

On the pitch.

The autumn garden red leaves are constantly attacking.

He is quick to attack, and every move is extremely domineering.

Compared with the autumn garden autumn leaves, although it gives people a little weak, the momentum is not much stronger.

However, all the balls played by Akira Momiji were blocked by one by one.

"Isn't it!"

This scene fell into the eyes of the high school students who were watching, making their eyelids jump wildly.

No matter how Qiu Ting Momiji attacks, the other party can block it freely.

That's too strong!



Another goal fell.

Autumn Garden, Momiji, wanted to pick it up, but the speed was a beat slower.



He scored a point again.

"This kind of strength!"

When this ball was taken by Fuji again, the ghost standing on the stone steps couldn't help but cast his gaze towards Fuji.

Just as the so-called layman looks lively, insider watches the doorway.

The focus of others may be on the two goals in a row, but the ghost focuses on the performance of these two encounters.

No flaws were exposed, and the style of play was extremely calm.

Although it is only the most basic skill, the power that bursts out is also quite strong.

The main thing is the best technology!

That's what surprised him.

The first grade was able to do this, even if he used to.

"This opening is a bit of an accident!"

On the tower, Saito, who was standing there, chuckled.

Although he knew that this game would be won, after all, Buji's strength was stronger than Yue Zhidu, and he even conquered Yue Zhi's Mach serve.

But as soon as the game started, the pace of the game was completely controlled, which still shocked him somewhat.

Controlling the pace and scoring in general can be different.

This requires strength to be much stronger than the opponent.

In other words.

The strength of the two is far above the autumn garden autumn leaves.

"There was indeed some surprise!"

Kurobe's eyes flashed with essence, and it was obvious that he was also shocked by the strength of Buji.

Seem...... The other party was stronger than he thought.



On the court, Qiu Ting Momiji frowned.

Although it was only two goals, he saw the strength of the opponent.

This kid is a bit strong.

Previously, he couldn't help the opponent with such an attack, and he was even scored two goals by the opponent.

Thinking that if you lose to a first-year person as a person on the third court, it will be a big shame.


Autumn Garden's autumn leaves don't plan to hide either.


After serving, he rushed towards the net.

"Are you getting completely serious?"

Saito smiled faintly.

Just two balls forced the autumn court red leaves completely serious, I have to say, no, this guy is quite powerful!


On the pitch.

In an instant, Qiu Ting Momiji, who was in front of the net, raised his racket sharply, aimed at the oncoming tennis ball, and smashed it down.

"Good ball!"

Around them, many people said so.

At the same time, they also set their sights on the other side, this ball should be impossible for the opponent to parry!

However, what surprised them was that the other party did not panic at all.

And the next move made them even more shocked, and the other party actually turned around.

Other than that...... Still hit back the strong serve of Akira Momiji by borrowing his strength.


Tennis slowly rose from their eyes and finally landed on the bottom line.



"Can't you get points even if you smash it?"

All around, the eyes of countless high school students were round.

That's too strong!

"Unexpectedly used this way to fight back the smash of Qiu Ting Hongye, this is quite a set of Buji Zhou Suke!"

Tanegashima chuckled.

He is no stranger to this method, like they can basically do it.

But the problem is.

It's only the first grade.

It is somewhat unbelievable that the first grade has played this trick so well.

"This also understands why Coach Kurobe issued an invitation letter to such a first-year student as the other party!"

Irie chuckled.

Although Irie was surprised by Hiromoto, who killed the sixth court in seconds, he was not too shocked.

After all, many of them do this kind of thing.

But in the face of the autumn garden red leaves of the No. 3 court, Buji can still be so suppressed, which makes Irie more surprised.


He also understood why Kurobe had sent an invitation like Fuji.


The strength of the other party is quite strong.

Being able to suppress the autumn garden autumn leaves of the third court so dead, even the people of the second court can't do it at all.

The only people who can do this are those in the No. 1 court and the first army.

It is comparable to the first court in terms of strength, and may even be above this first-year students. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is indeed worthy of Kurobe's exception to extend an invitation to him to stay together.

You know, even in their current class, few people are so strong in the first grade.

Byodoin and Ghost have this kind of strength.

And the others, even Tachijima and him, were not so strong in the first grade.



“game! No, 1-0! "

Soon, the first game ended and was taken directly by Fuji.

In this game, Akira Momiji didn't even get a ball.

"So strong!"


The high school students in the training camp all widened their eyes at this moment.

They didn't expect that this person called Buji Zhousuke was so strong, and the autumn garden red leaves of the third court were not their one-hit enemy.

"No, has this guy become so strong?"

In the crowd, the companion force is also there.

As a former minister, he naturally can't miss it.

For Buji, he knew that his strength was very strong, and he experienced it where the middle school opened.

And with this kind of talent and strength, he knew that after such a long time, his strength must have become stronger.

But after watching this battle, he found that he still underestimated the potential of Qiji.

This kid is growing up a little too scary!

The autumn garden red leaves of the third court turned out to be no opponent at all.

Even in the first game, Buji only used the brown bear to get caught in the net, and the other tricks were useless.

Rao is so.

Buji still completely suppressed the autumn garden red leaves.

Rao is his former minister of Yamabuki, and he was also shocked.


Isn't it already growing to this point!


After 1-0!

The two sides exchange venues.

However, although the venue was exchanged, the face of Autumn Garden Momiji was a little ugly.

The reason for this is naturally the same strength.

He didn't expect that the other party was so strong.

That's bigger than the guys at Court One!

"'Senior! It's time for you to serve! "

On the other side, Fuji smiled at him.


Akira Momiji squirmed her lower throat.

Although he knew that his chances of winning this match were small, he had to bite the bullet for the sake of face.

After all, it would be a shame to abstain.

Of course!

Autumn Garden Momiji also still has a glimmer of hope in her heart.

After all, the previous game was the opponent's serve, and the opponent had the advantage on the serve.

His serve should be able to salvage some of the disadvantages.

But his idea was completely shattered after the second game.

Not an opponent!

Even its own serve is completely unbeatable.



Three minutes later, the second inning was also over.

It was taken down again.

Not only was it only the second inning, but the same was true for the games that followed.

No-2 has a complete advantage.

This situation continued until the end of the game and did not change in the slightest.

"14 minutes 39 seconds!"


Countless people exclaimed.

In less than fifteen minutes, the autumn garden of the third court was defeated.

That's too strong, right?

Similarly, a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of Taishima and Ghost who were standing on the stone steps.

In fifteen minutes, he defeated the autumn leaves of Akibi on the third court.

Even Course One may not be able to do it, right?

"This kid is a bit strong!"

After the shock, the island side spoke.

"It's a bit strong indeed!"

Ghost as the No. 2 in the first army, even he said so, which shows the performance of this game.

Course One, which is the lowest.

The strength of the other side is not even inferior to those in the first army.

In the first grade, the strength is not lost to the first army.

Rao is a ghost and can't help but be moved.

Like Irie, he understood why Coach Kurobe had invited each other back.

This person's strength is indeed strong.

The oni thinks that if he is Kurobe, they will also send an invitation to him.

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