"It turned out to be an Australian formation!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Inoue's eyes.

As a reporter for a monthly professional tennis magazine, Inoue naturally knows a wide range of things.

Formations like Australia are one of them.

Originating from Australia, it is often used even in professional doubles matches.


Chiseki and Yanagawa actually mastered this formation.


"Is this an Australian formation?"

Yamabuki Naka.

A hint of surprise flashed in Buji's eyes.

As Yamabuki's minister, he didn't even know that Chiseki and Yanagawa had mastered this formation.

The Australian formation is naturally known.

In the original work, Oishi and Kikumaru were used, and they are very powerful.

But the problem is!

Chiseki and Yanagawa actually mastered it.


"It was during the month you left, I let Chiseki and Yanagawa master!"

"Considering that Chiseki and Yanagawa are not very strong in doubles, I let them master a formation to strengthen their doubles!" Tezuka explained.

"During the month I'm away?"

Buji raised his eyebrows.

If so, he would be able to accept it.

Otherwise, Buji felt that his minister had done too much of a dereliction of duty.

Chiseki and Yanagawa mastered the Australian formation, and he, the minister, did not even know.


"What formation is this?"

Although Marui and Jackal have good strength, they are the ace doubles of Tachikai in the original work.

But during this period, they were only one country, so they didn't know what formation Chiseki and Yanagawa were posing.

"Let's show you how powerful we are!"

Chiseki chuckled. 490 lifts the racket and hits a ball.

"Although I don't know what kind of formation you put up, the doubles competition is still strength!"

With a cold snort, Marui's whole person suddenly came out.


The tennis ball was struck out by Marui and flew towards the right side of his opponent.


Qianshi smiled faintly.

He stepped out and galloped towards the tennis ball, and since Yanagawa was in front, Marui did not catch Chishi's movement in the first place.

When he reacted, the tennis ball had already been hit back by Chishi.


Marui's face, which was still full of confidence, also changed slightly, and he quickly ran out and took the tennis ball.

But his temporary strain could not keep up with the pace of Chiseki and Yanagawa.

Even if the jackal in the backcourt did his best to do his part, he was still scored by Chishi.

I saw that Qianshi struck a sharp draw and attacked a point strongly.


Not only this one, but also several subsequent matches.

Even if the personal strength of jackal and Marui is above Chiseki and Yanagawa, their rhythm is also disrupted by Chiseki and Yanagawa under Australia, and they are scored by Chiseki and Yanagawa in succession.


Yamabuki, 1-1!"

In less than three minutes, the score was tied by Chiseki and Yanagawa.

Marui and the jackal were led by the nose!"

"What the hell is this!"

In Lihai University, many people widened their eyes, and some couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

"This is an Australian formation!"

On the side, Willow spoke.

"Australian formation? What is it?"

As soon as Willow's words came out, many members of Lihai cast curious eyes towards him.

"It's a very powerful doubles formation, originating in Australia, and it's often used even in the professional arena. "

As Lihai's military master, Liu knows a lot of nature.

Like the Australian formation, he also knows.

But the other members of Lihai University didn't know that when they heard Liu's words, their faces also changed drastically.

Then someone spoke, "So Chiseki and Yanagawa used a professional-level doubles formation?"

"So to speak!"

Willow nodded.

Although Chiseki and Yanagawa cannot exert the maximum power of the Australian formation, it is true that Australia itself is a professional-level doubles formation.


Hearing this, the people of Lihai couldn't help but gasp for air.

Then they all looked at the field.

"Isn't this game between Marui and the jackal dangerous?"

"Not necessarily!"

It was Yukimura who said this, he stood there, his hands around his chest and said: "Although the Australian formation is very powerful, the power of this formation depends on the strength of the opponent!"

"Although the strength of Chiseki and Yanagawa is good, they cannot exert the maximum power of the Australian formation!"


"Marui and the jackal didn't show their real strength either!"




On the court, Chiseki and Yanagawa constantly attacked.

In the Australian formation state, they directly suppressed the opponent (ajah) in turn.


"Game! Yamabuki, 2-1!" (read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)



Yamabuki, 3-1!"

In one breath, Senseki and Yamabuki were three consecutive innings before.

"So strong!"

Around, many people and people from other schools also shocked the strength of Chiseki and Yanagawa one after another.

Especially those who had fought against Chiseki and Yanagawa before, even more so.

When it comes to fighting them, Chiseki and Yanagawa are not as strong as they are.

"So, when they duel against us, did Chiseki and Yanagawa still hide their strength?"


"Do you still think that our strength is only like this?"

After three consecutive rounds, Chiseki also smiled at Marui and the jackal.

"I underestimated you!"

Marui touched the corner of his mouth: "But if you want to say that this match must be won by you, then it may not be!"

As he spoke, Marui removed the wrist guard from his hand.

The same goes for jackals.



Four bracers landed on the ground, splashing dust off the ground.

However, it's not over.

After removing the bracer, the jackal and Marui crouched down and turned the sock over, and there was even a lead block of ankle rings hidden inside.

"It's a load!"

All around, people from other schools looked at the jackal and the things taken out by Marui, and their faces changed.

In the previous duel, the opponent was wearing a weight in the game.

Similarly, in the mountain blowing, many people's faces also changed.

Even Tezuka's brows frowned slightly, he obviously did not expect that the other party was wearing such a weight on his body.


On the court, Marui, who removed the weight, said to Chiseki and Yanagawa, "Don't think that mastering one formation can defeat us!"


Qianshi frowned slightly.

The same is true of Yanagawa.

Before, the other party actually wore weights and they were fighting.




On the pitch.

The four of them kept fighting.

However, the situation is no longer the same as before, this time it is Chiseki and Yanagawa's turn to be suppressed.

Even if they used the Australian formation, this was the case.


"Game! Lihai Da, 2-3!"



Yamabuki, 4-2!"



"Game! Lihai Dai, 3-4"



"Game! Tachikai Dai, 4-4"


Twenty minutes later, the score was tied by Marui and the jackal.

"Even if you master the Australian formation, you can't defeat your opponent at all?"

Many members of the mountain blow club frowned at this moment, and the gaze that looked at Lihaida on the opposite side was also mixed with a bit of shock.

Is this the strength of the Great Tachikai of the 13th consecutive hegemony of the Kanto?


"The game is over! Tachikai Daimarui Fumita, jackal mulberry won the game, the score was 7-5!"

Fifteen minutes later, the referee blew the end of the game whistle.

Although Chiseki and Yanagawa played well enough and mastered the Australian formation, they still failed to win this match.


Looking at the defeated Chiseki and Yanagawa, many people in Yamabuki's eyes darkened.

3-1 lead.

In this case, it was even turned over by the opponent.

But soon they found that their shock came earlier.

Doubles one!

South and East, which had never lost a single game on their side, lost the same thing.

And the score is even more exaggerated than before.


In the whole game, South and East only scored three points.

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