"Poor to die for you" plugin? What kind of plugin is this?"

Liu Xueqing was stunned. He had never heard of this plug-in.

We are "currently studying, and we don't know the effect of this plug-in for the time being! But one thing can be confirmed, this plug-in can forcibly intercept and forward various bargaining, grouping, and red envelope links that are forwarded from the chopping network."

"Is there anything else?"

Liu Xueqing raised his brows.

To do this, they can do it internally!

After all, the access port authority of wx is in their hands.

However, wx has a cooperative relationship with Chop. Both of these are large-traffic platforms, and one port access channel can bring tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of net income to wx every year!

Who would do such a self-defeating thing?

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

"This, could it be done by internal employees?"

As soon as this idea emerged, he felt that the possibility was very great!

After all, the internal technicians know the operating data of "May 20" x, and they can develop a plug-in that skips wx permissions.

"Xiao Sun, check the internal technicians, check their accounts, and see if there is any unusual activity recently!"

"Have you ever checked wx's operating data privately...

"Yes!" Nodded, Xiao Sun walked out quickly: "I will do it now!"

After a while, Director Qian from the second group next door came over.

Lao Liu "There is a plug-in called Qiao Di You, don't you know?"

"Do you also know?

"No! Now wx is up and down, I know more or less!"

Director Qian said helplessly.

"I personally contacted one of the users who installed the "Poor Die You" plug-in and got some useful Xiaoxia."

"Huh? Come and listen!"

Take out the phone and open the post bar, Director Qian said.

"Look, this plug-in originated from a post in Tieba.

"It can be seen that this is called "The friend who makes you sleepless." He can't bear the harassment of cutting off the Internet and bargaining links, and privately developed such a plug-in. "

"In the words of netizens, this is called earning our wool!"

Director Liu looked at the posts and the various replies below, and his eyebrows were almost twisted together.

This "ba friend is very arrogant,

"The netizen said that he circulated money and was about to be sent to prison by us, but he directly cancelled the five-minute trial period! Even the price has increased!!

"Yes, this bar friend is indeed very arrogant!" Director Qian said helplessly.

This "plug-in, let's try it out first.

"See if we can analyze the loopholes."

Later, the two downloaded the plug-in.

"Three free trial opportunities. I will try it with a trumpet."

With that, Director Liu tried.

Director Qian hurriedly leaned over to observe.

Director Liu randomly found a link to cut the net and sent it to the trumpet.

[I'm very sorry, the user's wx has closed the window of sharing the hacking net link, this link can not be forwarded to your friends' Daydream!!)

Seeing the dialog box that jumped out, the two of them were dumbfounded.

"I really don't give a chance at all!"

"Try other links."

At the suggestion of Director Qian, Director Liu found a link to another website.

This time, unimpeded!

Now, the two can confirm one thing.

"This plug-in is aimed at the links of the cut network!"

"Bargaining links, red envelope links, and group joining links should all be restricted!"

The result was analyzed, but the two of them frowned deeper.

Immediately, they called in many technicians to test this plug-in! They planned to develop a patch to fill in the loopholes in installing this plug-in.

"I'll give you five minutes!"

Immediately "investigate this account called'make you sleepless and see who he is!"

In addition, "Notify the staff of the Legal Department and let them evaluate the losses caused by this plug-in to wx!-Let's catch the other party and sue immediately!"

"The most important thing is that, in the shortest time, a repair patch will be developed! Fix the loopholes! Understand?"


Everyone shouted loudly below.

With an order, those technicians suddenly became busy.

After a while, a technician shouted.

"Director Liu, we just contacted the administrator of Tieba and asked them to provide relevant data for this account."

Liu Xueqing urged: "Don't tell me the process, I want the result!"

"As a result, they couldn't provide it!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Tieba said that in their system backstage, there is no account information that keeps you awake!"

Liu Xueqing said in a bad mood: "No account information? Post it to fool anyone! Without account information, can you post? Can you upload plug-ins?"

"I don't know about this, they said there is no backstage."

The technician changed the conversation and said, "Director Liu, I found this friend, which is similar to the mysterious hacking method used to develop Su Yan Bao!"

"Humph! That's just not meeting our wx technical team!"

Liu Xueqing said: "Besides, the anchor made such a big noise last night! Now, how many people are looking for him all over the world? He dare to appear?"

"I think this should be a hacker who used similar methods to pay tribute to the other party!

"These are not important! Now, fix the loopholes first!"

At the same time, cut and cut the headquarters of the net. 0

The customer service staff hung up the complaint call with a bitter expression.

Just now, she received dozens of complaint calls in a row.

Said that there was a problem with the link to their website and could not be forwarded to wx!

Even some hot-tempered women yelled directly on the phone.

Think that they deceive users and engage in links that cannot be reposted! Let users hack themselves! Thus wasting user time!

What's more, just say that you want to complain to them!

For this, she tried it specially and found that there was no problem.

This made her very wronged.

After asking casually, she found out that not only did she encounter this kind of thing, but also other customer service staff.

Counting it down, there are hundreds of them!

At this time, they realized that something was wrong, and the complainant did not seem to be joking.

As the incident was reported, it soon caused a sensation in the network technology department.

After some attempts, the hacking network technical team found the cause of this problem, and they had to look for it on wx!

So, Director Ma of the Technical Department immediately found the contact information of Director Liu of the Wx Technical Department and dialed it.

On the other side, Liu Xueqing continued to have bad news here.

The little Sun walked in quickly and said, "Director Liu, I checked it! Our internal staff, there should be no problem."

2.3 "Isn't it an insider?" Liu Xueqing rubbed his swollen temples, and said with a headache: "It's not an insider, then the problem is tricky."

The technician below also shouted.

"Director Liu, we can't crack the source code of this plug-in!"

"Director Liu, we have repaired wx at the moment! Downloaded and tried it. The effect is not obvious."

Director Liu stared, and said angrily: "A bunch of trash! They still say that he graduated from a prestigious university every day! I can't even handle a small plug-in!"

"Check it out for me!"

"I can't figure it out in the afternoon, but continue to do it in the evening!"

In the evening, "If you can't figure it out, don't get off work! Get it until dawn tomorrow!"

Director Liu paced back and forth with anger.

The seriousness of this incident has gradually exceeded his expectations.

If wx can't take effective measures, then this plug-in can really ride wx's wool!

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