unaware of all this. He stayed in Jinghai County and devoted himself to resisting the famine.

As long as the famine can be overcome, there will be no other dangers, and the refugees are proud to be saved.

Does Ying Zheng dare not kill Goryeo! He must go to smash this small country!

As a result, Ying Zheng dispatched a lot of troops to guard the border areas with strict precautions.

In Jinghai County, Ying Changge has already achieved a lot of results in famine control, and everyone can be full.

After eating the food and reclaiming the grain and seeds into the ground, the people showed a long-lost and comfortable smile.

Not knowing the turmoil in the borderlands, Ying Changge had already become one with these refugees and had a great time.

The Goryeo army was still rampant, and many soldiers attacked the city in one go.

If Ying Changge had known about the border earlier, he would have personally led the attack anyway.

However, Ying Zhengsheng was afraid that Ying Changge would not have enough skills, so he did not directly mobilize Ying Changge.

After staying at Ying Changge in Jinghai County, Ying Zheng mobilized his elite soldiers by taking this opportunity.

Let them go to guard the borderlands, then maybe there is a chance to block the offensive of the Goryeo army.

As long as Yingzheng dispatches soldiers, it shows that what the Goryeo army has done is already outrageous.

Still going all out to attack, the Goryeo army is still chattering to attack Yingzheng's territory.

Protecting the country is a particularly important thing, and Ying Zheng still doesn't know where Ying Changge has gone.

Therefore, Ying Zhengyi sent someone to investigate Ying Changge's whereabouts, while resisting the attack of the Goryeo army.

If the Goryeo army continues to attack, I am afraid that more cities will be lost within a short period of time.

Internal and external troubles, Ying Zheng really had a headache, so he looked unhappy, and his face was full of gloom.

If it weren't for the impact of the Goryeo army, wouldn't it be time to change the dynasties in Dajiang's territory!

Ying Zheng, who looked displeased, ordered the ministers to stay away, and returned to his study.

The charge of the Goryeo army is really strong, and it is unreasonable, always attacking as always.

Knowing the ambitions of the Goryeo army, Ying Zheng couldn't wait to mobilize his own troops.

As long as you have enough troops to attack, you can easily repel the Goryeo army.

Knowing nothing about the war, Ying Changge is always patiently distributing grain seeds.

As long as there is enough food and seeds, the people will not continue to live on an empty stomach.

In the far-flung frontiers, the Goryeo army was still rapidly attacking the city, and wanted to capture more land.

Especially when the enemy attacked, the city in the borderland (good money) had already hoarded a lot of troops.

When they learned that the Goryeo army Wuyangyang was attacking, the army of the city began to be on alert.

As long as the enemy troops continue to attack, they must be severely hit to kill them completely.

Otherwise, the Goryeo army cannot be completely defeated, and they will be in more danger.

How important is the border land, especially after learning of Ying Zheng's death order, the soldiers are loyal.

Chapter 960 It is easy to set off a **** storm!

Worried, Ying Zheng was already very tired and very anxious about the border affairs.

But fortunately, Ying Zheng is very shrewd, so he won't be overwhelmed by trivial matters.

These methods are very direct. In order to resist the Goryeo army, Ying Zheng has always kept his word.

If you say that you want to kill the Goryeo army, you must let the Goryeo army be completely beheaded, leaving no one behind.

When the army of the city began to be on alert, many soldiers had already seen the soldiers of the Goryeo army approaching the city.

The Goryeo army was so arrogant that it led the army under the city.

Layers of attacks, approaching again and again, make the 100 Frontier Lands very dangerous.

However, the Goryeo army was not to be outdone, and even continued to attack the city in one go.

A group of people marched fiercely, and the soldiers were all standing on the city wall, all of them looking at each other.

As long as they can kill them and repel the enemy, this is the most worthwhile situation.

Otherwise, if the Goryeo army continues to go its own way, I am afraid that it will attack all the way into Xianyang!

After Ying Zheng's anger and anger turned into anger, the natural consequences were very serious, and it was easy to set off a **** storm.

As a result, under the mobilization of Ying Zheng, more and more troops were shelved in the borderlands.

The Goryeo army was really mighty, and they couldn't wait to attack in a grand manner.

Their people are really numerous, and each and everyone of them is invincible.

There are thousands of changes in such a manpower, and it is impossible to avoid a fight, because Goryeo is bound to win.

In a blink of an eye, the Goryeo army continued to attack and surrounded the city.

In Jinghai County, Ying Changge had heard a lot of things, but most of them were about refugees.

Famine is very tormenting, life is better than death, especially the feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable.

Many refugees died because of this, and their deaths were more important to Ying Changge, who refused to back down.

No matter what (affa), the people and refugees must be fed, so Ying Changge will focus on sorting out.

As long as there is any disaster, there will be Ying Changge's justice.

Ying Changge's every move involves the well-being of the people, so he naturally won't give up halfway.

When Ying Changge was busy with the refugee famine, the borderlands began a reckless campaign.

The war began, and the fighting was endless. Many people died because of it. The death was here, and they were completely defeated.

Many soldiers became extremely chilled, their faces were deserted, and they couldn't wait to guard the city.

Smiling triumphantly, the soldiers of the Goryeo army turned out to be so mighty and unstoppable.

Without the slightest hesitation, the menacing army entered the borderland and attacked the city.

For a time, the war was raging, the city suffered, and many soldiers died in the battle, blood flowing into rivers.

Under the war, the soldiers came in densely, and fought back unscrupulously.

Even if there are many Goryeo troops coming, the soldiers must guard the city here and refuse to give in.

Every move is very important, and the fighting in the borderlands has become more and more serious.

There have been rumors for a long time, but they are not easy to suppress. Once they are spread, they will soon become known to everyone.

Chapter 961 The possibility of annihilation in one fell swoop!

Since there is such an offensive, it is easier for the big guys to fight, this is facing the enemy head-on.

Charge into battle, fight on the battlefield, without any conspiracy or conspiracy, but with endless attacks.

Either live or die, such a battle is really sad, but it can't stop this situation at all.

Under the war, the mental strength is not enough, I am afraid that the Goryeo army will directly smash this city~.

In the borderlands, there are wars and chaos everywhere. Today is not as good as in the past. It is too embarrassing to move.

If it is normal, the army is guarding this place with a mighty domineering force, and there will be no difference.

The famine was prevalent, and the implications were widespread, and there was not much food for the claws of the army. Thanks to Ying Changge, it was solved in time.

But this is not something that can be solved in an instant. It also requires the planting and harvest of food.

In a short period of time, it is impossible for so many grains to be guaranteed and abundant.

Especially at the beginning of the march and war, the food in the army was not sufficient, and it was impossible to stalemate it.

Once the confrontation continues and the unbridled charge, the army will not block the Goryeo army.

The Goryeo army continued to move forward, surrounded the city, and showed a chilling look.

As always, they came and charged impatiently, and it was difficult for many soldiers to continue the battle in a stalemate.

With the victory in hand, the Goryeo army turned out to be invincible and continued to fight.

When Ying Changge learned the news of the Borderlands, he was already very surprised.

Because several cities on the edge of the land were attacked by the Goryeo army one by one.

This is a very serious matter, and there may be the possibility of being wiped out in one fell swoop!

After hearing about this, Ying Changge immediately contacted the spies to inquire about the information.

For all the defeats in the borderlands, Ying Changge couldn't miss them, and they had a panoramic view.

After inquiring about a lot of things, Ying Changge knew a lot of the battle situation, which was extremely tragic.

Under the offensive of the Goryeo army, there were hardly many people who could block this kind of invasion, and it was very embarrassing.

They died at the hands of the Goryeo army, and many of them became dead souls on the battlefield.

Loyal soldiers stood firm for their homeland, only to die at the hands of enemy troops on the battlefield.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

What a tragic battle this is! It was impossible for Ying Changge to let them sacrifice in vain.

These are all loyal people. They died on the battlefield, and Ying Zheng must avenge them.

As a result, Ying Changge immediately wrote a letter and began to contact the soldiers in the court and the opposition to explore border issues.

Everything happened too fast, there was no chance for the army to circle, and they would be defeated one by one.


The Goryeo army now has a bright future and seems to be invincible, and has directly attacked the depths of the border.

This is a big deal! Ying Changge would not sit idly by, he had to lead an attack.

It is already here that the famine of the refugees and the common people has been almost resolved, and Ying Changge is at ease.

Immediately after that, he immediately embarked on his return journey, and he had to meet Ying Zheng to discuss national affairs.

So, with the dust and the dust, he traveled thousands of miles, and he went quickly, always in a hurry.

In a blink of an eye, Ying Changge quickly returned to Xianyang from this remote place and entered through the city gate.

Goryeo is really going too far, especially the unbridled attack on the border, which is too deceiving.

Chapter 962 personally lead the army to raid!

In order to deploy his own troops, Ying Changge could not act privately, but reported to Ying Zheng.

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