I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 215: The Internet Earthquake! You, you are shameless! [Please complete the order]

[To all wx users. 】

[Wx has always been at the forefront of many companies in terms of network security! Any external chain that is blocked by us is not safe!''

[But right now, there are thousands of users committing crimes and wantonly spreading your plug-in, harming the interests of users!"

[According to the content in the user agreement, wx has the right to stop any issues involving safety and sex immediately!]

[The incident of "Poor Die You Plugin" brought extremely adverse effects to the wx platform. It brought great security risks to nearly one billion users!)

[The following 5999 user accounts who have tried the law will be permanently banned at midnight! And they will be held accountable for disseminating illegal plug-ins!"

[In addition, we hereby solemnly warn netizens who make you sleepless! We have all your evidence, please surrender to the relevant authorities immediately! Otherwise, we will personally send you to jail! 」

[Wx reiterate again: We are for everyone's safety, please don't try yourselves! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

Below this statement, the lawyer's letter covered with the red seal of the law firm is unusually eye-catching!

Lawyer notification letter!

To: R&D staff of a rogue plug-in, users of Tieba-make you sleepless!!

Invincible Law Firm is entrusted by wx and is run by Lawyer Xiao...

According to Article 999 of the "Act" of the Chinese Dynasty...

Article 1029 provides...

Tieba users’ make you sleepless, and the development of the ‘poor you’ plug-in has seriously affected... and caused great losses to wx!

A rough estimate would cause direct economic losses to wx, tens of millions! The loss of reputation and other aspects is immeasurable!

The client has authorized the lawyer to collect relevant evidence, and the proof has been completed!

Please ‘make you sleepless, come forward in time, surrender to the police! And compensate wx for various losses, a total of 45 million soft sister coins!

Since wx issued this statement, the whole network has been quietly.

Although those social platforms did not dare to repost this incident, they all secretly observed it.

Wx actually moved such a big anger for one person!

This is the first time in history!

At the bib headquarters, Mr. Zhao Dakang and Mr. Zhao hung up several emergency calls.

Director Feng and others on the side looked at Mr. Zhao and asked.

"What about Mr. Zhao "Friend?"

"So many people are calling, let's drop the hot search! Do we want to withdraw?"

"Mr. Zhao, in addition to those who are looking for you, there are also many phone calls to us.

Everyone was helpless.

For these technicians, it is easy to withdraw a hot search!

But the level involved in this matter is different from before.

Mr. Zhao carried his hands on his back and walked back and forth in place.

His heart is also very anxious.

The old fox of the board of directors, there is no fart! It seems that you don't know!

No way, wx is very powerful! Even if the bib and him are not in the same camp, they still feel a strong pressure!

Suddenly, Mr. Zhao's heart slammed and said.

"Retreat? Retreat!"

"A few hours ago, their public relations department called, and I understand it! It is impossible to withdraw the hot search! To let this matter down, unless they get some news on their own and rush to it!!"

"I can't figure it out, who is to blame?"

Director Feng whispered: "But...

"But a shit!"

Mr. Zhao completely spared his life.

"Don't forget, the previous children's boxer, we control the comment and delete the post! What happened in the end? The anchor appeared, and then the interview was conducted. The hot search was shut down for a week, and the stock price plummeted!"

"Last night, after Liu Gui of Jinhang University was caught by the Internet violent, you privately deleted the posts. The incident became more and more troublesome. In the end, the anchor appeared again! As you know, I, personally, came forward and apologized in front of the entire network!"

Mr. Zhao's tone gradually became anxious.

"Finally, that Zhen Meili is actually a spy! Way! You previously deleted posts and criticized comments privately in order to show up, and almost brought a devastating blow to the bib!"

Several people were ashamed by Mr. Zhao, and lowered their heads subconsciously.

What happened last night, they are still scared in retrospect.

Thankfully, Mr. Zhao stepped up in time to apologize publicly before the situation was unclear!

Otherwise, after the exposure of Zhen Meili, the scarf will be useless. At that time, the act of helping her to delete the review and accusation is exposed, but it is not an appointment, and it will definitely be liquidated!

Every time he thinks about this, Mr. Zhao is more grateful to Su Ming.

"So, now everything, we must be careful and careful! In case, I said in case, if someday wx is exposed to something big, then those of us who helped it withdraw hot searches, are we going to be pulled again? Come out for a meal?"

"Besides, we and wx are not on the same boat! Our link channel, wx is also banned!"

Mr. Zhao's tone was very dissatisfied.

Banned my external links, and asked me to remove the hot search against you?

"Look at this statement again! From the beginning to the end, wx didn't mention who this person is! Only the other party's screen name was mentioned-it made you sleepless!"

Mr. Zhao looked at several people and asked, "What does this mean?"

"What does this mean?" Director Feng looked at Mr. Zhao in amazement, very puzzled.

"This shows that wx's powerful technical team has been running for several hours! As a result, I don't even know who the other party is!"

"Only know the other party's screen name and this plug-in! This prompts wx to start with those users who use the plug-in! This is the opposite of pushing the other party to the entire network!

Explain "Wx can't help the other party for the time being!"

When several people heard it, they suddenly showed incredible colors.


Patronizingly set his eyes on the behemoth wx, and forgot this detail!

"This makes you sleepless, and it's also a very strong hacker!"

"Hey, troublesome autumn, we need to be more cautious!"

"Keep working overtime tonight! Not surprisingly, there is a major earthquake on the Internet tonight! wx's unshakable monopoly will be challenged!"

In the end, Mr. Zhao frowned and his expression was sad.

Whoever collides with the giant penguin is unlucky! Especially those individuals are completely crushed!

This time, will there be a reversal?

The busiest commercial street in Jinling, Su Ming and Xu Tingxue are pressing the road.

The undercurrent of the Internet world is raging, and Su Ming is very regretful shopping!

He came out with Xu Tingxue before five o'clock, and (Li's) didn't know the lawyer's letter sent by wx at five o'clock! Of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn't take it seriously.

Wx can really find him, he has been arrested across provinces a long time ago! How can he even threaten him on the Internet?

The two walked all the way, and those passing by subconsciously turned their heads and looked back.

"This woman is so beautiful!

"Hey, I wanted to curse a toad and want to eat swan meat! As a result, I took a closer look, Tu, the man is also very handsome!"

Many nympho girls whispered: "Although this girl is very beautiful, I still think that I am more suitable for this guy!"

"I think so too! So handsome! I really want to go up and ask for a wx!"

Listening to the people around, Su Ming whispered: "Listen to the snow, have you heard? People around you praise you."

"Huh? What do you praise me for?"

"Praise you for your temperament and beauty, it is just right for me!"

"Huh?" Xu Tingxue was stunned, and then reacted.

For a moment, Xu Tingxue blushed, "You, you are shameless."

"Hahaha buy!

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