Noji didn't know that in order to catch up with him, Tezuka began to go out to practice, and even went to Kanagawa Tateki University to find Yukimura to compete.

At this moment, Fuji is sitting in the car heading to the U17.

Driving all the way out of the city, into the mountains, and then continuing for half an hour, an ancient base gradually appeared in front of you.


When the car stopped, Buji opened the door, walked down from the car, and looked at the huge iron gate at the end of the path in front of him, and the ancient base behind the iron gate, and a smile appeared on his face.

Turning around, Buji said to the driver's master, "Thank you!" Master! "

"It's okay!"

The driver's master smiled faintly and drove out of here.

On the way out, he glanced through the rearview mirror and shook his head: "What a strange boy!" People who come to this kind of place during the big summer vacation! "

But he didn't think much about it, after all, he was just a taxi driver.


After the driver's master left, Buji came to the gate, and this scene was just captured by the surveillance at the entrance, and it was immediately conveyed to the black part in the small black room.

Inside the small black room, Kurobe, Takushoku, and Saito stared at the surveillance screen at the entrance.

From their line of sight, they could see a teenager with a racket on his back and short chestnut hair.

"Who is this?"

Kurobe didn't immediately think that the teenager in the picture was the same, mainly because it had been a long time since their invitations were sent.

"I don't know!"

Takusho shook his head and immediately pondered, "In other words, have we sent invitations to anyone during this time?" "

To whom is the invitation letter?

After Takushoku said this, both Kurobe and Saito thought about it.

A moment later, the two of them froze on the boy named Fuji Shusuke.


The eyes of the two of them were locked on the teenager carrying the racket on the screen.

Then, Saito spoke, "Kurobe! You said it wouldn't be the one who didn't help Shusuke? "

"I think it should be!"

Kurobe said: "After all, we only sent him an invitation during this time, and in addition, judging from the appearance of this teenager in the picture, it is also the appearance of the country, which almost matches the information!" "

"Can't be wrong! It should be him! "

After speaking, Kurobe pressed the door button.

Immediately, the closed door slowly opened to both sides.

On the screen, the teenager lifted his foot and walked into the gate of the U17 base.


Walking on the trail, I looked around.

Although I saw U17 in the original book, my personal experience gave people a completely different feeling.

The atmosphere is the first feeling given here.

Of course.

The intensity of the training is also far more intense than when reading the original book.

Teams of running high school students, even exhausted, gritted their teeth and persevered.

All of this reveals the cruelty here.


All the way to the U17, and soon, Buji came to the center court.

Standing on the stone steps, I looked around at the surrounding courts.

As in the original, there are 16 courts.

But I don't know that these 16 stadiums are only reserve players, that is, the second army.

The real masters are in the first army.

His eyes scanned the 16 courts one by one, and on the No. 2 court, he found the figure of Liye.

"Has Liye Senpai already reached the No. 2 court?"

The level of the second court is not low, and the companion force has rushed to this stadium in just a few months, which is quite powerful.

After continuing to look at the companion for a moment, Buji looked at the others in Court 2 and the Court No. 1 next door.

In these two courses, Buji also found some familiar figures.

Like Date boys, like the Mutsu brothers ...!

However, there are some people who have not found it.

For example, Koshichi, Kaji, Kirigaya, Tono them.

These original works are among the top ten people in the first army in the third year of high school.

I know that these people should have all entered the first army.

Continuing to scan the two pitches, Fuji withdrew his gaze and looked around.

After seeing that U17 had no staff coming to him, Buji shook his head and said, "Haven't you come yet?" Forget it, wait here! "


Fuji walked to the stone steps on the side and found a place to sit.

Buji's figure was also noticed by others, and then, a high school student walked over and looked at Buji with a condescending face: "Boy, are you also here for training?" "


Fuji nodded.

"Kind of interesting!"

Hearing this, the high school student's face also flashed a look of interest.

It was probably surprising that such a seemingly talented little devil had also received an invitation here.

So, after thinking about it, he said to Buji: "Boy, do you want to fight?" "

"A fight?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Fuji raised his eyebrows, he glanced behind him, and saw that U17 had not yet sent someone over.

It was boring to think that sitting here and waiting, so Buji also said to the other party: "Okay!" Then let's fight! "

Say it!

Fuji took out his racket and walked into the court with the other party.

All around, people from other schools were talking about competing with Hiromoto.

"This kid is really not afraid of death!"

"Indeed, after all, Hiromoto is a person from Stadium Six!"

"But speaking of which, such a middle school student on the other side has also received an invitation, coaches, are they so not strict in selecting people now?"

"Who knows? Maybe the other party is very powerful! "

"How powerful a middle school student can be, not to mention that the other party still seems to be a first-year!"

"No matter how strong the first grade is, how strong can it be!"



Fifteen minutes later.

Fuji walked out of the stadium and smiled at the other party.

"'Granted! Predecessor! "

Finish speaking.

Fuji turned around and walked to the stone steps to the side and sat down.

And all around.

Those who had ridiculed before were all stunned at this moment.

Lightning Deal!

Hiromoto of Court Six was defeated without even holding out for fifteen minutes.

"I take back my previous words! Yanagisawa, this kid is indeed a little powerful! "

The man who spoke before said with a shocked look.

"It's not just awesome! It's not too scary, okay! Kill Hiromoto of Court 6 in seconds, what is the origin of this kid? "

His companion spoke.

Can kill Hiromoto in seconds.

This level is at least the number four court, and even upwards.

Junior high school students, and it seems that they are still in the first year, with the level of court 4 or above.

It's scary just thinking about it!

"Gee! Hiromoto of Court Six was directly killed in seconds, and it was indeed as powerful as rumored! "

Inside the small black room, Kurobe, who witnessed this scene, laughed.

"After all, it is a character who can defeat Yue Zhi!"

Saito smiled, and then said to Kurobe, "Also, send the staff over!" If not (Zhao Zhao's), this little guy is in a hurry! "


Kurobe nodded, picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered.

Not long after, a staff member came to Buji.

"You're not two weeks away, are you?"

The other party asked Toji.

"I am!"

Buji nodded.

"Come with me! I'll go and arrange a place for you to stay! "

The staff said goodbye.


Fuji nodded and followed the other party to the dormitory.

This is a double room.

Judging by the cleanliness of the room, there is no one else living there.

"The other rooms are full, so arrange for you to be in this room! But if you are alone, you may have to be alone! "

The staff said goodbye.

"It's okay!"

Bu Ji does not mind living alone, on the contrary, living alone is more free in Bu Ji's opinion.

As for loneliness or something, I have long adapted to obstacles.

"Just don't mind!"

Seeing that Fuji said that it was okay, the staff was also relieved, and then continued to say some things to Fuji and left.

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