"No, how do you want to fight this battle?"

Tezuka asked.

"It's still the same as before!"

Fuji chuckled.

"Don't you change the lineup?"

Tezuka asked.

"No need!"

Buji shook his head, and his gaze looked at Lihaida on the opposite side.

"In the face of a team like Tachikai, changing the lineup will not work for them, otherwise Tachikaida would not have dominated the Kanto for thirteen years. "

"In addition, our Yamabuki lineup is also relatively limited, and the doubles and singles are relatively fixed!"

"If you change, it will be counterproductive!"


Hearing this, Tezuka nodded, feeling that what he said also made some sense.

"Then play according to the original lineup!"

Tezuka said to Noji.


Unlike Fuji, Yukimura changed the lineup in a targeted manner.

This is probably due to the obsession with the Kanto Grand Prix champion!

After all, they have been dominating the Kanto for thirteen years, and Yukimura doesn't want to break off in their term, not to mention that Yamabuki is an opponent that needs to be taken seriously.

So in terms of lineup, Yukimura also changed slightly.

Doubles two: Marui, jackal.

Doubles One: Māori, Renwang.

Singles three: Willow.

Singles Two: Sanada.

Singles One: Yukimura himself.


"Next, we will start the final of the Kanto Competition, the competition between Kanagawa Rikkai University High School and Tokyo Toyambuki Middle School!"

"The first thing to do is doubles two!"

"By Tatekai University Affiliated High School Marui Bunta, Jackal Mulberry Garden VS Yamabuki Middle School Senishi Aozun, Yanagawa

Accompanied by the sound of the radio.

The whole stadium also became quiet in an instant, but the enthusiasm of the people ignited in an instant.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Finally about to start?

The final showdown between Tachikai Yamato Yamabuki.

Under the expectant gazes of everyone in the audience, the doubles players on both sides walked out separately.

Tachikai Dai: Marui, jackal.

Yamabuki: Sengoku, Yanagawa.

"Marui and jackal?"

Looking at the two players who entered the Lihai Dazhong, Buji's eyes were also slightly condensed.

He naturally knew Marui and the jackal.

The original is an ace doubles with a neutral sea dai, if not for the awakening of the homology of Oishi and Kikumaru.

Then the number one doubles in the country is undoubtedly the two of them.

"The doubles two is jackal and marui, then the doubles one is a combination of Yanagi, Nio, or Maori and Nio'~!"

"The singles lineup should be Yukimura and Sanada, and the other singles should be Yanagi or Mori!"

"But with Maori's lazy personality, Yukimura will probably put him in doubles!"

"In other words!"

"Doubles Two: Jackal, Marui!"

"Doubles One: Renwang, Maori !"

"Singles Three: Willow!"

"Singles Two: Sanada!"

"Singles One: Yukimura!"

"This should be the lineup of Lihai University!"

After a little analysis, Buji roughly guessed the lineup of Lihai.

Perhaps there may be discrepancies in the singles, for example, it may be Yanagi singles two, Sanada singles three.

But basically that's it.

But I did guess correctly.

This time's final Tachikai Dai's lineup is indeed like this.


"I can't imagine that your Yamabuki is so strong this year, all the way to the final of the Kanto Competition, but the champion of the Kanto Competition, we Lihai University is still bound to win!"

On the court, Marui blows bubble gum while facing Chiseki and Yanagawa.

"Then it depends on whether you have this ability!"

Along the way, Chishi's heart has also become much stronger, and he is no longer as nervous as when he first stepped into the Kanto Tournament.

Now he!

No matter what opponent you face, you will maintain a calm heart.

Even if the opponent is a school like Tachihai Dai, the thirteenth hegemony of the Kanto.


Marui smiled faintly, he was not moved by Chishi's words.

Yamabuki can reach the final of the Kanto Tournament, which shows that his strength is good.

With a smile, he also said, "Then I'll have a good look!"


"The game begins! First of all, Lihai Da's serve!"

When both sides were ready, the referee also blew the whistle for the start of the game.



At the bottom line, Marui tapped the tennis ball, and after a little look at his opponent's position, he was the only way to go.

"Then test your strength!"


Say it!

Marui lifted his racket and hit the ball.

This ball is very tricky, just hit the place where Qianshi can hardly parry.

"This ball!"

In the mountain blowing, Minami Kentaro and Oriental Masami frowned.

"This is the temptation of the other party!"

Tezuka said solemnly, "The other party is testing the strength of Chishi!"

"Very tricky ball!"

On the court, Chiseki was not moved by Marui's tricky serve. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

He calmly took a step back and swung the racket in his hand.

"But I can take it!"


A bang.

The tennis ball flew to the opposite side under Chiseki's volley.

"Took it?"

The corners of Marui's mouth twitched.

In the next instant, his whole person rushed online.

Looking at Qianshi on the opposite side, he chuckled: "The strength is good, but just like that, it's not enough!"


Qianshi's face changed slightly.

Without waiting for his further reaction.

The tennis ball was smashed down by Marui.


A bang.

What followed was the referee's decision.

"Lihai big score, 15-0!"

"Scored in an instant?"

In the mountain blowing, many people's faces changed.

Although the combination of Chiseki and Yanagawa is not very strong, he has lost whether it is facing the Ice Emperor or Rokkakur.

But it was scored by the opponent so quickly.

Lihai's strength is too strong!


"'This kind of strength!'

On the court, Qianshi frowned slightly.

Ming Ji and he are generally in the first grade, but their strength is amazing.

"Keep going!"

Marui smiled faintly at Chiseki, and after returning to the bottom line, he hit the ball again.

Then, as before, Marui once again killed in front of the net.

The jackals located in the rear quickly made up for it and controlled the backfield area.

"Is it a serve again?"

"In that case!"


The tennis ball was hit high in the air by Chiseki.

It's a high hanging ball.

"Using a high hanging ball to limit my offense?

"But this is a doubles!"

After Marui said this, the jackal in the rear made a quick move.

A clever diagonal draw scored another point.


"Scored again!"

In the mountain blowing, many people's faces changed again.



"Game! Lihai Da, 1-0!"


End of the first inning.

Taken down by Marui and jackal.

"It's so strong! Lihai big doubles!"

"Indeed strong!"

All around, the audience was talking about it.

Marui in the field said to his opponents, namely Chiseki and Yanagawa, "Is that all?"

"Naturally, it's more than that!"

However, Chishi's answer made Marui frown slightly, and the former smiled at him: "Your strength is very strong, but we will not easily admit defeat!"


"Let's go, Yanagawa-senpai!"


The voice fell.

Chiseki and Yanagawa were in formation.


However, unlike the oblique position of ordinary players, Chiseki and Yanagawa maintain a line.

From the opponent's point of view, it is as if there is only one person.

"What formation is this?"


Many people's eyebrows changed.

It was the first time they had seen this formation.

"It shouldn't be!"

On the contrary, Inoue realized something, and he took away his phone and quickly checked it.

A moment later, after seeing the exact same formation as Qianishi and Yanagawa displayed on the web page, his eyes were also slightly condensed.

"Sure enough!"

"It's an Australian formation!"

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