After the staff left, there was only one person left in the room.

After simply making up the bed, Fuji came to the windowsill, from which you can see all the courts.

"Next is training!"

When you come to U17, the purpose of coming is naturally to improve your strength through the special training here.

He wanted to see what level of strength he could reach at the highest tennis training base in all of Japan.


At the moment, the southern end of the training camp.

This is the field where the First Army is located.

Like the First Army, it is basically equipped with a special stadium.

At this moment, in the stadium, two figures are fiercely clashing.

One of the figures was a man with long crimson hair and a dark and lean physique.

He is like a hideous beast, domineering.

On the other hand, the person who fought with him was much more elegant.

It can't be said to be elegant, at least more free in temperament.

The other party had short white hair, a chocolate-like complexion, and the coat on his body was half removed by him.

The whole person has an indescribable sense of freedom.

And on the stone steps outside the court, there was also a teenager sitting there.

The boy wore a pair of golden glasses and had golden curly hair, and the whole person exuded a sense of book anger.

The three are none other than others.

It is the ghost, the planting island, and the river.

In the original work, the three of them are relatively iron-based, and they are almost inseparable on weekdays.

Again, this period is no exception.

"Speaking of the hell, Seeding Island, there has just been an interesting news from the side of the No. 6 court, I don't know if you want to hear it!"

At this time, Irie, who was sitting on the stone steps, suddenly spoke.

As soon as he said this, the ghost and Tanishima, who were fighting fiercely in the field, stopped, and the two turned to look at Irie.

Immediately, Tadashima said, "What interesting news?" "

Irie smiled and said, "It is said that a junior high school student came to the training camp today, and it seems that it is still a first-grade student!" "

"First grade?"

Hearing what Irie said, Taishima's eyes immediately set off a look of surprise.

Ghosts more or less have this emotion.

You know, this place has always been mainly for high school students.

Unexpectedly, some middle school students received invitations, and they were still in the first grade.

"That's right!"

Irie sat there and said to Oni and Tanishima: "And it is said that the strength is very strong, and Hiromoto of the sixth court fought him!" "

"The result was directly killed in seconds! It was killed in less than fifteen minutes! "

Took out the man on Court Six in fifteen minutes?

Tanishima and Oni frowned.

They still know the level of Course Six, although it is not very strong among all the courses, it is also ranked at the upper middle level.

Anyone who can solve Course Six in fifteen minutes (ajfi) can't even be a person on Course Five.

Even the fourth court does not dare to say that everyone can do this.

In the first year, the strength is above the fourth court.

Although this is not very scary, it more or less arouses the interest of Taishima and Oni.

Of course, it's not just because of this that the interest of Oni and Tanishima.

Kurobe, Takushoku, and Saito, as U17 coaches, actually issued invitations to a first-year one.

That's a bit intriguing!

"Want to meet?"

Irie knew that Tanishima and Oni were interested, and he sat there and asked with a smile.

"Sort of!"

The ghost did not hide his heart, he did want to meet this first-year student.


Irie smiled and said quickly: "But I may not see it now, it is said that the other party went to the dormitory after fighting with Hiromoto!" "

"No problem!"

The ghost said, "Anyway, the other party is here, you can always see it!" "


Fuji didn't know that he had defeated Hiromoto on Course Six, which made Onii, Tanishima, and even Irie interested in him.

After staying in the dormitory for a while, Buji walked out of the dormitory building and visited casually in U17.

Until the start of the national competition, he has to conduct special training here, so naturally he has to be familiar with this place.

Environment is secondary.

The main thing is to get acquainted with the major courses.

In addition, Fuji also wants to see what masters the Japanese U17 has during this period.

Of course, this does not refer to the planting island and ghost them, but the masters other than the planting island and ghost them.

Although the Japanese U17 in this period is far less strong than the Byodoin session, there are definitely masters.

Not long after, Fuji came to a bulletin board at the training camp.

It is densely engraved with the names of many people.

Everyone has a corresponding ranking, not just on courts 1-16, but also with a team of people.

Courts 1-16, Fuji did not care, Fuji's eyes were on the list of the first army. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

First Army No.1: Kitajima Ichiryu

First Army No.2: Oni Jujiro

First Army No.3: Yanagimura Ryugani

First Army No.4: Steel Bone Plain also

First Army No.5: Minami Xiongchuan Thorn

First Army No.6: Shuji Tawashima

First Army NO.7: Kita Kisuke!

First Army No.8: ...!


First Army No.14 Foggy Valley

First Army No.15: Kaji winds more

First Army No.16: Ryūji Daiqu

First Army No.17: Yuezhi Moonlight

First Army No.18: Kimishima Ikuto

First Army No.19: Atsushi Tono

"It's a ghost! Has it already hit the second position of the first army? "

Looking at the four big characters of Oni Jujiro behind the list of the first army No.2, his eyebrows were lightly raised.

However, he is not surprised by the ranking of ghosts, you must know that the strength of ghosts is very terrifying, and it was even described in the original book.

During the time when Byodoin went to the back mountain, the oni became stronger than anyone else in the training camp.

Naturally, it is not surprising that the ghost is ranked in this ranking.

In addition to the ghost, in the first army No.6, Buji saw the name of the island.

It's not surprising that the ghost is in second place, but Tajima is ranked sixth, which makes Fuji a little surprised.

You know, judging from the description in the original work, the strength of the island is not inferior to the ghost.

And the oni even said that Tanegashima was the only person he did not defeat in this military training.

Although Tanegashima also responded, I didn't win!

But even so, the strength of the island is not inferior to the ghost, that's for sure.

With the same strength, the ghost ranks second, but the island is ranked sixth, which is really a big gap.

I guess this may have something to do with the mechanics of ranking battles.

The opponents encountered in the Oni Ranking Tournament are ranked higher, while the opponents encountered by Tanegashima are ranked lower.

So it led to them joining in the same period, obviously there was not much disparity in strength, but the ranking was four rankings behind.

After thinking about it, it should be because of this.

Otherwise, the island would definitely not be so far behind the ghost, at least it would be the third or fourth to be more reasonable.

His gaze moved down, and then, Fuji noticed Foggy Bottom and Kaji them.


Foggy Bottom was in the fourteenth place of the First Army.

Kaji was in the fifteenth place of the First Army.

Daqu was in the sixteenth place of the First Army.

Yue Zhi was in the seventeenth place of the First Army.

Kimishima and Tono were in the eighteenth and nineteenth ranks of the First Army, respectively.

"It is worthy of being the top ten generals of the first army in the original work! Even if it was only one year of high school during this period, they had entered the first army! "

Buji smiled lightly.

Immediately, his gaze fell on the unfamiliar names on the list of the First Army.

Like what!

First Army No.1: Kitajima Ichiryu

First Army No.3: Yanagimura Ryugani

First Army No.4: Steel Bone Plain also

First Army No.5: Minami Xiongchuan Thorn

Although the names of these four people are relatively unfamiliar, there is no doubt that they should be the top masters of the original Japanese representatives during this period.

Although I also noticed the names of some people.

For example, Kita Kisuke of No.6.

But the two are most concerned about these four people.

Although the strength of Japan's U17 during this period is far from that of Byodo-in.

But to be able to break into the top five, the strength should be good.

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