From the tower, Saito looked at the failed autumn garden autumn leaves on the court, and he chuckled: "6-0 autumn garden autumn leaves, and the time is only less than fifteen minutes, which is undoubtedly beyond our expectations!" "

No better than autumn garden autumn leaves.

As coaches, they predicted this before they even started.

But 6-0 autumn garden autumn leaves, this is what they did not expect.

After all, Akira Momiji is the person on the third court.

"It far exceeded my expectations!"

Kurobe laughed.

At this moment, his eyes were shining.

All of this comes from strength.

Even he, who is a coach, did not expect that his strength was so strong.

Even, he can see that even if he defeats Akira Momiji 6-0, it is not the full strength of Fuji.

The evidence is that after the whole game, he only sweated a little, but his breathing was extremely calm.

This also means that the opponent still hides something in this game.

Even if he was clumsy, he still easily defeated Qiu Ting Momiji, unbelievable, what level the other party's real strength was at.

First army top twenty?

Or the top ten in the first army?

But even if it was comparable to the top twenty of the first army, it shocked Kurobe.

After all, it's only the first grade.

Even if it is a newcomer who joined here during this period, Byodoin, Oni Jujiro, and Shuji Tanishima, all three of them are not so fierce at this age 657, right?

The corners of his mouth swept a happy arc, Kurobe picked up the horn and spoke: "Buji Zhousuke defeated Akira Momiji 6-0 and successfully advanced to the third course!" "


"In less than fifteen minutes, I actually beat the autumn garden red leaves of the third court!"

"It's really hard to believe!"

Around the court, the onlookers of high school students were talking.

How could they have imagined that this match turned out to be such a result.

For a while, their eyes also looked at the handsome figure standing opposite the autumn garden red leaves.

With curiosity in his eyes.

What kind of divine is this kid?

On the stone steps, Irie chuckled, "It seems that the other party's strength is even stronger than we thought!" "

"It's not just strong, it's just too strong!"

The ghost said in a deep voice, but his gaze was taken back from the field.

"Don't look at it?"

Irie withdrew his gaze and asked.

"The game is over, there is nothing to see, besides, with the strength of the other party, it will be early to enter the first army, and it will never be too late to understand!"

Ghost said in a deep voice.


Irie shrugged and left the place with the ghost.

But Irie didn't know that the ghost who left swept his gaze again to the scene without missing a trace.

"Isn't it two weeks to help?"

Secretly noting that this powerful boy, the ghost took Irie and Tanishima and flew away.

The strength is strong, and it is indeed unbelievable to have such strength at the age of first grade.

But ghosts have more important things to do.

That's right!

It's about playing against Switzerland in September.

Switzerland, ranked second in the world, does not dare to slack, after all, it is the second largest giant in the world.

Even France and Spain are a little bleaker in front of them.

And their Japanese team, but they didn't even score the top 30 in the world, if they didn't prepare fully, they wouldn't know how to die.


At the same time that the ghost leaves.

On the court, Fuji came to the front of Autumn Garden Momiji with a kind smile on his face.

"Accepted! Predecessor! "

With a chuckle, he put away his racket and left the field.

The onlookers gave way one after another, for fear that the other party would find them angry.

After all, they had witnessed all the previous matches, and even the autumn garden red leaves of the third court were not opponents at all.

You can imagine what will happen if they play lower on the pitch.

Absolutely will be killed in seconds.

And those who are on the No. 1 and No. 2 courts also cast a jealous gaze on Buji.

Although they are on the third court, their strength is stronger than the people in the third court, but in the face of a person who kills the autumn garden red leaves of the third court, they dare not touch it.

Needless to say, the people in Court Two can't do this, and even those in Court 1 don't dare to be 100% confident that they can do it.


Fuji beat Akita Momiji 6-0 and sent him to the No. 3 court. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It made the people of Stadium 2 and even the Stadium 1 (AJCG) fear him.

Even the first army, whose strength is still on the No. 1 court, is also concerned about such a first-year student.

6-0 Autumn garden autumn leaves at the third court.

It seems nothing to them, and any one of them can do it.

But the point is.

The other party is only in the first grade.

That's scary.

Their intuition tells them that this son will become their fierce enemy, and will become their fierce rival for higher level badges.

It doesn't even take long.

I'm afraid that soon, the other party will catch up.


Many people in the First Army felt a strong sense of tension.

Especially those who were in the last ten of the first army, and even Kaji and Foggy Bottom.

Yuezhi naturally felt the tension as well.

But compared to this, he who has fought with Fuji intuitively feels the terrifying potential of Fuji.

It seems that it has only been two months since the match with him!

In such a short period of time, Buji's strength has increased so much.

"Looks like I'm going to have to train hard too! If not, it will be surpassed! "

Yue Zhi does not know how strong the current Fuji is, and whether he can defeat after the special training strength has been strengthened.

But he knew that if he didn't train hard, he would only have two results.

Either Fuji took away the insignia of the First Army, or he was overtaken by Buji.


Taking a deep breath, he took the lead in stepping out of the ranks of the First Army and returned to his dedicated field.

The rest of the army also followed and returned to their own stadiums.

Such a fierce imp came to the training camp.

He can't be surpassed by it in any way!

"It seems that the people of the first army feel the pressure!"

On the tower, Saito, who was standing there, witnessed the change in the expressions of the crowd, and he chuckled.


Kurobe chuckled.

"If you are them, there will be pressure!"

"But compared to this, I'm more curious about where Buji can rush here!"

"The top ten should be fine."

Saito said subconsciously.

Now Buji, in his opinion, already has the level of the top twenty of the first army, plus the special training of the training camp, with the talent of Buji, it should be no problem to rise to ten places.

"Top ten? Maybe it's much more than that! "

Kurobe is the way.

"Isn't it?"

Saito smacked his lips.

"If you don't believe me, let's wait and see!"

Kurobe smiled and turned back inside the tower.

Saito glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and followed Kurobe back into the tower.

However, his mind recalled what Kurobe had said before.

If it was really what Kurobe said, it would be terrible.

Of course!

It's not that he doesn't want to be taller.

As a U17 coach, it is naturally better to be higher.

It's just that he simply feels that such a first-year student, if it is more than the top ten, this is a little too terrifying.

That Japanese legend doesn't seem to be so terrifying at this age!

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