"It seems that once I use the mountain, your attack will not work!"

Successfully recovering one point, Sanada also regained his original self-confidence.


Tezuka, however, looked calm.


With his left hand, a white energy as vast as a speech condensed out.

"What's that?"

Around, many people from other schools frowned slightly.

However, some people also recognized it, after all, there were many people in the realm of selflessness in the last session, and among them, there were many people who opened some ~ some of these doors.

"This is ... Thousands of hammers - the limit of refining!"

But when they recognized it, they made waves in their hearts.

Tezuka, who is talented in the country, has actually opened the limit of one of the three mysteries in the deep level of the selfless realm.

Similarly, Yukimura recognized it.

For a while, his gaze towards Tezuka was also slightly frozen.

In the realm of selflessness, Yukimura himself will.

As early as elementary school, he mastered this mystery, and after stepping into this field, he also tried to attack the three deep doors, but failed.

Tezuka actually opened one step ahead of him.

Moreover, what awakens is the limit of thousands of temperings, which can double the meaning of hitting the opponent's shot.



On the court, after seeing the majestic selflessness of Sanada's arm, the smile on Sanada's face gradually disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented solemnity.

"This is the limit of a thousand trials!"

Sanada naturally knew the limit of thousands of temperings, one of the three doors of the deep level of the selfless realm.

By concentrating the power of selflessness on the arm, the effect of doubling the opponent's hit is achieved.

Tezuka actually awakened this door.

On the opposite side, the majestic energy was intertwined from Tezuka's left hand, looking at Sanada on the opposite side, Tezuka said lightly: "How about this?"

Hearing this, Sanada also said: "I can't imagine that your attainment in the realm of selflessness has reached such a point, but I know the side effects of this power, although you can return the opponent's hitting with double the power, but your other functions will become sluggish accordingly!"

"This power can't deal with me!"

Say it!

Sanada hit a ball at Tezuka.

However, Tezuka was not affected by Sanada's words in the slightest, and after using the limit of thousands of tempers to fight the tennis ball back, he said in a deep voice: "You are right, the weakness of the limit of thousands of tempers is indeed the corresponding weakening of its other functions!"

"So for this I made this move!"



A strong swirl of air rose from under Tezuka's feet.

Under the tug of the whirlpool, Sanada's return ball flew uncontrollably towards Tezuka.


All around, countless people lost their voices.

Even Inoue of the monthly professional tennis magazine.


Professional players are very few people can grasp the mysteries.

Tezuka actually mastered it.

Similarly, Yukimura's face changed slightly.

Previously, even if Tezuka opened the limit of thousands of trials, although Yukimura was shocked, he was not too moved.

Because he knows that there are side effects of thousands of exercises, that is, as Sanada said, his other functions will be correspondingly weakened.

But at this moment, seeing that Tezuka actually mastered the realm, Yukimura also set off a wave of shock.

Field, this kind of professional-level move that is even more difficult to master than the Zero Short Ball, Tezuka actually can.

Of course!

Yukimura's biggest shock wasn't this.

It is the blessing of the realm to the limits of thousands of trials.

The power of the field lies in being able to direct all of the opponent's shots to itself.

In other words.

Under this trick, the side effects of the limit of thousands of trials and tribulations will no longer exist.

Because Tezuka in the field does not need to move half a step, he can return all the shots of his opponent.


"Collar... Field!"

Similarly, Sanada's face changed.

Realm Tezuka actually would.

In the center of the field, Tezuka said in a deep voice: "Thousands of temperings will indeed make its other functions very slow, but if you match the field, the side effects of this move will no longer exist!"

Say it!

Tezuka directly blasted out a ball.


Under the blessing of the limit of thousands of temperings, the power of Sanada's ball was doubled, and the amazing power made Sanada's face change suddenly.

Without having time to think about it, he decisively launched the mountain for defense.

But it didn't work as well as before, and Tezuka's ball directly smashed Sanada's body.

Similarly, the mountain behind him trembled slightly. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)


In Tachikai Daizhong, the faces of such as Marui and Renwang changed suddenly in an instant.

With just one ball, Sanada's mountain actually shook.


"This power!"

Sanada's face changed slightly.

But at the moment, he didn't have time to think of anything else, and after using his own power to block it, he swung hard and hit Tezuka's ball back.


Tezuka shot.

It is also a doubling of the limits of thousands of trials.


Sanada was struck again.

And so on and so forth.

When attacking the nine goals, Sanada's mountain was directly shattered.

Other than that.

Sanada's racket was even blasted alive.

"Hands... Tezuka Kunimitsu score, 40-15!"

From the high chair, the referee squirmed his throat before announcing the score.

"Just holding on to nine goals, Sanada couldn't even parry!"

Marui looked incredulous.

"No way!"

Liu shook his head and said, "The power of the limit of thousands of tempers is too terrifying, all balls can double the power of the counterattack, can bless nine balls, this is already rare!"

Although Liu will not be selfless, let alone the limit of a thousand temperings, he knows the power of the limits of a thousand temperings.

This kind of doubling back is difficult for others to hold on to even a goal.

Sanada was able to hold out until nine goals before losing, which is already good in his opinion.

Of course!

It should be said that Tezuka is too terrifying.

The field is matched with the limits of thousands of hammers.

Tezuka in this state is almost invincible, even if Yukimura wants to conquer it, it is unlikely that it will be possible.

On the court, Sanada picked up the racket, and when he returned to the court, his gaze towards Tezuka was even stronger.

In order to erase the side effects of the limits of thousands of trials, Tezuka actually developed the field.

What a horrible guy.

"It seems that I can only give it a go!"

Sanada naturally knows how strong Tezuka's outbreak will be in this state with the limits of thousands of temperings.

If you don't give it your all, you can't win at all, and you may not even win a game.

Immediately, he was no longer hiding.

Took out his last hole card.


In a flash.

A white aura swept around Sanada's body, and although the momentum was not as powerful as Tezuka, who had been tempered to the limit, it was also quite amazing.

"This is the realm of selflessness!"

Inoue frowned.

Although Tezuka is very strong, at this moment he found that Sanada also seems to be quite amazing.

During the time he stepped into the middle school, he not only tempered the Wind Forest Volcano more powerfully, but even mastered the realm of selflessness.

Yamabuki Naka.

No, the eyebrows are lightly raised.

"Have you even mastered the realm of selflessness?"

Although it was also recorded in the original book that Sanada mastered the realm of selflessness, it seems to have happened during the third year of Kokuku.

Unexpectedly, Sanada in this period actually mastered this.

It seems that after that battle, Sanada paid a lot of sweat.

But Noji didn't worry about it, although he didn't expect Sanada to master the realm of selflessness, but it was impossible to say that he wanted to defeat Tezuka like this.

After all, the realm is equipped with the limit of thousands of tempers, and it is not clear how strong Tezuka is in this state.

Unless Sanada can conquer the Tezuka field, or play a tired explosive ball like in the original national competition.

Otherwise, Sanada has no chance of victory.

Even if he exerts the realm of selflessness.

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