"I don't know what rank I can play with my current strength!"

In the past, although Buji had compared what level his strength was in this session of the Byodoku.

But it is also said here that it is the current term of the Byodoku.

But the U17 is different.

In addition to the people of the Byodoin current term, there are also members of the former First Army of the Japanese team.

His ranking in the top five in Byodoku does not mean that he is in the top five in U17.

Like Kiriyani, Kaji, and Byodoin, the top masters of this session, their strength is second only to Byodoin, Onii, Tanishima, and Irie, and they only barely break into the top 15 of the first army.

Perhaps there is a discrepancy in this, after all, the ranking does not reflect a person's absolute strength.

The strength of Kaji and Foggy Bottom may be higher than ~ this.

But even so, it is impossible for the U17 to be in the top five.

I know this.

Of course.

Although it can't be in the top five, there should still be a top ten.

After all, now he not only mastered all the tricks in the original work, but also mastered the four or two thousand pounds method in Tai Chi during his trip to Okinawa, and integrated it into tennis, reaching the realm of weight.

It's definitely okay to finish in the top ten, and maybe even higher.

Thinking about it like this, it almost shows what level he is at in the U17 of this period.

What ranking is still unknown, you have to fight with people here to know.

Of course, this is the current ranking of the best strength in the U17.

In the future, after training here, his strength will definitely improve a lot.

Although everyone else is also improving, the body he crossed over is not the same.

Genius is no different.

With a genius-like brain, his progress will only be faster than others, not slower.

Thinking of this, Buji also smiled faintly, and turned his gaze to the list of the First Army again.

On the list, Noji did not find the name of the Byodoin.

I think that Byodoin should go to the back mountain.

After all, this is the case in the original book, after losing to the ghost, Byodoin went there.

Therefore, Buji only thought for a moment, then skipped the Byodo Court and continued to check instead.

Similarly, in the First Army, Buji did not find the name of Irie.

However, he knows that this person is very low-key, and can even be called a hidden boss, and he is not in the list of the first army, so he is not surprised.

In the original work, many Internet King fans have also speculated about the strength of Irijiang.

Because the ghost once said that Irie was arranged to balance the strength of the major stadiums, he was arranged to the third court.

In addition, Irie is often with Oni and Tanishima on weekdays.

As the saying goes, things gather people in groups, and they can often be with ghosts and Tanegashima, and even Tanegashima said that the most disliked thing is to compete with Irie.

All kinds of signs have made many Internet king fans guess that the strength of Irijiang should be very strong, and the top ten levels must be there.

And this is indeed the case, the strength of Irijiang is indeed very strong.

Even its strength is stronger than many people speculate.

Because of the U17 Australian chapter, when playing Spain, Mifune arranged a tryout.

The strongest in each group will be able to play against Spain as a representative player.

Irie was in that tryout, and his opponent was Kaji.

In that match, Irie directly defeated Kaji 6-1.

Who is Kaji?

That is the original army No.5, its strength is stronger than Daqu, Jundao and others.

Irie's ability to beat him 6-1 shows the horror of his strength.

Even if it is not as good as Tanjima and Ghost, it is definitely not much inferior.

It's even on par.

This can also explain why Irie said that even if he showed all his strength, he might not be able to defeat Jibe when he played against Germany in the U17 Australian exhibition match. A combination of P and Tezuka.

This guy Irie is indeed a hidden big guy.

And it's still the super big guy kind.

Beat Kaji 6-1.

It's not too scary.

Who would have thought that Irijiang's strength would be so strong.

Other than that......!

In the match with Kaji, even if he won 6-1, Irie looked relaxed.

This also means that there may still be something hidden in the river, and the real strength may be even stronger than this.

Therefore, it was said before that Irie's strength is only a little inferior to Ghost and Tanishima, and it is even possible.

This is not an exaggeration of Irie's strength.


Irie's strength is indeed terrifying.

However, this is Irie, so Buji just thought about it and stopped thinking about it.

At the moment, Buji still wants to see himself and see what ranking he can rush to after training with U17. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Top five?

Or the top three.


Inside the small black house, Kurobe, Takushoku, and Saito sat there.

At this moment, what he was looking at... It is Fuji who is watching the picture of the ranking of the First Army.

"As soon as I came to check the ranking of the first army, it seems that this guy wants to understand the distribution of strength here, and what masters there are!"

Saito chuckled.

"It should be!"

Kurobe nodded.

It's easy to guess, if not, why did Buji pay attention to this as soon as he came here.

"But then again, Kurobe!"

Saito turned to look at Kurobe: "We haven't arranged a court for Fuji yet, have we?" What do you think here, is it directly inserted into it, or what? "

Kurobe said, "It's a little unfair to insert it directly!" After all, everyone else is beaten step by step! "

"However, killing Hiromoto of the sixth court in two seconds shows that his strength is far above this, and if he arranges it in a low-level court, he will definitely be a little uncomfortable!"

"So be it! You pick a person on the third pitch and fight a shuffle battle! "

"Pitch Three? OK! "

Saito nodded.

If you can win Yue Zhi, there should be no problem in reaching the third court.

After all, when Yue Zhi first came here, he defeated the people of the third court.

However, the strength of the two is only stronger than Yue Zhi who first came here, and he entered the third court, which is obviously possible.

"Then I'll arrange it!"

"Let's go!"

After Saito left, only Kurobe and Takushoku remained.

Then, Kurobe spoke: "Takushoku, how many courts do you think you can rush to with your current strength?" "

"Number two!"

Takusho voiced his estimate.

As for Pitch One, he thinks it shouldn't work.

After all, the people in the No. 1 court are very strong.

Although Buji defeated Yue Zhi, Yue Zhi at that time did not come here after all, nor did he undergo training here.

"Number 2? I don't think so! "

Kurobe is the way.

"What do you say?"

Takushoku looked at Kurobe, and it was the first time he had seen Kurobe speak so highly of a person.

To be precise, it is such a first-grader.


Kurobe chuckled, "Intuition tells me that Fuji's strength is much more than that!" "


Fuji returned to the dormitory after watching the list of foreign troops.

As for the stadium or something, there is no hurry, he knows that Coach Kurobe will definitely arrange it.

However, as soon as the front foot returned to the dormitory, on the back foot, a man came in.

It's not someone else, it's just a companion.

"It's really you!"

During the day, he heard that a first-grader had come to the training camp, and he guessed that it might be the same one.

Coupled with the call with his companion a few days ago, the companion told him that he received an invitation from U17.

So he concluded that this first-year student should be the same.

So, after finishing the training, he inquired about the dormitory where Shimobuji was.

This also has a companion force that also appears in the scene of the dormitory B.

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