I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 209: Tai Sui broke the ground! wx is angry! Su Ming shot, challenge the bottom line! Seeking

Who can stop wx's wool?

I'm afraid it's not tired of living!

Anyone who has a conflict of interest with wx will end up there! Nanshan Pizza Hut is famous, who is not afraid?

Dare to block its wool?

This is not the old birthday star hanging himself, is it too long to live!

But now, there is a plugin that does this!

Courage, it's hard to say!

Don't say 9.9, even if it's nine hairs, wx can't bear it!

At this moment, Liu Xueqing was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, irritable.

Being able to use plug-ins on wx means that wx must have a loophole!

But now, this loophole can not be found! Then, this plug-in can not be eliminated.

It's like the roof is leaking, no fatal cracks can be found, no matter how much that is repaired, the leak is still leaking!

As long as this plugin exists for one day, it will be a huge challenge for wx's face!

Those cooperators will inevitably change their attitude towards wx.

When the market and capital are not optimistic about WX at 30, the stock price will naturally fall.

Liu Xueqing became more afraid as he thought about it.

When the day came, he couldn't keep the position of supervisor who had managed to climb up.

At this moment, his phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was the chief horse who chopped and chopped the net.

When the ports were docked, the two left each other's phone calls.

"Hey, Director Ma, what's the matter?"

There was a very dissatisfied voice from Director Ma on the phone.

"Director Liu, what kind of plane do you wx do!"

Our "The agreement signed by the two companies is clearly stated! Channels are interoperable and traffic is shared!"

"You now have a whole plug-in that does not accept links, which makes me very passive in cutting off the Internet!

"Hundreds of users have already called complaints! What do you want me to do?"

"If you don't give me an explanation, then I can only inform the senior management!"

Listening to Director Ma's complaint, Liu Xueqing sighed and explained.

"Director Ma, this matter really has nothing to do with wx!"

"It's okay for you? Why do I not believe me so? The certain flash of the sound shake was forcibly closed by your access port! This is a lesson from the past!

Liu Xueqing's mouth twitched suddenly.

Lessons learned from the past, now it is really unclear.

After thinking about it, he simply explained what he had gotten.

After listening, Director Ma was dumbfounded.

"My Cao! What are you talking about?"

"Someone actually developed a plug-in and skipped your management authority! Unilaterally intercepting the link to the hacking network?

"Isn't it! Nanshan Pizza Hut's prestige, who does not know who does not know?"

"Who dares to break ground on Tai Sui?

Obviously, Director Ma is not convinced in his heart.

He felt that if he changed to an Internet company, he would believe it! But wx...impossible!

``It's possible for the children in Nancun to bully me for being too weak. It might happen to other people.

"Director Liu, we are friends! It's not interesting for you to fool me like this!

Facing Director Ma’s questioning, Liu Xueqing was completely desperate.

"In this way, I'll give you a link, and you can see it yourself!"

With that said, he sent a link to Director Ma.

After receiving the connection, Director Ma quickly opened it and looked at it.

Immediately, a post popped up, "What do you think about the crazy bargaining links on the cut network? Don't you think it is annoying?"

When I clicked it on, Director Ma was immediately dumbfounded.

"Wow! This is clearly aimed at me cutting and cutting the net!"

"It's not just for cutting the net, but also for me wx!" Liu Xueqing said helplessly: "I have a headache right now!"

"Director Ma, what is the situation on your side, we can exchange information!"

"This matter must be suppressed as soon as possible! lest it has a big impact! It is not good for us!

Soon, the two reached a simple verbal agreement over the phone. Help each other to resolve the crisis.

After hanging up, Liu Xueqing still felt uneasy.

At this time, Director Qian stepped forward and whispered.

"Old Liu, the message just came from above, let us deal with this as soon as possible! Otherwise, we will replace all the people in our two groups!"

"Replace us? Such an exaggeration?"

"Yes! The risk assessment department believes that if this matter is not stifled in the cradle, it will be extremely detrimental to wx! For the above, maintaining a steady rise in wx's stock price is much more important than our technical staff."

Director Qian shrugged, rather helpless.

"After all, big companies have no shortage of talents! Any school recruits, how many people squeeze their heads."


Liu Xueqing took a breath.

This result was more serious than he thought.

In the eyes of capitalists, let alone individuals, even the entire department can be replaced at any time.


Taking a deep breath, Liu Xueqing said solemnly.

"I have a bold idea, you see,

"tell me the story."

Liu Xueqing leaned forward and muttered a few words.

After listening, Director Qian's face changed slightly.

"Although it's a little bold, but it suppresses the extraordinary period, and acts as an extraordinary method!"

"Okay! Then I'll contact the operation department and the planning department."

With that, Liu Xueqing took out his cell phone and connected.

After contacting, Liu Xueqing was waiting for the heads of the three departments to come over, so he posted on the post and left a message at 520 under the post posted by Su Ming.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know who you are. What you need to know is that the plug-in you developed violates the rights of wx! Could you please remove this plug-in immediately and make a public apology!"

Otherwise, "we will file a civil lawsuit against you and hold you accountable!"

Su Ming originally just came up to see the user's feedback, but he didn't know, he directly saw this suspected wx staff member's news.

"Interesting, you want to sue me? Is this giving me a lawyer's letter?"

With a sneer, Su Ming replied a few words below.

"If you don't do business every day, you will be threatened everywhere! Hengban, it hurts to be idle!"

"Don't stare at your one-acre one-third of the land every day, and do more business. Always want to monopolize, control what users should accept, what should not be accepted, and are not tired?"

"As a platform user, you naturally have the right to choose! You can choose to accept these links, or not to accept these links! Instead of imposing them on users blindly!"

Seeing Su Ming's reply, Liu Xueqing suddenly became angry.

"You will regret what you did today! Waiting to receive the lawyer's letter!"

Su Ming was happy.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at home! Another good news is announced, "You are so poor that you plug-in, use it for three days for free! In these three days, even if the king Laozi comes, don't panic!"

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