"What's wrong? Seed Island? "

Seeing that Tanegashima's face was a little strange, Irie asked.


Tadashima shook his head, his expression gradually returning to normal, but his heart couldn't stop tumbling.

When he looked at Buji again, his eyes also became strange.

The hand before Bu Er was very similar to the four or two thousand jin in Huaxia Tai Chi.

"If it's really this!"

Thinking of this, his heart couldn't help but jump, and the gaze that looked at Buji was also mixed with a bit of eagerness.

At the same time, in order to verify his conjecture, he chose to continue watching.


On the pitch.

The battle between Fuji and the ghost intensified.

The second move is still the same as before, using many counterattack skills and attack skills to score.

But the ghost's is different.

At this moment, his brows furrowed.

It's not how fierce the attack is, but the performance of this showdown.

Every wave of his own attack can be handled with ease.

And it wasn't like before, he felt as if his shot had been dissolved by a soft force.

Other than that...... And that's not all.

After dissolution, everything he had typed was returned intact.

As an opponent, this perception is especially real.

That's right!

It is the return intact.

Not just spinning, but also with power.

"What is it?"

Tanishima's extinction can only eliminate the opponent's shots and special moves, but it cannot return them intact.

But it is possible to do both.




In the blink of an eye, the two have already scored dozens of goals.

The ghost is more and more frightened.

But Tanashima, who had been carefully watching the battle outside the field, was precisely watching Tanashima, and his eyes became more and more eager.


He was finally sure.

What Buji mastered was the four or two jacks in Tai Chi.

Only that martial art can do this.

"This kid!"

When he noticed this, Tadashima's eyes were also slightly condensed.

Four or two pounds.

This is the martial arts of Huaxia.

It is the most powerful part of Tai Chi and the essence.

I mastered it and incorporated it into tennis.

"Could it be that you went to Huaxia specifically? Learned this martial art from the Taiji master of Huaxia? "

Tanegashima couldn't help but think so.

But then he vetoed his idea.

Not to mention whether he went to Huaxia.

Even if it goes.

It is impossible for the Taiji Master of Huaxia to teach this thing to such a twelve- or thirteen-year-old child.

And since it is not Huaxia who went there, where did Buji learn this martial art?

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and Tanegashima once again looked at Buji, this powerful newcomer seems to hide a lot of secrets!


On the court, after the initial shock, the ghost also calmed down.

He stopped thinking about how to do this and began to attack constantly.

Who is the ghost?

That is the combat power of Japan's U17TOP0 during this period, and its strength is still above Byodoin.

Even if he only showed sixty percent of his strength at the moment, the outbreak was quite fierce.

Although the ability derived from the fusion of four or two jacks allows him to be fearless of the ghost's attack, he can also rebound everything that the ghost hits.

But he didn't get any bargains from the ghosts.

The first inning was held.

But in the second game, the ghost's serve, Buji failed to win.


The two sides are tied.


Irijiang didn't know that what Buji was doing at the moment was four or two thousand pounds in Huaxia Taiji, but Buji could be comparable to the ghost fight of sixty percent strength, which still surprised him.


Third inning.

Fourth inning.

In the blink of an eye, the two rounds are over.

As before, Fuji and Oni also held their own serves.

The situation turned around, and it came to the fifth inning.

Buji stood at the bottom line, and his gaze was on the imposing ghost on the opposite side.

In the first four games, he could only hold his own serve, but could not overcome the ghost's serve.

Seemingly...... If you want to change the situation, you can only further improve your strength.

Immediately, his eyes froze.

As for his thinking, he is fixed on that move.

Wind Attack Technique Light Wind.

Although the spark has not yet been used, this move is not very powerful, at least for ghosts.

Therefore, I don't plan to use this trick.

But the light wind is different.

This is the mystery that can stop time, even if you think about it, it will be tricky. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The thought flashed, and Buji waved it out.

Then, his whole body stepped forward again.

Looking at Buji's fighting spirit, the ghost's eyes were also slightly condensed.

However, he does not feel that Buji can force him to have more strength, after all, he with six percent strength represents the combat power of the top eight of U17 and even the top seven.

However, if you want to force him out more strength, you must also build on this foundation.

This is undoubtedly impossible!


Putting away the thought, the ghost lifted the racket and violently blasted the tennis ball out.


This ball is menacing, and most importantly, it is also quite powerful.

It can be seen that the ghost wants to snipe the attack.

But Ji ignored it, his figure was stunned, and his clear eyes were instantly locked on the tennis ball.

"Wind Attack Technique Light Wind!"

With a faint voice sounded.

In a flash.

With Buji as the center, everything is reduced to a static state.

And the ball played by the ghost, in the eyes of Buji, evolved into slow motion.


A flash of yellow flashed.

The yellow glow that flashed in that moment, Rao and the ghost were difficult to act.

By the time he reacted, the tennis ball was already flying off the court.



A ball fell.

The ghost's expression changed.

Irie and Tanegima, who were sitting on the outside battle, also changed their expressions.

As the top experts of U17, they clearly understood the scene that happened in the previous moment.

Stop by time!

Just now, time came to a brief stop.

"This is the realm of time!"

For a time, things like planting islands and Irijiang all set off terrifying waves in their hearts.

However, ghosts are not the same.

"This kid!"

Looking at the opposite side, who was still maintaining the batting action, his face was also a little unnatural.

Time stops.

No, this guy can do this.

This is something that neither he, Tanishima, nor even Byodoin can do.

"Keep going!"


But Buji smiled faintly.

Back at the bottom line, he hit another goal, and then the whole person attacked again.




Count the balls in a row.

All of them stop in time.

Rao is a ghost, and it is difficult to deal with it for a while.



In the fifth game, he was easily pocketed.

"This kind of strength!"

When this game fell, the gazes of Tanegashima and Irie were no longer the same.

At this moment, what they had in their eyes was just a look of disbelief.

Not only is the strength forged so powerful, but also the mystery of this can stop time.

That's amazing!

That's right!

At this moment, Tanegashima and Irie were completely shocked by their strength.

The first grade actually reached this step.




On the court, Fuji and the ghost fought fiercely in one place.

As for the ghost, at this moment, he is no longer underestimated, even time can stop, can this be underestimated?



He constantly fights back, while using spiritual power to break free from the shackles of time.

But the power of the light wind is too strong, even if the ghost can break free, but the momentary stop, but also make the ghost a little anxious.


He had to increase his strength to seventy percent.

In the seventy percent state, the ghost was not attacked by the light wind again.

With his speed, strength and skill improved, he began to turn the situation around little by little.

But it's only a twist, but it can't be suppressed.

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