Over the pitch.

The high hanging ball that was played by Buji that made people subconsciously think that they were going out of bounds suddenly decreased in speed the moment they reached the highest point.

Then, in an alarming manner, it fell towards the bottom line.

"Pretty good technique!"

Tadashima sighed.

The first grade can control the ball so well, I have to say, this guy is quite powerful!

It's no wonder that people as discerning as Kurobe have invited him.

Such a genius, if placed in the country, is indeed buried.

"But if you are a ghost, you should not be as tricked as the last time!"

It was Irie who said this.

Despite the last goal, the ghost was caught off guard.

But at this moment, the ghost began to get serious after all, although its strength was still stuck at the level of forty percent.

But the serious ghost, ordinary tricks can not break through his defenses.

Even if it is not the same as this white dragon counterattack technique.


Sure enough.

This time, the ghost did not lose points as much as before.

Although the effect of the tennis ball after landing on the ground surprised Ghost, with his superior reflexes, Ghost reacted and took it.


Irie smiled faintly.

But he didn't see the slightest element of surprise in his eyes.

That's a ghost.

First Army No.2.

Nominally the first army is second, but his real strength is stronger than the No. 1 of the first army, Kitajima Ichiryu.

How can a ghost of this strength be scored by this kind of move that can only exert a lot of power in the middle of the country.

"Shot back?"

Buji frowned slightly.

He originally thought that his white dragon would catch ghosts off guard like a phoenix returning to a nest.

Didn't expect that.

It was conquered in an instant.

However, the opponent is a ghost, and Buji accepts this fact.

After all, the other party is a man above the House of Equality, at least for now.

"If the white dragon can't do it! Then this trick! "

Although the floating shroud power is good, it is a defensive move, and the power of counterattack is not much stronger.


Buji directly used his fifth return attack, that is, the hundred-armed giant guard.

Although the ghost's strength is very strong, he even broke his white dragon before.

But the guard of the hundred-armed giant should still be able to score.

When the thought turned, Buji waved out.


While hitting the ball, Fuji also used the reverse side of the racket.

The double application directly brings the number of spins of the tennis ball to an extreme.

"I actually used the reverse side of the racket'!"

Tadashima frowned slightly.

The same is true of Irie on the side.

In the match with Kaji, although he has seen a few tricks.

For example, the phoenix nests, the white dragon, the unicorn catches the net, and the floating shrouded.

But this trick, he has never seen.

"So in addition to these four moves, do you still have other stunts?"

Thinking of this, Irie couldn't help but marvel at how powerful it was.

The first grade has developed so many powerful tricks, this kid is really amazing!

Although these tricks are not very powerful in the U17, they are among the best moves in the middle of the country.


On the court, looking at Buji's unusual way of batting the ball, the ghost's brows were also frowned.

As the No.2 of the First Army, it was the first time he had seen this move.


At this time, tennis balls flew in.

Even just listening to the sound can feel the amazing spinning sound on the tennis ball.

However, Oni is extremely confident in his power, and he feels that he can break the spin on a tennis ball with his strength.


But after all, he still underestimated this trick.

The closer his tennis ball came to the net, the slower it became, and eventually it landed on the net with a click.

"Haven't been online?"

Outside the field, Irie and Tanegashima were stunned at the same time.

It was as if he had seen something unbelievable.

And the ghosts in the field were also surprised.

Haven't been online?

How can it be?

With his strength, it is impossible not to cross the net.

"Did it work?"

But he didn't know, but Buji laughed.

It seems that his hundred-armed giant guard can still work.

After that, though, the ghost may break it again as before.

After all, although the Hundred-armed Giant guard is strong, it is still difficult to block a master like a ghost.

Even with his current technique, the guard of the hundred-armed giant he played is stronger than the one in the original book.

But on the ghost, it can't work twice.

But anyway, this time the score was still very happy.

On the other side, the ghost thought for a moment and understood the trick.

"So it is!"

But instead of getting angry, the ghost laughed.

Looking at the opposite side, he chuckled: "Use the front and back of the racket to give the tennis ball a strong falling force, so that the opponent's return ball cannot cross the net, even the strong force can not be overcome, you must dissolve the rotation!" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"That's the essence of this trick, right?"

"It's worthy of being a ghost senior!"

Fuji chuckled and nodded.


Ghost nodded.

The first grade actually came up with this kind of move, and he had nothing to say about his talent.

"It seems that if I am not serious, I may lose this game!"

Ghost laughed.

"Senior exaggerated!"

The Tao of humility.

"Anyway, being able to take two goals from my hand shows that your strength is good, after all, few people can do this!" Ghost laughed.


Fuji smiled.

In the next instant, he said again: "I don't know how many more people have dropped three points from the hands of the ghost seniors in a row!" "


Irie and Tanishima were startled at the same time, and then looked at each other in surprise.

This kid is crazy too!

He dared to say that three points were taken from the hands of the ghost.

The oni didn't expect Fuji to say such a thing, but he wasn't angry, but instead said to Fuji: "There is not one!" "

"Very good!"

Buji smiled and said, "Then I'll be the first one!" "

The voice fell.

With a blatant swing, a powerful serve was slammed out.

And looking at Fuji's energetic appearance, Irie and Takushima were smacked.

But they didn't think they could score three goals in a row.

Even if the current ghost did not show his true ability, even so far, he had only used forty percent of his strength.

But even if it is Four, in their opinion, it is impossible to get three goals from the ghost.

However, Fuji in the field did not care what Taneshima and Irie were thinking, and after serving, he quickly rushed out and killed in front of the net.

"'Want to start a pre-net interception?'

Ghost smiled.

But he didn't take this strategy to heart.

This tactic may work for others, but it doesn't work for him.

The thought was put away, and the ghost stepped out and swung his racket at the tennis ball.


A bang.

Tennis is like a cannonball.

However, in the previous performance, the ghost also silently increased his strength to fifty percent, making the power of this ball even more amazing than before.

After all, he didn't want to be really scored three goals by Fuji.


Tennis balls fly out.

It's a chase ball.

But there was no dodge.

He lifted the racket and slammed it down the moment the tennis ball crossed the net.

"This kid!"

Irie and Tanishima's eyelids jumped.

In the face of ghosts, Buji actually faced the smash and kill so directly.

Whether this kid really doesn't know how strong the ghost is, or if it's fake I don't know.


The ghost (King Qian's) had a smile in his eyes, but he was a domineering little ghost.

But he didn't show mercy to his subordinates, and after taking over the smash of Fuji, he blasted it out again.


He also looked at Fuji again, paying attention to Fuji's smash.

Although the smash is useless for him, it is always right to be cautious.

The main thing is that his knowledge of Duoji is almost zero.

In the face of an unknown player, even if the other party is only a first-grade player, the ghost does not dare to be careless.

Not to mention, Noji is not an ordinary first-year, but he defeated Kaji's first-year 6-2, and he will not be careless.

But to his surprise, this time, Buji didn't hit the kill.

Instead, put small balls.

"Is that your strategy?"

The ghost frowned slightly.

He thought that he would launch a powerful attack, or play a smash like before, but he never thought it was such a short ball.

"It's still too naïve after all!"

He shook his head, quickened his pace, and slammed the tennis ball before it hit the ground.

But the next moment.

However, the action made the ghost's brows furrow again.

As if he had foreseen that he would make such a move, the other party intercepted him in advance.

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