On the court, Sanada stepped on his feet, and the white aura unique to the realm of selflessness lingered around him, making his momentum more and more powerful.

"Was even this forced out?"

Yukimura frowned slightly.

Originally, they worked so hard to defeat Fuji.

Didn't expect that.

Tezuka, who is Yamabuki's second-in-command, actually forced Sanada to such a point.

But again!

The realm plus the limit of thousands of temperings, how strong Tezuka is in this state, Yukimura also knows.

Only by opening the realm of selflessness can there be a possibility of resistance.

That's right!

It's possible!

After all, in terms of rank, the limit of thousands of temperings is the superior of the selfless realm.


As for Sanada's ability to shake Tezuka if he opened the ego, Yukimura did not dare to guarantee at all.

Not even Sanada.

Even he himself is not completely sure that he can overcome the limit of thousands of temperings plus the realm, Tezuka in this state.


"Come on! Tezuka!"

Sanada, who was wrapped in selfless energy, roared.

Then, his lean figure jumped into the air of "023", and a super strong serve went straight out.


Without the blessing of self, Sanada's outbreak was further enhanced.

The serve alone is close to the level of the wind.

Like lightning, the tennis ball slammed into Tezuka's court.


In an instant, the whole surface was stunned.

"What a strong serve!"

All around, countless people exclaimed.

Tezuka, however, acted calmly, calmly striking while using the limits of thousands of trials to launch a counterattack.



A return ball twice as powerful as Sanada's serve was bombarded by Tezuka towards Sanada.


Sanada snorted coldly, and met head-on without the slightest evasion.


The tennis ball was taken by him, and then he hit back again.

Tezuka's expression remained unchanged, and while he led tennis to his own in the field of activation, he once again launched the limit of thousands of hammers to attack.



For a while, the battle between the two became more and more terrifying.

Other than that.

Sanada's guy is also quite fierce, and with the blessing of the selfless realm, he did not lose the battle after nine rounds of attack like before.

This time, he lasted longer, even if he reached the fifteenth round, he did not fall.


This scene fell into the eyes of the other school people present, making their mouths open slightly.

Without the blessing of self, Sanada's outbreak reached this point.

This guy is awesome.

"Although the limit of thousands of temperings and the Tezuka outbreak under the realm are very strong, this guy Sanada is also quite fierce!

Senishi said so.

Everyone else thinks more or less like Chishi.

You must know that Sanada only lasted nine rounds before he was defeated.

This time, they were shocked that they had been fighting Tezuka for so long, and judging by his state, it seemed that he could continue.

"It's amazing, but the result won't change!"

Buji sat on the chair and said lightly.

He knew very well that he could only prolong Sanada's fall without me.

Other than that.

The realm of selflessness is also extremely draining on physical strength.

And the limit of thousands of trials.

It is to suppress the fatigue of the body to a minimum, although its side effects are also obvious, and its other functions will become sluggish.

But under the field.

The side effects of the limits of thousands of trials and tries are equivalent to none.

After all, Tezuka under the domain does not need to move half a step.

It is equivalent to saying that Tezuka has almost zero consumption.

It may be an exaggeration to say zero consumption, but that consumption is absolutely extremely low.

Other than that.

It's different from Tezuka.

Sanada needs to keep running to catch Tsukasa ball, and in this case, his consumption is even greater.

Not to mention whether Sanada can continue to fight with each other, even if he can, the physical exertion will eventually win Tezuka.

In other words.

For Tezuka, it was only a matter of time before he won the match.

And seeing this, there was also Tachikai Da Yanagi, standing next to Yukimura, he frowned: "The situation is not good for Ichiro, although he will not lose after only holding on to nine goals like before!"

"But the frequent running left and right and the selfless realm itself are a huge consumption of physical strength, which will also make Shuichiro overwhelmed!"


Yukimura nodded.

What Willow saw, he naturally saw as well.

It's just that he can't think of any way to bring Tezuka down.

Of course.

There is still a way.

For example, conquering the Tezuka field.

As long as you can conquer the Tezuka field, you can suppress Tezuka in turn.

But the problem is. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Now Sanada can't do this, even his powerful fire can't conquer the Tezuka realm at all.


Under the counterattack of the limit of thousands of temperings, it will also be returned to Sanada by Tezuka with double power.

This is even more fatal for Sanada.


The other side.

On the pitch.

After continuing to attack for a while, the side effects of the selfless realm were gradually manifested.

Sanada's speed began to slow down, and the power of the shot also diminished.

Tezuka, on the other hand, seized Sanada's weak gap and scored with one blow.


Tezuka, 1-0!"

Although the game has just ended, everyone with discerning eyes can see that Sanada's momentum is gone.

I'm afraid the next situation will be one-sided.

"Can't you?"

Sanada's gaze sank slightly.

Even if the last trump card is used, is it still difficult to shake Tezuka without the realm of self?

"Your strength is good!"

At this time, Tezuka's voice came from the other side, and Sanada raised his head to see Tezuka looking at him solemnly.

"It's really rare to be able to step into the realm of selflessness in the first grade!"

"But it's a pity!"

"It's not enough to beat me!"

This sentence is like a sharp thorn piercing into Sanada's heart0.........

But he couldn't argue with anything.

No matter how proud he was in his heart, Sanada had to admit the fact that he was inferior to Tezuka, who was much stronger than him.


Himself and Tezuka are not of the same magnitude at all.

The other party is at the level of Yukimura.

Even in terms of technology alone, it is above Yukimura.


But Sanada is not the kind of person who can be easily defeated.

On the contrary, this battle made Tezuka deeply remembered, and these setbacks will become his motivation to become stronger in the future.


Yamabuki Middle School Tezuka Kunimitsu won, the score is 6-0!"

Without any suspense, the singles Tsuka won the match strongly, but still won the match with an almost perfect record of 6-0.

"6-0! This is also terrifying!"

"It's unbelievable!"

For this matchup, many people present had a hunch that Tezuka might win.

Even Inoue felt the same.

After all, Tezuka's reputation has been quite great since he was in elementary school.

But what they didn't expect was that this game turned out to be so one-sided.

Sanada did not score a single point in the entire game.

Too strong!

Yamabuki's Tezuka Kunimitsu.


Inoue was also surprised in his eyes.

He also didn't expect Sanada to win even a point in this game.

Is Sanada weak?


He's strong.

Very strong.

As the second largest master of Lihai, even if you look at the whole country, there are only a few who can surpass him in strength.

The reason why I lost so badly. 1.8

It's Tezuka who is too strong.

The strength of the other party has surpassed the level of ordinary national level.

It may not reach the peak level of the country, but it is definitely an extremely strong existence in this field.


"Even in the face of Sanada, who has stepped into the realm of selflessness, is he still a clean sheet?"

Yamabuki, sitting on the chair, smiled faintly.

He knew that with Tezuka's talent, he would definitely become stronger after such a long time.

After all, Tezuka's talent is infinitely close to that of the samurai Nanjiro, even the German Polk cares about Tezuka very much, and even the coach of the German team praises Tezuka as follows: I am proud that we have a player like Tezuka on our German team.

Tezuka, with such a talent, will definitely reach an extremely high level of strength.

But after this battle, Tezuka's surprise was even greater.

Although apart from the Zero Short Ball, no other abilities or tricks have been developed.

But the basic ability, as well as the control of the limits and fields of thousands of trials, has stepped into a new field.

I dare not say it.

Tezuka with such strength, even if Yukimura confronts him, he can only lose.

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