A pitch east of the camp.

It was originally a stadium dedicated to Kaji.

However, with his defeat, the stadium is now used by Jiji.

This is the U17.

If someone like an army loses, not only badges, but also the stadium where they train will be replaced.



Inside the stadium.

Shuttling through it.

This went on for about half an hour, and only then did they stop.

Looking at the stadium where he was alone, Buji smiled.

"The treatment of this army is good!"

Courts 1-16.

12 people share a court.

But what about the first army!

Everyone is equipped with a dedicated court, which is much better.



There was a sound of footsteps, and Buji turned to look at the entrance of the stadium to "373".

There, three figures walked over.

"Onii, Tanjima, Irie?"

Buji recognized these three people, it was the ghost, the island, and the river.

But the problem is.

How did these three come to him.

"Didn't bother you to practice, did it?"

When he got closer, he spoke.

That gentle gaze made Fuji realize that he should not have come to trouble them.

Immediately, Buji also put away his inner guard and chuckled, "No! "

As he spoke, Fuji looked at the island and the ghost next to Irie.

Then he spoke, "I don't know why the three seniors are looking for me!" "

"Actually, it's nothing, just get to know it!"

Irie said with a smile: "After all, I hit the No.15 army in the first grade, which is a bit amazing!" "


Buji said lightly.

"Introduce yourself! Irie plays more! "

After Irie introduced himself, he began to introduce Oni and Tanishima.

"This is a ghost, a planting island!"

"Hello senior!"

For ghosts and planting islands, they are naturally happy to make friends.

In addition to their great strength, they are also kind personalities.


The ghost nodded, and his gaze was on the other hand.

Although he had also seen the match with Autumn Court Momiji that day, he had seen it closely, and his temperament was even calmer.

Even in the face of the three of them, they did not show any panic.

It's a talent indeed.

However, the ghost came here not just to get to know Buji, he wanted to see the strength of Buji.

On the way here, Irie told him and defeated Kaji 6-2.

He knows the strength of Kaji, he is very strong, and he can beat him 6-2, which shows the strength of the two strengths.

So, with a smile, the ghost also said: "In other words, is there time now?" "


Buji looked at the ghost, looking at the ghost's somewhat strange eyes.

His heart was even abrupt.

The ghost guy shouldn't be thinking.

"If you have time, accompany me to fight!"

And in the next moment, what the ghost said made Buji's face change slightly.

Or really?

Not two are not stupid, a person of the level of a ghost, he knows that it is difficult to defeat with his current strength.

Don't even talk about ghosts, even if he enters the river, he can't win.

"How? Can't look at the senior me? "

Ghost didn't respond, and asked with a smile.

"Not really!"

Buji vetoed what the ghost said: "It's just that the ghost senior is the No.2 army, I'm not your opponent!" "

"It's okay!"

"I'll show mercy to my subordinates!"

Ghost laughed.


The ghosts all said so, but they were embarrassed not to accept it.


The two walked into the stadium.

"The ghost actually wants to compete with Fuji!"

Irie and Tanegashima found a place to sit down, looked at Fuji and the ghosts in the field, and Irie chuckled. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I probably want to see the strength of Buji!"

Tadashima laughed.

Do you have a look at the strength of Fuji?

Irie smiled, and his gaze looked at Fuji in the field.

It's good that he doesn't say that he is okay, but he also wants to see it.

After all, he also went to watch the match with Kaji, and he could see that the game was still hidden.


"You serve!"

As a senior, the oni gave up his serve directly to Fuji.


Buji did not refuse, after all, he knew the strength of the ghost, let the ghost serve, he almost had no chance of winning this game.

Of course, he serves, and there is no possibility of winning.

After all, the game is not something that can be won by whoever serves first, but by strength.

Although his strength is very strong now, in the ten days of U17, his strength has increased a lot, but he knows that compared to the top master like ghost, there is still a gap of 0.........

It can only be said that the gap is not as big as in the past, but if you really fight, it is he who loses, that's for sure.

However, knowing that at the moment of really confronting the ghost, Buji's heart did not have the same jealousy as before.


He wanted to see how far he could fight with a strong person like a ghost now.

Or rather!

How big a gap.

Immediately, Buji grabbed the tennis ball, and a hint of fighting intent quietly burst out in his eyes.

"Then I'll be on! Oni senior! "

"This kid!"

The ghost frowned slightly.

He naturally noticed Buji's gaze full of fighting intent, which was completely different from the beginning.

"Quite an interesting boy!"

The corners of his mouth grinned, and the whole person also put on a fight.


Almost at the same time as the ghost put on a pose.

Noji also finished the serve.





In the next instant, a super fast yellow glow shot out from the racket.

I don't know how much faster than when I played Kaji.

"This serve!"

Irie's eyes were slightly startled.

It was completely two levels when he played with Kaji.

Both speed and power are much stronger.


He smiled faintly.

It seems that he thought correctly, and the match with Kaji, but he did not show his full strength.

However, although I guessed this, the real strength of 2.2 still shocked Irie.

This serve alone is something that few people in the camp can play.

On the court, the ghost's gaze is also indispensable.

It's just that the power of the serve has reached such a point.

It's an amazing boy.


Step by step.

The ghost greeted the catapulted tennis ball and swung it out.

Very earthy action.

However, the power of this ball collapsed in an instant the moment it came into contact, as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer.


Buji raised his eyebrows.

Although he had heard about the power of ghosts, he also knew that the other party was a monster that could lift a ton of heavy rocks.

But experiencing it firsthand, the feeling it gave him was even more terrifying.

That domineering power, simply not too terrible.

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