I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 204: Post it, it's boiling! Brother, you are a great pen! (please complete the order)

As soon as Su Ming logged in, he saw countless unread messages.

"It's been twenty minutes, why haven't that guys appeared yet?"

"Don’t wait anymore! After all, it’s not like every hacker calls me, "You have the ability to hit me!! This is called the one who makes you sleepless, my friend, the name is the essence, but it’s a pity that the strength is not great! I guess, he It should have been discovered by wx officials while testing the plug-in! I am busy running away. "

Visual inspection "Grave head grass is three feet tall! Hehe."

"Brother, let's forget it if it doesn't work, anyway, let's grit our teeth and endure this kind of thing! It's not guilty of going to jail for this! It's not worth it!"

Looking at everyone's comments, Su Ming smiled and didn't explain much.

I directly put the "Poor Die You Plug-in" developed by myself in the post.

And add the text "If you are interested, you can download it yourself. You can try it for five minutes! For five minutes, if you want to continue the trial, you need to spend 9.9 yuan to buy an annual membership! I solemnly promise that if there is a car overturned, I will call the police and arrest me!]

The netizens who were discussing intensively in the comment area were instantly stunned.

"Let me go, this bayou really developed it? The tone is arrogant enough!"

"Impossible! Not to mention wx's legal team and the legal team of hacking.com, it is impossible to allow this kind of plug-in to exist only by the technical team of wx!"

"Yes, I bet this 30 plug-in is definitely a Trojan plug-in! After installation, the phone was poisoned and the money in the account was transferred away.

"Although I am also very worried, but I still want to say, is there any elder brother who dare to try? If you succeed, remember to kick me!"

In Shencheng, a man in his early twenties was just busy with the work in his hands. He looked at the time and said helplessly.

"Well, there are only ten minutes to eat again."

With a light sigh, the man opened the yellow braised chicken and quickly grabbed it.

From nine in the morning to nine in the evening, we work 12 hours a day, with 1 hour of meal time at noon and evening. But in fact, no matter whether it is noon or evening, it is not enough to make up for an hour.

There are too many things.

Therefore, he can only take advantage of the ten to twenty minutes of eating, playing with his mobile phone.

No, as soon as I turned on the phone, I saw a series of unread messages.

Before he could click on it, a contact jumped out.

"Xiao Yang, isn't it convenient? Help Sister bargain!"

"Although it was not successful last time, thank you. Sister promises this is the last time!"

"Xiao Yang, this stroller, please help me cut a fake!"

"Xiao Yang? Are you there?"

"Xiao Yang? Where's the person?"

Sister Liu, a former colleague of Xiaoyang Company. I helped her chop once before, but now I can't stop it. Two hair links in three days let you chop.

Soon, Xiao Yang noticed that Aunt Zhang had sent him a message: Xiao Yang, something serious happened, you must help Aunt Zhang and me!

"Something happened? What happened?"

Looking at this tone, Xiao Yang thought that something was wrong at home, and quickly returned a message.

"Aunt Zhang, what happened to you?"

Seeing Xiao Yang's own reply, Aunt Zhang replied non-stop.

"Ah, Xiao Yang, something big happened!

Xiao Yang's heart suddenly tightened, is there really something wrong with the family?

Just as he was about to continue to inquire, the other party sent a 60-second voice message.

"Xiao Yang, something big happened! The Wang Kun next door successfully cut into a microwave oven. She mocked me for not being able to cut it. You must help me."

In the voice, Aunt Zhang Barabara said how good the microwave oven was, and how many people Wang Chuang mobilized to chop it for himself, and watched it for a long time. She can't lose to the other side, she wants one too!

After listening to the news, Xiao Yang ate the yellow stewed chicken in his mouth, and it no longer fragrant.

What is all this!

The price, how can it be done like a dead person at home!

Have a meal, it's so hard!

Soon, Aunt Zhang sent a series of messages.

"Xiao Yang, this microwave oven, you can cut a knife for help!"

"By the way, Xiao Yang, Aunt Zhang is still 20 people short! You can ask your colleague to bargain for me!"

"And this induction cooker! You cut a knife for me too!"

"Xiao Yang, why don't you reply to Aunt Zhang? Xiao Yang? How about you?"

"Little Yang..."

Looking at the news, Xiao Yang's head was about to explode.

He didn't plan to read the other news.

It only takes more than ten minutes to eat by myself. I want to play with a mobile phone. There are still so many people calling themselves to bargain.

Xiao Yang drank the yellow braised chicken in his mouth, the taste was the same as chewing wax.

"Damn it's wx, good software links, are all blocked! These rogue software links, none of them are blocked! Annoying!"

"Seriously affect my experience! The point is, I can't uninstall wx!

Suddenly, he thought of a fierce man.

The software developed by that fierce man is also available on his mobile phone.

"The hacker god last time, in response to the voice of the majority of netizens, developed Su Yan Bao. It has been so long and has not been conquered by major platforms!!

"This time, can you contact him to try, can you kill these rogue links? Even if you spend some money, I'm willing!"

Although he knew the possibility was unlikely, he still planned to try.

So, he opened the post. Just as he was about to open the blind date bar, he noticed a post.

"What do you think of the crazy bargaining links on the cut network? Don't you think it is annoying?"

"I'm Cao! What a coincidence! Tieba won't eavesdrop on me, right? I want to, just push me what?"

Having said that, he opened it up and looked at it.

After dozens of seconds, Xiao Yang froze.

"Let me go, this bar friend is also a ruthless person! Actually follow the example of "If you have the ability to hit me", developed such a plug-in!"

Soon, he noticed a reply.

"Is there anyone who dared to give it a try?"

Although Xiao Yang is very worried that this may be a Trojan plug-in, but after reading it, he has an unused mobile phone and a wx trumpet that is not bound to a bank card!

Why not try it?

If it succeeds, there will be no such annoying things in the future.

If you fail, you won't lose! Anyway, there is no money in the trumpet.

Just do it!

Immediately, he returned a message to the other party: "Brother, I will try first, and I succeeded in kicking you!"

Immediately afterwards, he opened the drawer and found the unused fruit 6 mobile phone.

Boot up, log in to the trumpet, download the plug-in, install, enter the trial period, all in one go.

Subsequently, he opened the bargaining link sent by Aunt Zhang with a large size, found the forward button, and found the contact person.

Confirm [forward to friend Xingkong!?]

Xiao Yang didn't hesitate to press confirmation.

The next second, a dialog box popped up.

[I'm very sorry, the user's wx has closed the window for sharing the hacking network link, this link cannot be forwarded to your friends 520'Xingkong!!)

Looking at this dialog box, Xiao Yang said.

"The way! It really works!"

He used it several times in a row.

As a result, without exception, all succeeded!

At this time, Xiao Yang was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Brother Niu Pen!"

So, he opened a 9.9 package annual membership with a small account.

Continued to try a few times and still succeeded!

Now, he was completely relieved, and quickly downloaded the inquiry with a large size, and opened a membership.

"Aunt Zhang, I can't open the link you sent. You can send it again."

Aunt Zhang was weird in her heart, but she reposted a few links to him.

However, the dialog box that popped up from her wx interface made her dumbfounded.

"Xiao Yang, what's the situation? I can't forward these links to you. I said I closed you haha...

"Ah? Can't forward it? What's it off? I don't know! Aunt Zhang, I just finished eating, I'm about to bargain for you!"

After replying to the news, Xiao Yang almost didn't laugh.

Open the post, and Xiao Yang will share his experience under the post.

At this time, the comment area suddenly exploded.

Many netizens said one after another.

"Brother, you are the navy! You are in the same group!"

"Whether you are a navy or an accomplice, I will try with a trumpet now! If it is fake, I wish you were hit by a car while walking! If it is true, I wish you a lottery win!

"Everything is fake, try it with a trumpet! In case it's true, this 9.9 is definitely a bargain! Besides, isn't there a five-minute trial period? And it doesn't cost money!"

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