"South and East actually lost!"

Chiseki and Yanagawa lost, and many members of Yamabuki can still understand, after all, the strength of Chiseki and Yanagawa is not very strong, and the tacit understanding between each other is worse.

But the South and East lose.

This shocked them.

You must know that the doubles of the south and the east have the level of the Kanto level, even stronger than many Kanto-level doubles, and they are ~ proficient in code tactics.

The South and the East of such strength actually lost.

"Two consecutive defeats!"

All around, auditoriums.

Many people from other schools - brows are also frowned.

Yamabuki lost two in a row.

This is undoubtedly what they did not expect, after all, judging from Yamabuki's previous record, it is not a loss to Lihai.

They originally thought that Yamabuki could win at least one of these two doubles, but they didn't expect to lose both.

"Lihai Da!"


They also looked at the Lihai camp located opposite Yamabuki.

This year's Lihai is a little too powerful!

Although most of the official team members are freshmen, their strength is amazing.


"Is this really the opening?"

Unlike them, Buji shook his head.

That's right!

Nouji had already guessed that the two doubles games would probably be lost on their side.

After all, there are many great generals in Lihai.

Like Willow and Maoli, no matter which one is quite strong.

Randomly arranging one of them in doubles can make a big difference.

"But... The game isn't over yet!"

The two doubles defeated North, which in the eyes of others, I am afraid that they have lost the mountain.

But he knew that the winner or loser was undecided.

After all, this year's Yamabuki is not strong in doubles.



On the other side, Lihai Dazhong, looking at Yamabuki, who lost two games in a row, many members also laughed.

"It seems that Yamabuki's strength is only that!"

But is that?

Yukimura did not let his guard down.

He is well aware that Yamabuki is strong this year and is no longer known for doubles as before.


Yamabuki's doubles are still its standout.

But this year is different.

The real thing about Yamabuki this year is singles.

No two.



The three of them are the trump cards that really support Yamabuki.


"Next, let's start the singles three-way match! Yutakai University Affiliated High School Yanagiji vs Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito!"

Accompanied by the sound of the radio.

The singles threes also began.


Listening to the players sent by Miyamabuki, Yukimura's eyes were also slightly condensed.

He naturally knew that Yakuzu, although he was a first-year like them, his strength was amazing.

Since the regional competition, I have not lost a single game, even against Yokoyama, the deputy minister of Rokkaku, and only lost one point.

Yokoyama this person, Yukimura has heard of it.

The strength is not weak.

With the level of the Kanto level, it can be regarded as a not weak existence even in the Kanto level.

The 6-1 victory over Deputy Minister Yokoyama of Rokkaku shows the strength of Yakuzu.

This thought flashed in his mind, and Yukimura also said to Willow: "Yanagi!

"I know!"

Willow nodded.

In fact, even if Yukimura didn't say it, Yanagi wouldn't be careless.

After all, he also knows the strength of Yakuzu, he is a very strong guy, and judging from the opponent's previous records, this person is undoubtedly a true national master.

In the face of a national-level master, how dare he be careless.


On the court, Yakuzu carried the racket and looked at the opposite Willow, he chuckled: "It's quite good! You can actually get two games out of our hands, but you won't have such good luck next!"

Although Yakuzu joined Yamabuki because he wanted to defeat Fuji.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have a sense of collective honor.

Against opponents, Yakuzu will also be very strong.


Hearing this, Willow's eyes narrowed slightly.

But he didn't refute anything, just as Yukimura knew how powerful Yamabuki was this year, so did Yanagi.

This year, Yamabuki's real place lies in its singles.

Although they won the previous two doubles, it may not be possible to say that they can defeat Yamabuki.

After all, in the next three singles matches, the players sent by Yamabuki are very strong, even Yakuzu, who ranks third in strength, has the strength of the national level.


"The game begins! First by the Tachihai Great Serve!"



On the tee, Willow tapped the tennis ball.

As for his gaze, it was locked on Yakuzu's body.

The limbs are powerful and full of muscles, and you can see that Yakuzu is a strength type fighter.

In addition! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

The speed should also be amazing.

"That being the case. "

The gaze was slightly condensed.

Willow lifted the racket and hit the ball.

As a master of Lihai University, but also a military master of Lihai University, Liu's strength is also very strong.

During this period, although his strength did not reach the national level, he also had a quasi-national level.


Willow's greatest strength lies not in his own skills, but in his ability to gather information on his opponents.

That is, intelligence tennis.

He can use his opponent's data to analyze his opponent's movements and control the entire game.

Liu is called a military master, also because of this.

Although Yakuzu is very strong and he may not be an opponent if he goes head-to-head, in Yanagi's opinion, as long as he can collect Yakuzu's data, then he can win this match.

After all, when the data was collected by him one by one, how could the other party talk about victory.



Tennis balls fly out.

In the blink of an eye, it landed in the field of Yakuzu.

"Good power!"

Feeling this super strong serve from Yanagi, Yakuzu laughed.

"But if you want to score, it's still a little short!"

The voice fell.

Yakuzu's whole person suddenly came out.

It's fast.

Almost instantly, the ball landed.


The next moment.

The tennis ball flew upside down and galloped towards Willow.

"What an amazing speed!"

Tachikai Dainakai, Marui frowned.

"It is said that Yakuzu has physical qualities comparable to that of athletes, which is why his speed is so amazing!"

Sanada said quietly.

"Comparable to the physical qualities of an athlete?

Hearing this, Marui couldn't help but smack his lips.


The same is true of other members of Lihai University.

In the first grade, the physical fitness is to reach the athlete level.

Is that kid a monster?

"So fast!"

On the court, feeling Yakuzu's amazing outburst, Willow's eyes were also slightly condensed.

As a military division of Lihai, Liu shouldered the task of collecting information on his opponents.

And Yakuzu, as one of the three major generals of Yamabuki, is naturally also in his collection mission.

It is reported.

Many players were crushed halfway through the duel with Yakuzu.

He didn't believe it at the time.

After all, Yakuzu is also in the first grade, even if he is strong, it is impossible to defeat his opponent!

But at this moment he believed.

This kind of explosion, where is like what a first-grader can have.

Even Sanada wasn't so fast.


Putting away the thoughts in his heart, Willow stepped out.

Although Yakuzu's offensive was fierce, Yanagi did not immediately lose the battle.

After all, it is the military division of Lihai University, and it is also Sanada and Yukimura and has become the three giants of Lihai, this strength, Liu naturally still has.


With a crisp sound.

The tennis ball was taken by Willow.


Under its volley, it flew to the other side of Yakuzu.

And seeing that Yanagi hit him back, Yakuzu also said: "It's not bad!

"I will take this as if you praised me!"

Willow said lightly.



Yakuzu smiled playfully.

"I'm not praising you!"


Hearing this, Willow's eyebrows also frowned slightly.

The moment he looked up, he saw that Yakuzu had killed in front of the net, and the latter chuckled at him: "I mean to say that no matter how strong you are, you can't defeat me!"

Say it!

Yakuzu directly fell with a strong smash.


The tennis ball exploded from behind Willow.

15-0 dirt!.

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