"I can't imagine that the singles and second matches are such a one-sided situation!"

"I really didn't expect it!"

"But... In the case of losing two games in a row, Yamabuki can still chase two sets in a row, I have to say that this year's Yamabuki is quite fierce!"

The people from the other schools present were shocked not only by the results of this singles, but also by the duel between the two teams.

Chased all the way from 0-2 to 2-2 draw.

Even they didn't think of it.



Tachikai Dainakai, Sanada looked at Yukimura.

He and Yanagi both lost to each other one after another, and now if there is anyone else who can support them to stand in the sea, it is Yukimura.

"Don't worry!"

"I won't lose!"

Yukimura naturally knew that Fuji was a formidable opponent, and as early as elementary school, he had learned Fuji's strength, even if he turned on Noji, it was difficult to resist.

But in the same way, in order to achieve their fourteenth consecutive hegemony.

Other than that...... Complete the goal of defeating his heart.

This battle, he must win.


"Next, the final of this Kanto tournament will be held, and the fifth singles match between Tachikai University High School and Yamabuki Middle School will begin!"

"By Tachikai University Affiliated High School Seiichi Yukimura VS Yamabuki Middle School Noji Shusuke!"

"Please enter the contestants from both sides!"

As soon as the radio sounded, Koichi grabbed his racket and stood up.

At this moment, there was no flinching in his eyes, some were just endless fighting intent.

And this kind of fighting intent is to achieve their Kanto fourteenth consecutive hegemony at Lihai University Affiliated High School.

09 is more out of defeat.

After all, he has worked hard to defeat Buji so far.


One step, two steps.


The two stopped in front of the net.

And the hearts of the audience were also raised as the two collided together.

After four sets of killing, is it finally ushered in a showdown between the ministers of the two sides?

In the crowd, Inoue standing there also had a fiery look in his eyes.

Getting started?

A showdown between Fuji and Yukimura.

Although he knew that even Yukimura would be difficult to defeat Fuji, after all, even Yuezhi Yueguang, the former minister of the Ice Emperor, had defeated him.

But this does not affect his mood to watch this match, on the contrary, he is looking forward to the duel between the two.

Especially Yukimura!

After losing to Buji in the last elementary school student competition, how strong he has become now.

Honestly, Inoue would love to see it.


"Finally able to meet you again!"

In front of the net, Fuji looked at Fuji in front of him and chuckled.

Bumped into it again?

What do you mean?

Yukimura's words made many people from other schools around him frown.

Could it be that Yukimura has fought with Fuji in the past?

"Do you want to fight me again?"

The words affirmed the conjecture in their minds.

For a while, their eyes also set off a touch of surprise.

Fuji actually fought Yukimura.

Not only the people from other schools present, but even Lihai University, many people also frowned.

In the same team, they didn't even know that Yukimura had fought against Fuji in the past.

"It's before the start of junior high school!"

Sanada began, "Yukimura and I signed up for a Tokyo Elementary School Student Contest, and it was at that contest that we encountered!"

"The result?"

Marui asked.

"Yukimura and I both lost!"

Sanada said lightly.


Hearing this, the faces of all the members of Lihai University, including Marui, changed.

Both Yukimura and Sanada lost to Fuji?

No way?

For a while, they all looked at the same person standing face to face with Yukimura on the court.

Is he so strong?

As if seeing what everyone was thinking, Sanada spoke, "You haven't fought that guy, you can't appreciate the strength of the other party." "

"Can Yukimura win?"

Marui asked.

"I don't know!"

Sanada shook his head and said, "But now Yukimura is more powerful than in the past, I think it should be possible!"

Actually, Sanada just said that.

He couldn't say anything about whether Yukimura could overcome it.

Although Yukimura's strength has become stronger, he knows that Fuji must also become stronger.

It depends on who has improved more.


"Of course!"

"You must know that among your peers, you are the first to defeat me!"

Faced with Fuji's words, Yukimura said lightly.


Buji smiled faintly.

"I won't say much else, let's start, I'll put all my efforts in these months into this game!"

As if desperate to fight Fuji, Yukimura turned away after saying this.

"All these months?"

From Yukimura's words, I can hear that Yukimura should have put in a lot of sweat in the past few months.

But Noji is not afraid.

After all, it is not only Yukimura who has become stronger, he is not the same.

...... (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"The game begins! First serve by Tachikai Daiyukimura Seiichi!"

As the referee's voice fell, the entire arena instantly fell silent.

All eyes converged on the two figures in the field.

No two!


As the minister of both schools, he is the strongest of both schools.

They knew the battle was bound to be earth-shattering.


In the eyes of everyone in the audience, Yukimura grasped the tennis ball, and his narrow eyes lifted, locking him firmly.

"On! No-two!"

"Come on!"

Buji smiled faintly, and the whole person put on a fight.

Although it is not difficult to defeat Yukimura with his current strength, Yukimura is also an opponent that should not be taken lightly.

The other party, like Tezuka, belongs to the category of super geniuses.

In the last match with Tezuka, Sanada's level of quality surprised him.

Not only has he completely perfected the Wind Forest Volcano, but he has also mastered the realm of selflessness.

And Yukimura's talent is even more above Sanada.

The other party's progress will only be greater than Sanada's.

"Okay then!"

On the other side, Yukimura, who received the response, was also very direct, and a super-high-speed serve went straight to Fuji.


This ball is extremely fast.

And the landing point is extremely accurate, unbiased and just falls on the tee.

"This kind of ball control!"

Around, many people from other schools stared.

While keeping the tennis ball running at high speed, it can also land on the tee line so precisely.

That's awesome.

But the next moment.

But the performance surprised them even more, facing Yukimura's strong and accurate serve, the opponent predicted the trajectory of the rebound in an instant.

And the shot is even more neat.

A mention and a pull is to easily dissolve the force in tennis.

The next moment.


The tennis ball hit the bottom line of Yukimura with precision.

Again, no more, not a little.

"This technique!"

If Yukimura's serve made them feel strong ball control, then the counterattack made them feel something other than possession.

That's right!

It is precisely the technique of unloading.


In the first country, he is so accomplished in this regard.

In the crowd, the trail was also sitting there.

Since he learned that Fuji became a minister like him, he wanted to fight Fuji in his heart and see Fuji's strength.

But the hand he showed earlier completely shocked him.

Yukimura just had that goal, 337 Trace Department believes that it is not difficult to block, as the minister of the ice emperor, he has received professional tennis training in England since he was a child, and he still has this confidence.

But it is as easy as Fuji to unload the power of the tennis ball, and still keep the tennis ball so accurately hitting the bottom line.

Trace believes that he cannot do this.

A person is strong and weak.

It can often be seen with a single ball.

With this hand, he felt the pressure of suffocation.

This is a master.

And he is still far stronger than his kind of master.




At this time, Yukimura also moved.

He rushed out and appeared behind the tennis ball.


As if it were a good response, Yukimura's return ball also hit the bottom line accurately.

And not this time.

In the subsequent duel, both of them hit the ball.

"What kind of showdown is this?"

"Is this really something two first-year students can do?"

Not to mention the people from other schools present, even those adults were dumbfounded.

"That's awesome!"

Inoue's eyes were slightly startled.

Neither Fuji nor Yukimura was able to control the ball with such precision.

But he was a little surprised, but he could understand it.

After all, the other party defeated the figure of Yue Zhi Yueguang, the former minister of the Ice Emperor, and it was naturally not difficult to do this.

But Yukimura was surprised that he could do it.

In the period after losing to Fuji, what kind of hard work did the other party go through to get his technique to this point.

If Yukimura has undergone any kind of hard work, I am afraid that Sanada knows this.

For nearly half a year, Yukimura trained intensively almost every day.

On weekdays, in addition to eating, normal rest, and studying, Yukimura spends his time practicing his skills hard.

It was such strict training, and Yukimura was so powerful now.

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