However, after marveling, the eyes of Buji did not see the slightest fear.


The spirit of war is high.

In terms of strength, he knows that it is inferior to ghosts.

Even if there is no fight, everyone knows.

However, he completed the original work when he was the second in the third period of China, and the basic ability was more solid than that of the third period of China.

During his trip to Okinawa, he mastered the technique of four or two pounds in tai chi and completely integrated it with tennis.

At least now he and he will not be so powerless in the face of ghosts.

Even...... There is the power of World War I.


Start the body, but the moment the tennis ball is hit back by the ghost, it quickly rushes out.

The pace is not fast.

But it arrived just in time for the moment the tennis ball landed.


The racket swings and hits the tennis ball with precision.

The technology of up to 6 allowed Buji to dissolve most of the power in tennis in an instant.

That's right!

It's most of the half.

Instead of resolving as much as others in the past.

After all, the opponent is a monster like a ghost that can lift a ton of heavy rocks, even if the other party does not take out all of it, that kind of power is not indispensable to dissolve it all. 09

However, for the current Buji, it is enough to dissolve most of them.

After all, his strength is not weak.

When he arrived at U17, he had a level comparable to the top ten of the first army, and after ten days of special training, his strength was further improved.


A bang.

The ghost's return ball was directly hit back by Fuji.

"Kind of interesting!"

The corners of Irie's mouth twitched.

In the face of ghosts, he can still fight back so neatly, but this guy is powerful.

After all, he knew the power of ghosts, and few of them could block it in the entire training camp.

Although the current ghost has not shown all its strength, and even sixty percent of the strength has not been brought into play, I am afraid that it is only three percent.

But even three percent is amazing.

"I don't know how much strength can force out the ghost!"

Judging from the match between Fuji and Kaji, the opponent's strength should have the level of the top ten of the first army.

If it is the top ten, it should not be difficult to force out the strength of the ghost fifty percent.

Of course.

This is just his guess.

It remains to be seen what exactly this game will look like.




This thought flashed through Irie's mind.

On the court, Fuji and Ghost fought together in complete fierce battles.

The ghost offensive is swift and powerful.

The second is flexibility and skill.

In the first encounter, the two were almost equal.

"Is it so strong?"

Ghost's eyes flickered.

Although he only used three percent of his strength at the moment, he was also a little surprised that he could cope with it so easily.

"It seems that the strength of the other party is more than that!"

"In that case!"

The thought flashed.

The ghost directly increased his strength to four percent.


Then, with the swing of his racket.

A more powerful shot shot out of his racket.

The two who received the ball only felt an extremely strong force attack, which was far more amazing than before.

"Have you further improved your strength?"

Although the difference between three percent and four percent of ghosts is only one percent, the feeling of giving two is completely different.

Much more powerful.


But in the next moment, the corners of Buji's mouth pulled a curve.

"Not enough!"


The voice fell.

The ghost was surprised to see that the ball he played by his strength was hit head-on.

Not only that.

The power of the counterattack is quite good.

Especially in the subsequent confrontation, I saw that several attacks were blocked by Buji.

The ghost's gaze also changed completely.

The strength of the other party turned out to be so strong.

Outside the stadium, Irie also chuckled: "Even in the face of a ghost with four percent strength, will it not fall behind at all?" "

He has seen a lot of ghost matches, so Irie also knows the strength of ghosts.

At this moment, he has almost raised his strength to the level of forty percent.

But the four percent of the ghosts are also extremely terrifying.

Even those guys in the top ten of the first army can't block much. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If you can block it, it means that the opponent's strength is not only in the top ten.


"Watch out! Oni senior! "

On the court, he once again blocked the ghost's batting and smiled faintly at the ghost.


His right hand holding the racket waved violently.


The sound of breaking the air sounded.


A super fast yellow glow shot out.

"Spin the ball?"

Noji's match, the ghost has only seen one, that is, the duel between Fuji and Akita Momiji.

However, in that game, Buji did not use any skill.

That is, the brown bear was caught in the net.

Therefore, the ghost does not know about the trick of the best.

And at the moment, the ghost thought it was just an ordinary spinning ball, so he chose the same technique as most people, wanting to use the ball to hit it back.

But Irie outside the venue shook his head.

"The ghost has lost points!"


Tadashima frowned slightly.

I don't understand why Irie is so sure that the ghost has lost points.

But the next moment.

After seeing the scene reflected after the ball landed, Takujima's eyes were stunned.

The tennis ball did not bounce up and glided out close to the ground.

"This technique!"

Tanegashima's eyes were a little more surprised.

"This is one of the many tricks, the phoenix is still nesting!"

Irie spoke.

Fuji and Kaji's match, at that time, he was watching the match.

In that game, he saw some tricks.

In addition to this trick, the phoenix returned to the nest.

Buji also made three moves.

The unicorn is caught.

White Dragon.

and a technique called floating shrouded.

"Is the phoenix still nesting?"

Hearing this, Taishima's eyes were also a little more interested.

This kid actually has such a powerful trick.

Of course.

I can't say how powerful, I can still crack it.

Like Tanjima, he just knows how to crack this trick.

But it's okay to catch your opponent by surprise.

For example, the current ghost 157 is not like this, because I didn't expect that Buji's move would have this effect, and was directly scored by Fuji.


There is also an element of ghostly carelessness in this.

After all, when he fought against the Equal Courtyard, the ghost broke many of the Equal Courtyard's tricks in a row, and the power of those tricks was stronger than the phoenix nest that was used by Bu Ji.

If the ghost is serious, it is naturally impossible to be scored.

However, having said that, it was still surprising that he could get a point from the ghost first.


"That ball just now!"

Looking at the tennis ball on the ground, the ghost frowned slightly, and the ball just now actually reflected this effect.

"Keep going! Oni senior! "

Fuji smiled at the ghost.

"Come on!"

The ghost whispered in response.


No two serves.

However, he did not continue to launch the Phoenix Nest.

After all, the opponent is a ghost, a person of this level, his move of phoenix returning the nest will only have an effect at the beginning, and then if you want to score, it is almost impossible.

Therefore, Buji directly used his other counterattack technique.

That is, the white dragon!


I saw that the whole person quickly killed the midfield.

After the tennis ball was shot back by a ghost, a slap was picked up in the air.

"This height!"

Tadashima looked up into the air.

Subconsciously, he thought this ball would go out of bounds.

But as the speed of the tennis ball gradually decreases after flying high in the air, he immediately lost the idea.

"It won't go out of bounds!"

"And it's a precise baseline ball!"

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