"It turns out that there is still a back move!"

He nodded in recognition of Buji's thoughtfulness.

"But even if there is a back move, if you want to score, it's still a little worse!"

As a battle-hardened master, Ghost's experience is undoubtedly extremely rich.

Although Buji's back hand is a little unexpected, it is not enough to score from him.

But unexpectedly, Buji did not launch a strong counterattack, and the opponent actually hit the ball into the air after receiving the ball.

"High hanging ball?"

Outside the field, Irie and Taishima raised their eyebrows at the same time.

Even they thought that this second hand would be a very sharp attack.

Didn't think about it.

It turned out to be this high hanging ball.

"Good backhand!"

"But the high hanging ball doesn't get points!"

The ghost said leisurely.

Then, his whole person jumped up directly.

A powerful smash slammed into Noji.

"Back hand?"

"This is not the backhand! Oni senior! "

However, Buji laughed.

"To be precise, the next is the back hand!"


Buji's words made the ghost's brows suddenly furrow.

In the next instant, he saw Buji step out and rush directly under the tennis ball.

"Huh? Is this intended to take the ghost head-on? "

Irie exclaimed.

The Takushima on the side said, "But it's not a wise move to catch the ghost head-on like this!" "

The power of ghosts, Tanishima is known.

And his smash is even more amazing, like Buji to catch head-on, and even before the tennis ball lands to cushion to catch, in his opinion, the possibility of being smashed into the racket is extremely high.

But then...!

Buji's demeanor made Tadashima frown slightly.

The other party did take it head-on, but it was not like a 250-like player, but the whole person actually spun violently.

"This technique!"

Not to mention entering the river, Rao is Takujima has never seen such a counterattack opponent smash.

But then, when he saw Buji's posture, his eyes were stunned.


This is?

At one point, when the racket fits perfectly with the tennis ball.

His eyes were also more round.

"Smash back with a smash!"

Similarly, on the court, the body is still in the air, and the ghost has not completely fallen, and his eyes are also slightly stunned.

"This is!"

On the other side of him, the one who hit the tennis ball smiled at the ghost: "Ghost senior! I became the first person! "

The voice fell.

The racket also fell sharply.

"The loss of wind attack skills blows snow!"

The nine characters fell.

The racket is also completely swung.



A strong tornado swept out from all around the body.

Other than that......!

More than tornadoes.

In the field of vision of the three people of Oni, Tanishima, and Irie, they also saw blooming sunflowers and speckled snowspots.


Amazing tornadoes passed under the ghost, and where it passed, the ground seemed to have been washed by spring rain.

When the tennis ball flew out of the court, the sound of Buji also sounded.



For example, Taishima and Irie both gasped for air.

Three balls!

It actually took three balls from the ghost's hand.

Even though the ghost didn't show all his skills, it still shocked him.

After all, (AJDE) in the past shuffle battle, the ghost is not like this, in the face of people whose strength is weaker than himself, he suppressed the strength.

But those people didn't get three goals from the ghost's hands, and they still scored three goals in a row in the opening game.

In a way.

No. 2 was the first to do that.

"But that ball just now was a bit powerful!"

After the shock, the island side spoke.

"Unlike the counterattack technique of the White Dragon or the Hundred Armed Giant's guard, this move is undoubtedly an attack-type ball path!"

"The most important thing is that the power is still so fierce, it actually has the effect of the technique!"


This is a field that transcends tennis itself, and only reaches a certain height of its own technology.

Irie is a master of skill.

Likewise, he himself is the same.

As for the others, except for the Oni and Byodoin, what they had seen was Kitajima Ichiryu, who was still sitting in the seat of the chief general of the First Army.

The move just now made him feel the breath of skill.

Although it was only a hint, Rao was so, and Tanegashima was still surprised.

You know, no two is the country.

Kokuichi touched on the field of technology.

If this is said, I am afraid that the professional circle will be sensational!

"It's really strong, and it's really like you said, a bit of skill!"

Irie apparently discovered this as well.

For a while, his gaze was also mixed with a hint of shock.


Looking at the entire U17, no more than one hand is reached.

Unbelievable, I actually touched it.


"That ball just now!"


There are also ghosts who have discovered this.

Looking at the other side, he also set off a wave of consternation in his heart. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But what surprised him even more than this was that Buji actually won three goals from him.

Should I say that this kid is really amazing?

On the other side of him, Buji chuckled, "Ghost senior! Did I break your case? "


Ghost smiled.

"That'll do!"

Buji smiled faintly, and immediately said, "In addition... Ghost senior, it is also possible to improve your strength a little more! "


Although he has also improved his strength before, even twice, but that is all he took the initiative to improve.

This time, Buji took the initiative to ask him to improve.

The reason for this is self-evident.

I'm afraid that the strength is more than that.

Immediately, the ghost also laughed: "Okay! "

Outside the venue, Irieg, who listened to the conversation between the two, chuckled: "Take the initiative to ask the ghost to improve his strength, but this guy is really bold!" "

However, when he said this, Irie didn't feel that he didn't know the height of the sky or something.

After all, in the previous encounter, he saw the performance in his eyes.

Not generally strong.

In particular, the technique called Aoi Blowing Snow is even more powerful.

The ghost in this state is a little difficult to win the best.

"Speaking of which, I'm a little curious that I can force out the strength of the ghost!"

Tanegashima chuckled.

"How many percent?"

Irie's eyebrows were lightly raised.

Before the ghost almost made half of the level, that is, fifty percent, and if it was improved next, it was six percent.

But his intuition told him that Buji was definitely more than the strength of Ghost Liucheng.

Because in his opinion, even if he takes three goals in a row from the ghost, this kind of strength is not his full strength.


Irie is also a little curious, and he can force out the ghost to become a few percent strong.



At this time, Fuji finished serving.

Then, his whole person also stepped forward again.

"What a bold boy!"

In the first grade, in the face of him daring to step forward like this, Rao is a ghost and has to admit the courage.

You know, even those guys in the training camp only dare to hold on to the bottom line in the face of him, but they dare not take the initiative to attack so much.

But it is precisely because of this that he thinks a little more highly of Buji.

Dare to fight and fight.

Even if you face an opponent whose strength is far stronger than your own, you are not afraid at all.

With many excellent elements, the future can be imagined.

But it is precisely because of this that the ghost wants to see what level his strength is at this strong newcomer.

Can force him to a few percent strength.

Thinking of this, the ghost also rushed out, and at the same time, the original strength of fifty percent was directly increased by him to sixty percent.


A shot that was even more domineering than before was bombarded by the ghost.


The ball and racket are connected.

The terrifying force smashed all the rackets.

Rao is not two up to six techniques, and they are all a little difficult to resist.

"Can't do it?"

Outside the field, Irie, who saw this scene in his eyes, frowned slightly.

He was just thinking that he could force out the strength of the ghost.

Unexpectedly, when the ghost increased his strength to sixty percent, Buji turned out to be a little difficult to resist.

"It seems that I overestimated!"

He shook his head.

However, the strength that can force out Ghost Liucheng is also extremely outstanding in his opinion.

After all, the current one is the only one.


But at this time, the Takushima on the side suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong?"

Irie turned to look at him.

"Just see for yourself!"

Hearing this, Irie once again looked at Buji.

And the scene he saw made his pupils shrink.

The power of the ghost ball is constantly weakening.

Other than that......!

And that's not all.

He found that the power of the return ball was exactly the same as that of the ghost.


To be precise, it's more like bouncing everything back from a ghost shot.

"How is it possible!"

Rao is also a little unsettled when he enters the river.

It was not only possible to do this.


"This is!"

On the contrary, Tajima noticed something, he used to read a lot of books, and he even studied a lot of Chinese books.

The hand that Buji had just shown made him think of the four or two thousand jin techniques in the Huaxia Taiji martial arts.

That martial art is able to bounce the opponent's power back.

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