I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 205: One sentence, one sentence, tomorrow, friends go to jail! Team Wu comes home! Expose!?

Originally, those netizens were just onlookers.

After all, watching the excitement is not too big a problem, if you really want to be a guinea pig, you must be flustered in your heart.

As a result, after Xiao Yang jumped out to prove it, those netizens suddenly couldn't hold back.

Isn't it just worrying about Trojan horse viruses, I will try it with a trumpet!

If it doesn't work, I will try it for five minutes!

If it is really useful, it will definitely make a profit!

As more and more netizens have this idea, they have joined the trial ranks.

Su Ming watched the increasing number of downloads and data usage in the background of the program, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"When you taste the sweetness, you will know how fragrant this plugin is!"

With a light smile, Su Ming suddenly noticed that Captain Wu and the two were walking towards the boys' dormitory.

This discovery made Su Ming frowned slightly.

He has an unpleasant feeling.

It seems that Captain Wu and Xiaowu came here specifically for themselves.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Ming felt that he did not leave any flaws, and it was logically impossible to expose it.

"Finally, whether you come to me or not, be prepared.

After the conversation, Su Ming began to act.

In the shortest time, countless traces were erased.

At the same time, as more and more netizens tried it out, the comment area of ​​Su Ming's post instantly boiled.

"My Cao! I can't believe it, it's true! This is to grab a job with wx!"

"Hahaha, the effect is easy to use! Just now my blind date asked me to chop her, but found that I couldn't forward it, and then called me and had a good time! Finally, I told her that I really wanted to bargain for you, and I’m still a new user, but I don’t know why, I can’t receive the link you sent! I am so angry with her, hahaha laughed at me."

"After I use it up, I feel that the entire wx environment is refreshed all at once! Although I can see some in the circle of friends, it has a big impact! Anyway, I can't receive the bargaining link forwarded by others, I am very comfortable!"

"Just now, a female friend of mine called me suddenly and asked me if I had been hacked! I was confused, but when I asked, I was planning to help bargain, and it turned out..."

"Brother, you are really awesome! I am convinced! I personally offer this 9.9! It must be paid for the year!"

When everyone was in high spirits, netizens soon poured cold water.

"Are you happy too early? Don't forget, this plug-in is installed on wx! Without wx authorization, you know the fate of binding wx link software without authorization!

"Personal" suggestion, just try the sweetness of the expiration date! There is no need to spend 9.9 to buy a member! Because this plug-in will be blocked soon! And, this friend, we will see him in the legal system of the TV station. ....

At this time, those elated netizens suddenly became dumbfounded.

"Overflow! I'm happy to be blind! You say me, you will go to jail tomorrow!"

"Bobo, it's 9.9! It's sloppy! Forget that this plug-in is sucking the blood of Nanshan Pizza Hut! With the dominance of Nanshan Pizza Hut, you're done!"

"Such a good plug-in is about to be broken, it's a pity! If it can be as stable as a mountain like Yanbao, it would be great! How many netizens are the gospel! It is a pity that wx is too domineering and no one dares to mess with it.

"Oh! Not every piece of software is called Su Yan Bao! Not every hacker is called to have the ability to hit me!! I wish you a good friend, you can't sleep, go all the way!"

All of a sudden, there was a sigh in the comment area.

Unfortunately, these netizens are downloading more crazily.

After all, the five-minute trial period of this plug-in is enjoyable and still quite good.

Su Ming is busy here, and he casually glanced at the software background monitoring data, and was stunned.

"I go!"

"Only for the trial period? Is this trying to grab my wool?"

So, Su Ming boarded the post, glanced quickly, and suddenly understood.

He quickly replied.

[First: Facts have proved that the dying of you' plug-in works! The five-minute trial period was cancelled and changed to three free trials!”

[Second: The first 1,000 members can enjoy a 9.9 yuan annual subscription service, and plug-in upgrades do not increase the price! The first 10,000 members can enjoy a 19.9 yuan annual subscription service! After 10,000, do you want to enjoy a whole year of clean wx, or 365 All kinds of bargaining, red envelopes, and group link bombing all day long?)

[Third; a reminder, double eleven is not far away, after double twelfth, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Day...At that time, all kinds of bargaining, cutting red envelope links, joining group links...you, prepare Are you ready?)

After replying, Su Ming quickly exited the post bar, and then deleted all the login traces.

After taking a look at the real-time monitoring screen, the two Wu and Wu had already arrived downstairs in the fifth building of the boys' dormitory.

Listening to Liu Gui's snoring from the bed next to Chu, Su Ming smiled faintly.

"It's really possible to come to me. Fortunately, I've saved my hand long ago.

Su Ming opened the learning materials and started to concentrate on learning.

Looking at Su Ming's reply, all the netizens were dumbfounded.

"Female overflow! This bar friend is a bit arrogant! Aren't we just his wave of wool? Why did you cancel the trial period and change the VIP price? Fortunately, I didn't make a VIP!

"Cut! This shows that I want to roll money before being banned by wx, fools will charge members! He also threatened our various festivals to come, I put my words here, even if the wx link blows up the street, I won't spend this Wrong money!"

"According to the intellectual property regulations, the plug-in developed by this friend is indeed effective, and the charges are reasonable! Be rational, there is no need to spray!

"Indeed! Those people upstairs both wanted to take advantage and cursed people to go to jail earlier. These three views were exploded.

When everyone was arguing about Su Ming's actions, a bar friend suddenly sent a few messages.

Then, the entire comment area was quiet.

"Unfortunate news to everyone! My blind date didn't ask me to bargain for her before, and then I downloaded the plug-in to piss her off! Originally this thing passed, who knows"

"Who knows, that girl doesn't speak martial arts! She just called and told me that she complained to the wx official! Online (Li La) complaints, telephone complaints, all tried!"

"Tour! Brothers, use it and cherish it! This plug-in is probably going to be cold!"

"Finally, I spent 9.9 in exchange for a panic from wx and earned it."

Seeing these news, many friends sighed helplessly.

They have a deep understanding of the high efficiency and dominance of wx. It is estimated that this plug-in will be completely blocked in less than half an hour.

They are uncomfortable, and another warrior who resists the monopoly of Internet giants is about to fall.

Of course, there are also many bar friends ridiculing there, thinking that they have guessed the ending a long time ago.

In this regard, Su Ming does not care.

At this moment, he just happened to be studying.

"Boom boom boom."

There was a knock on the door in the dormitory.

"Is classmate Liu Gui there? Is classmate Su Ming there?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Captain Wu of the Xuanwu Branch, please open the door."

2. Real,

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