Wind forest volcano.

Sanada's Four Meanings.

Just like Tezuka in elementary school, he opened one of the three doors of the deep level of the self-dominating mysteries, and the limit of thousands of temperings.


Sanada also completed these four tricks when he was in elementary school.


After losing the battle of Kazubuji, Sanada strengthened his penance after returning and further strengthened the power of the Wind Forest Volcano.

If it is said that when he fought against Fuji, Sanada could only be regarded as the prototype of the Wind Forest Volcano.

So now...!

Sanada is a real wind forest volcano.

And at the moment.

Sanada is the wind in his wind forest volcano.

It is as fast as the wind, and even makes the opponent unable to fight back.

"What an amazing swing!"


Many people's faces from other schools changed.

However, the eyes of those who know Sanada are slightly condensed.

"Have you started the offensive?"

This trick for now.

There is no doubt that it is the wind in the Sanada Wind Forest volcano.

With a quick swing, the speed of tennis is qualitatively improved.

"Is this Sanada's Wind Forest Volcano?

Yamabuki Naka.

Chiseki's face changed slightly when he looked at Sanada's quick lead shot and this super fast draw.

He had heard of Sanada's Wind Forest Volcano, but he didn't expect the power to be so amazing.

"It's amazing!"

Fuji smiled and said, "But if you can definitely score points from Tezuka, that's not all!"


But these words fell.

Tezuka in the court moved, his eyes keenly catching the shadow of the tennis ball, and he took it.

"It actually blocked Sanada's wind!"

Maru 783 well's face changed slightly.

Although Tezuka's strength is very strong, he has mastered the professional-level technical Zero Short Ball.

But Sanada's wind power is equally amazing, and this is the first meeting between Tezuka and Sanada.

The first encounter was able to directly conquer Sanada's wind.

This guy is awesome.

Others, such as Renwang and Yanagi, more or less also raised such thoughts.


"He's a great guy!"

However, Sanada on the court appeared to be scrappy, and he said to Tezuka on the opposite side.

"You actually saw through my wind in an instant, your strength is strong!"

"But... My Sanada's strength is more than that!"

"Eat me, this move is as aggressive as fire!"


Sanada jumped up.

At the moment of swing, a fiery flame like magma swept out from his racket.

The fierce fire was far more amazing than when he first fought with Fuji.

Next Shun!

With the swing of Sanada's racket, the strong fire of fury wrapped the tennis ball and slammed towards Tezuka.

"What a strong smash!"

In the mountain blowing, many people's faces changed.

This guy was able to play such a terrifying smash.

"Can this kind of player zuka be blocked?"

Instinctively, many people became worried.

It's really Sanada's smash that is too terrifying.

"Don't worry about Tezuka there! Rookies, Tezuka's strength is not as weak as you think. "

Yakuzu looked at these people like an idiot. (ajei)


Yakuzu's words made many people's faces slightly angry.


At this time, Buji opened his mouth and calmed everyone down.

He sat there and chuckled, "Although Yakuzu speaks a little ugly, but to be honest, Tezuka's strength is not as weak as you think!"

On the court, feeling Sanada's fierce fire, Tezuka said in a deep voice: "Good smash!


These words fell into the ears of the people in the other schools present, making their eyes startled.

Sanada is such a terrifying fire, Tezuka actually said that the power is too simple.

Tezuka this guy too...!

But the next moment, when they saw Tezuka's racket in contact with the tennis ball, and there was no sign of being smashed, their faces changed.

It seems that the power is indeed simpler.

"Is the power simple?"

Inoue, however, doesn't think so.

He has watched a lot of games, even professional matches.

Sanada's fire seemed to him stronger than most of the top experts he watched.

This kind of smashing is not a simple force.

Tezuka was able to take it because he was strong enough that even Sanada's fire could not shake him.

That's the specific point.

Tezuka is too strong.




The terrifying sound of hitting the ball resounded from the field.

With the naked eye, the fire attached to the tennis ball collapsed with a slap from Tezuka.


A yellow glow shot out from the spreading fire and slammed behind Sanada.


Boom! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

The amazing power smashed the ground behind Sanada and shook, bringing up a lot of smoke.

This scene fell into the eyes of the public of Lihai, making their eyelids jump, and more was unbelievable.

More than blocking Sanada's fire.

And he scored directly back the ball.

Although Yukimura did not act as exaggerated as the others in Lihai, his brows were also slightly wrinkled at this moment.

Tezuka's strength he knows is very strong, and like Sanada, he is a national opponent.

But what he didn't expect was that it was so strong.

That kind of strength, that kind of technique, even he felt a big threat.


On the other side, on the court, Sanada's pupils shrank.

Seeing it, Sanada was shocked by Tezuka's strength.

The wind that shot back at him did not count, even his fire actually shot back.

And the power of the previous goal was even more amazing, Rao was unable to react.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu!"

Standing up, his gaze towards Tezuka changed completely.

Without the previous contempt, it is just an unprecedented fear.

How could he have imagined that Tezuka's strength was so strong.

Opposite him, Tezuka turned around lightly and said to Sanada: "In other words, your strength should be more than that!


This moment was the first intuitive impression of Tezuka for everyone present.

But no one dared to say it.

Instead, their gaze carries a sense of awe for the strong.

Too strong!

Kunimitsu Tezuka.

However, unlike them, Sanada was completely angered by Tezuka's words.

He stared at Tezuka and said word by word, "Then it will be as you wish!"


The tennis ball was blasted out by Sanada and galloped towards Tezuka.

Then, the moment the tennis ball was hit back by Tezuka, Sanada directly expelled his Hayashi.


That is, its Xu Rulin.

Defensive skills.

Sanada, who uses this move, can defuse any special move.



Tezuka's ball was under Sanada Forest, and all its power instantly turned into nothingness.

"Did you transfer the power of the tennis ball in an instant?"

Around, many people from other schools frowned.


But the next moment.

A sharp hitting sound attracted their attention.

Immediately, they saw a tennis ball shoot out of Tezuka's court and smash into Sanada again.


"Not even Lin?"

For a while, exclamations abounded.

Wind and fire!

Sanada's three moves were mysterious, and he couldn't shake Tezuka in the slightest.

On the court, Sanada's eyes were slightly condensed, although he did not expect that even this move Lin would not be able to help Tezuka, but his heart was not affected in the slightest.

"You admit you're strong, Tezuka!"

"But Rao is so, this game will only be won by me!"

"Next, let you see the last move of my Wind Forest Volcano!"

"Don't move like a mountain!"


In a flash.

A majestic momentum erupted from Sanada's body, and on Sanada's body, the shadow of a large mountain could be seen.


In the face of the powerful Tezuka, Sanada directly launched this move.


Tezuka looked at the shadow of the mountain looming on Sanada's body, and his eyes were also slightly condensed.

He could feel Sanada's solid defense in this state.

Next...... His offense is bound to not be as effective as before.

And the facts also verified what Tezuka thought before, and after that, several of his attacks were blocked by Sanada.

Not only that, but after a fight, he was also scored a point by Sanada.




After seeing the envoy out of the mountain, Sanada scored a point, and many people in Tachikai Daizhong also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Sanada can still compete with Tezuka.

At least after leaving the mountain, he was no longer suppressed by Tezuka like before.

Immediately, they also cheered one after another.

"Come on Sanada! Let's beat Tezuka in one go!

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