
Tennis balls fly out.

In the blink of an eye, it landed on Tezuka's grounds.

The strong force will roll up the dust on the ground.

"Is it such a strong serve in the opening?"

Marui frowned slightly, he had thought that Sanada would test this match beforehand before attacking.

I didn't expect to hit so hard at the beginning.

"The opponent is Tezuka after all!"

It was Yukimura who said this.

Although he had never fought Tezuka, he knew Tezuka's strength.

The strength is strong.

Like Sanada, it has a national level.



On the court, Tezuka watched Sanada's strong serve and stepped out.

The speed is not fast, but it just appeared there at the moment when the tennis ball reached its highest point.


The racket is swung.

Sanada's serve was hit back by Tezuka.

"Did you hit back my serve in an instant?

Sanada snorted coldly.

Immediately, his whole person rushed out quickly.


The tennis ball was hit by him and slammed the other side of Tezuka.

"Good ball!"

Looking at Sanada's extremely strong pump, Lihai Daizhong and many people's faces were happy.

In their opinion, even Tezuka would probably not be able to block Sanada's ball.


But the next moment.

A batting sound sounded from Tezuka's pitch.

Immediately, this expression suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of disbelief.

Looking at Tezuka, who was holding the tennis ball in his pocket, their eyelids jumped wildly.

"Pick up... Take it!"

Sanada's powerful blow was actually blocked by Tezuka.

On the court, Tezuka said to Sanada, "The offensive is good, but it's still a little short to score!"

Say it!

Tezuka swings the racket in his hand.


The tennis ball flew out and went straight to Sanada.

"Two strokes?"

Sanada sneered, and then made a gesture of shooting back.

"But again, your ball doesn't try to escape my racket!"


Say it!

Sanada's whole person suddenly came out.


With a sharp hitting sound, Tezuka's ball was directly intercepted by Sanada.

"It's so strong! It's comparable to Tezuka's!"

Qianshi said with some surprise.

Tezuka's strength he knows, strong is amazing, in the tennis club, he also played Tezuka once, but did not even get a point.

In the face of such a powerful Tezuka, Sanada can still fight this far.

This emperor of Lihai is really strong.

"Is it comparable~~?"

However, Buji smiled faintly.


Judging from the current situation, the two sides are indeed equal.

But he knew that Tezuka hadn't yet exerted his strength.

Right now it's just his temptation.




On the pitch.

Sanada and Tezuka fought each other more and more quickly.

As the second-in-command of both schools, both Tezuka and Sanada have shown a level far beyond ordinary people.

"It's so strong! These two people!"

"It is indeed strong, whether it is Tezuka or Sanada, the strength is amazing!"

In the presence, people from other schools watched with a tingling in their scalps.

They didn't expect that just the duel between the second-in-command would be so amazing.



On the court, once again blocking Tezuka's attack, Sanada chuckled, "It seems that your strength is no more than that!"

This battle Sanada originally had a hard heart.

But after this exchange, he found that Tezuka's strength seemed to be just like that.

You know, he still has a lot of hole cards that he hasn't played.

In this case, Tezuka could not get a bargain from his hands.

It can be seen that Tezuka is not as strong as rumored.


He slapped it out.


The tennis ball flew upside down and landed on the other side of Tezuka.

However, Tezuka was very calm, he calmly shot, once again blocked Sanada's ball, a short shot.

Very unpretentious short ball.

But if you look closely, you can see that Tezuka's counterattack this time is a little different from before.

Before hitting the ball, Tezuka pressed the racket down by three centimeters.

Shan Fuzhong, keenly captured this point, and smiled faintly.

"Are you going to go on the offensive?" (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

However, Sanada, who did not know it, laughed: "This kind of short ball also wants to score, think too much, Tezuka!"

Say it!

His whole person rushed out quickly, and at the moment he arrived at the tennis ball, he quickly swung out the racket in his hand, wanting to fight back the moment the tennis conversation started.

But what happened next made Sanada's pupils shrink, as if he had seen something incredible.

It's not just Sanada.

The people in the other schools present, and even the people of Lihai University, were also like this, their pupils were constricted.

"What is that...!"

In sight.

Tezuka's short ball didn't bounce.

He didn't bounce, but he wiped the ground for a moment, and rolled back to the net.

"It's a Zero short ball!"

As the minister of Tachikai, Yukimura recognized Tezuka's ball for the first time.

Rao is Yukimura, and it is difficult to hide the surprise in his eyes.

Zero short ball.

This kind of professional-level skill, Tezuka can actually fight.


On the court, Sanada stared at the ball parked on the ground by the net.

"Zero short ball!"

That's right!

Sanada recognized it too.


With recognition, the horror in his eyes was also stronger.

Tezuka actually plays this kind of ball.

Across from him, Tezuka raised his head calmly and said lightly, "You just said that I can't score with this short ball, right?"

Sanada raised his head and looked at Tezuka, but unlike before, Sanada at this moment had a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Looking at Tezuka on the opposite side, he said lightly: "It seems that I underestimated you!"

"If you know to underestimate, show your true skills, after all, this level of attack can't win me!"

Tezuka's words may seem arrogant, but they are true.

Sanada's level of attack really can't win him.

After all, the current Tezuka strength is not what Sanada can imagine.

But Sanada didn't know this, and his eyes sank slightly when he heard Tezuka's words.


Seeing it, Sanada was a little angry.

Probably because of Tezuka's words!

His grand emperor was so despised by Tezuka.

Returning to the bottom line, his momentum became even stronger than before.

Staring at Tezuka Sanada on the opposite side, he said in a deep voice: "Tezuka, I will let you know who you are looking down on!"


Say it.

Sanada directly blasted out with a ball.


The ball was extremely fast, a few points faster than before.

"So fast!"

In the mountain blowing, many people's faces changed.

Faster than before.

"Don't worry!"

However, he seemed very calm, and he sat on the chair and said lightly: "Although Sanada's hitting power is stronger than before, it is absolutely impossible to shake Tezuka!"


No, this just fell.

A sharp hit sounded from the field.

Follow the prestige.

It was to see Sanada's ball being caught steadily by Tezuka.

"Even with such a strong serve, can Tezuka still take it freely?"

Marui's face changed slightly.

On the court, Sanada's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Blocked again?"

"In that case!"

A glint flashed in his eyes.

The moment the tennis ball arrived, Sanada raised the racket behind him.

It's like a samurai sword.

"This pose is!"

In the crowd, Inoue who was standing there stared.

"Fast as the wind!"

In the next instant, a familiar voice sounded from the field.

I saw that Sanada swung his racket.


The tennis ball was drawn by Sanada, bringing up green leaves.

The next moment.

A tennis ball far faster than before shot out of Sanada's racket.


Pretty fast!

Even the naked eye can hardly catch the trace of Sanada's ball.

"What a quick swing!"


Many people in other schools have shrunken pupils.

In the Lihai, Marui's eyes flashed.

"Moved! Sanada's Wind Forest Volcano!"

... Judge...

About there is a big saying, don't always use this word too, the little wolf will pay attention. I will write as little as possible after that.

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