Walking side by side with their own people, they couldn't wait to come back to the main hall.

Ying Zheng met Ying Changge and asked about Xiaoyaozi, naturally he was very concerned.

Ying Changge said back, and seriously said everything that happened in Jianzhou.

In this way, Ying "100" political will be relieved, "What do you think of the war in the borderlands!"

Hearing that Ying Zheng asked about this, Ying Changge was naturally furious, "They are going too far!"

"Yelang is arrogant, hitting a stone with an egg, and he wants to break through our borderland, isn't it wishful thinking!"

Ying Changge volunteered and immediately patted his chest, "I am willing to lead my troops to attack the Goryeo army!"

"This time, not only will we retreat from the enemy, but we will annihilate them in one fell swoop! No one will be left behind!" Ying Changge was confident.

He said loudly, "No matter what! As long as it's provoking a war, it's not right!"

Looking at Ying Changge's gesture, Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction, "Very good!"

With this kind of momentum, it is probably even easier to defeat the Goryeo army, very easy!

"Let all the troops be in your hands, and the whole army will be up to you to choose, and you will be able to repel the enemy!"

"Goryeo is really cruel, I won't be soft-hearted!" Ying Changge was bound to win.

"The more troops you lead, the better, and it will be even easier to capture Goryeo!" He strategized.

Ying Changge's eyes are not only on the Goryeo army, but actually on the entire Goryeo country!

"This time, if you don't do it again and again, it's better to directly eradicate the Goryeo army and take the entire Goryeo!"

He spoke his words like a bell.

Ying Changge expressed his confidence, even very firm, Ying Zheng was very happy.

Nodding, getting up satisfied, Ying Zheng said, "Okay! You personally lead the army to raid!"

"When the time comes, it will be a success! This is the hope of the government and the public! You will definitely be able to accomplish it!"

With Ying Zheng's words, of course Ying Changge must win the battle, which is very important.

Not only to repel these Goryeo troops, but also to make Goryeo pay a heavy price.

What is this all about! It is nothing more than more or less, and the force to suppress Goryeo is enough.

Knowing that the Goryeo army is still impatiently attacking the border, this is an insult to Ying Changge.

Therefore, Ying Changge will not let his own people die like this, which is a very important thing.

Ying Changge and his own people were rampaging quickly, and Ying Changge carefully prepared a few troops and arranged them in formation.

As long as General Youliang is by his side, he will definitely be able to attack the Goryeo army.

The ambitious Goryeo, in order to expand the territory, is simply doing all kinds of evil, even unscrupulous means.

In order to be able to break through the city, the Goryeo army did not stop and continued to advance 5.0.

A group of people are fierce and fierce, and the soldiers are all hidden murderous intentions, and they are really brave.

If this kind of offensive can't kill Ying Zheng, I'm afraid that the Korean army will lose all its achievements!

The lively and lively army has no intention of stopping, and continues to attack the inside and outside of the city.

More than a dozen cities have been destroyed like this, and the Goryeo army is not a cowardly person.

Chapter 963 It takes a long-term plan!

Since they are going to start fighting, it means that there must be a menacing attack.

Unbridled impact, many people are rampant and domineering, trying to wipe out the city.

Today, Ying Changge is going to try it out to see who can show off his might in front of him.

As a result, Ying Changge took orders from Ying Zheng, and he must put all his troops on the front line.

Ying Changge is willing to lead the troops to attack, so the other soldiers are naturally eager to move and look forward to it.

There is a sentence of Ying Changge, then it is echoed from all directions, and everyone wants to assist Ying Changge in attacking.

Under the war, there were hardly many people who were able to stop the Goryeo army, so the city would miss one after another.

Hearing that the Goryeo army is in constant flames of war, it must be annihilated in one fell swoop, eliminating Yingzheng's henchmen.

Both civil and military, Ying Changge of a talented person, of course, is doing his part in the war, and is eager to move.

This kind of fight is inevitable, Ying Changge will lead the army, and of course they will be wiped out.

Patiently prepared, and his own people are ready to go on the road, Ying Changge is selecting enough good generals.

Since you want to destroy the country of Goryeo, you must do it by all means.

It is easy to kill a few enemies, but if you want to destroy the country, it will be a serious matter.

Such important matters need to be considered from a long-term perspective, and Ying Changge is of course to select the most elite people.

Ying Changge was about to set off for the expedition, and the news spread directly to the ears of many great troops.

Everyone knows that Ying Zheng was assigned to Ying Changge's mission, so the soldiers all rushed to come.

They all turned to Ying Changge, hoping to kill the Goryeo army on the battlefield.

The far-sighted Ying Changge is not in a hurry.

Staying in the army, consolidating the strength, Ying Changge is for this grand plan, so that he can force Goryeo back.

In control of the army, the strength is for one's own use, Ying Changge must give some lessons to the arrogant enemy army!

For many years, the well water did not make the river water, and Goryeo seemed to be honest and did not seem to be in any danger.

But now, Goryeo has finally revealed his wolf ambitions in order to **** territory.

Once it is to compete for the country, that is to leave no way out for Ying Zheng, he is naturally very angry.

Therefore, it was appropriate to hand over this important matter to Ying Changge, and Ying Zheng was very satisfied.

Under such a fight, no one can stop Ying Changge's enemy, and he leads the army like a god.

Meng Tian also heard about this, so he came here in a hurry. He came to see Ying Changge.

As long as Ying Changge spoke, Meng Tian would be able to lead the army to kill the enemy happily.

Let the Korean army continue to come, their morale is high, and their emotions are high. It is too much!

Proud soldiers will be defeated. If such a Goryeo army continues to come, they will surely die among the Yongchang singers.

Think twice, Ying Changge has gathered several generals, just to conquer them together.

The battle at this time is to paralyze the other party, and only then can you invite them all into the urn.

Ying Changge, who is waiting patiently, arranges things patiently and manages everything on the front line.

He had already heard the news that Ying Changge needed to lead the troops to fight, so Meng Tian couldn't be idle.

He immediately came to this place, stood beside Ying Changge, and begged himself to go there together.

Chapter 964 Arrogant Goryeo!

If he can kill the enemy army happily, this is also a great opportunity for Meng Tian.

After hearing Meng Tian's request, Ying Changge naturally nodded without hesitation, "Okay!"

With a lucrative general like Meng Tian, ​​he believed that he would be able to leap forward on the battlefield.

Coupled with the dispatch of many generals, it must be aggressive and able to directly kill the Goryeo army.

This battle is cautious and desperate, for Ying Changge, it will be related to the entire country.

The battle of one country is particularly important. The reason why Ying Changge is still preparing is to prepare for the border battle.

There are already many Goryeo troops fighting in front of them, such a battle is unexpected.

In order to be able to block such offensives, the biggest enemy is not the Koryo army, but the Koryo country.

Sober and clear at a glance, Ying Changge knew that his path on the battlefield would not be so simple.

If it can go smoothly, it is also good, but unfortunately, it is not possible to subdue him in one battle.

The Goryeo army is bound to win, especially the impatience, wanting to destroy the cities one by one.

Such gestures are really arrogant, Ying Changge started to prepare after knowing their whereabouts.

The war is about to break out, and in such a battlefield, many people will be lost, and many souls will be destroyed.

Ying Changge didn't want his soldiers to die in battle, but wanted to wipe out the Goryeo army.

The arrogant and arrogant Goryeo is trying to covet the beauty of the country with such a small amount of military strength?

It's vulgar! Really bold. So Ying Changge must punish them severely!

When Meng Tian came, naturally other people came, and they were all famous soldiers.

Hearing the news, he came to visit Ying Changge.

From Ying Changge's point of view, the Goryeo army has run out of fuel and will die in his hands sooner or later.

On the battlefield, the turbulent battle made the good news of the Goryeo army come continuously.

This kind of thing makes Ying Changge really annoyed, he only owes Dongfeng everything is ready.

Leading the army to fight, the fighting in the city is very cruel, and the frontier land is completely defeated.

Their casualties were to be expected, and their deaths would only be life-threatening.

Rivers of blood flowed and corpses were scattered everywhere, and the offensive of the Goryeo army seemed to be unstoppable.

But Xun Changge was particularly brave. He raised his fist and vowed secretly that he must recapture the city.

Especially after a few days of delay, Ying Changge heard a lot of news, and the battle report was unpleasant.

The city was continuously lost, and the Goryeo army always broke the city and marched with great fanfare.

Under such a fight, Ying Zheng was naturally annoyed, and he resented how weak his own troops were.

But fortunately, Ying Changge made his move. Once he made his move, he would get twice the result with half the effort, and he would definitely be able to protect the territory.

The border is particularly important. The long song must do everything to guard (what you get) to ensure that it is unattended.

Intercept the Goryeo army and make their people come and go, then the war will naturally be subsided.

This battle, whether it is successful or not, must first demonstrate the momentum of Ying Changge's army.

Meng Tian followed the side of Xun Changge.

"It won't be long, but it won't start right away!" Ying Changge took a sip of tea slowly.

Chapter 965 The right place and the right time!

Because the Goryeo army has already passed the test, beheaded a lot of the army, and occupied a lot of cities.

This situation is very dangerous. If there is a slight error, it is naturally easy to lose more manpower.

This is not to be able to fight casually, and it needs to be cautious and careful to kill the enemy.

Before he made any preparations, he would not attack recklessly and rashly, which would be tantamount to death.

Marching and fighting requires certain opportunities, and the generals must be thoughtful and the soldiers must be superb.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to take down the mighty Goryeo army if they attacked with this kind of manpower.

When an enemy attacks, soldiers will die. Such a raid must be full of high spirits.

Everything is under control, Ying Changge needs to explore the mystery before starting the battle.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will be victorious in a hundred battles. If Ying Changge is here, there will be no good days for the Goryeo army.

After Meng Tian heard about it, he let Ying Changge send him to prepare for this kind of battle.

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