I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 216: A date! Xu Tingxue’s worship! Only 45 million? Who do you look down on?!

Outside the Haidilao Gate, watching the long line, Xu Tingxue suggested.

"Su Ming, why don't we just eat and eat. With so many people, when will we have to queue?"

"I don't care what I eat.

Seeing Xu Tingxuehong's puffing face, Su Ming smiled and said, "You brought me so many things, please have a meal in Haidilao. Don't worry, I have already prepared!

"Huh? Did you pick up the number in advance?"

"That must be. You wait for me here."

While speaking, Su Ming walked forward with his mobile phone.

When people were not paying attention, Su Ming hacked into the backstage of the number collection system.

In just a few seconds, several over-numbered numbers jumped out.

I chose one randomly, changed the data in the background, and this number became Su Ming's.

Su Ming took the number reminder on his mobile phone and walked to the front desk and said, "Hello, my number is 12, I have passed the number."

"Let me take a look."

After confirming at the front desk, he said: "Hello, please wait a moment! You are the one who gets off the table."

"Okay thank you!"

After taking the number again, Su Ming walked back.

"Listen to the snow, get it done! It's us after the table."

"Wow, awesome!"

Xu Tingxue said excitedly.

The two found a place and waited.

After chatting for a while, Xu Tingxue's phone 520 vibrated.

Picking it up, it was a message from Sun Xiangxiang.

[Listen to Xue, I won't go back tonight, I have to clean up Liu Gui!]


【If you don't want to go back, you don't have to go back. I'll take care of the rounds.

Seeing this news, Xu Tingxue's face turned red.

Su Ming curiously asked: "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Xu Tingxue explained hurriedly.

At this moment, she noticed the official accountability statement issued by wx.

After reading it, Xu Tingxue opened her mouth wide in shock and shocked her face.

"Su Ming, look, it's scary.


Su Ming took the phone and looked at it a few times, and almost didn't laugh.

In order to deal with itself, wx can't wait for the whole world to know it.

"This is "Who is the person who keeps you awake, so amazing! I actually force wx to send a statement directly to all users!"

"Those who use the ‘poor you plug-in’ are so unlucky. They just want multiple choices, and they’re going to be banned if they know."

Xu Tingxue was a little afraid.

"In fact, this plug-in is quite good, I have heard of it before. Although I also bother those bargaining links, grab red envelope links, but after thinking about it, forget it! Being blocked is troublesome."

"Su Ming, why do you say wx does this? According to the feedback from netizens, there is nothing wrong with this plugin."

Su Ming smiled secretly in his heart.

Xu Tingxue didn't know that this person wanted by wx was right in front of him.

The young couple who were also waiting for a meal on the side heard this and couldn't help but leaned over and said.

"Aren't you using this plug-in?"

Xu Tingxue shook his head.

The young man said helplessly: "Oh, I used it! The original effect was pretty good. I don't know, wx is doing this again!"

"I also recommended to my friends to use it, and now it's all over! It's about to be a permanent title!"

The female companion sighed with emotion.

"Yes, I was still titled for three days before! This time I am directly and permanently titled, which shows that challenging the authority of wx will surely be suppressed!"

"Wx is so powerful, as ordinary people, we can only endure it."

At this time, Su Ming said: "Actually, we can look at this from another angle. After all, it is a good thing that someone challenges wx's authority."

"Yes! It is indeed a good thing! The monopoly of wx has become a general trend, our protest is useless." The young man nodded and said.

"Challenging the authority of the giants comes at a price! We are just banning the account. The so-called accountability should be scary."

"It's the one who makes you sleepless and will be held legally responsible! According to wx's management, this person will be sentenced to three to five years, or even more!"

"We have to pay tens of millions. Tens of millions, not a few hundred yuan! It's terrible.

Su Ming explained with a smile: "That said, but you look carefully, now wx has not found the identity of the other party."

"As long as wx can never find out, the other party will be fine! Otherwise, it will be finished."

Of course, "If the above intervenes, it would be hard to say. (dacd) this matter, there is still a turning point."

"Interference from above?" The young man shook his head: "It's unlikely! There is no news of this kind on the whole network now! It's also hot search for bib! I guess, bib will soon be withdrawn from hot search! When the time comes, the possibility is zero!"

Say "Now, below the previous statement, we can still leave a message! This time it's good, wx directly prohibits all members from replying! Also prohibits forwarding!"

"My friend posted a screenshot on the social platform, but it was blocked as soon as it was posted! No display at all! It's so annoying!"

Most "people, it's nothing to do with yourself! Bear it, what else can you do?"

Xu Tingxue curiously asked: "Then why does it have to be titled! Isn't the account our own?"

Su Ming couldn't help laughing at this.

"Silly girl, when you registered your wx account, didn't you read the user agreement?"

"User Agreement?"

Several people were stunned.

"Isn't it enough to just tick? It depends on this stuff?"

"Never noticed.

"So." Su Ming said meaningfully: "As long as you take a closer look, it is stated in the user agreement that the account ownership belongs to Penguin!"

"Everyone just uses Penguin's account to communicate online!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

"I'm going, there's still this thing!

"Oh my God, this is the first time I know!"

"It's terrible! We have no choice at all!"

Su Ming said calmly: "The monopoly of Internet giants through innovation and development is actually not terrible."

"The really scary thing is that they abuse their monopoly position to control us ordinary people.

What ordinary people can choose is in the interests of Internet giants! Therefore, this "poor you plug-in, even if there is no problem at all, but it touches the interests of wx, it will naturally be suppressed!"

"It's as if you can't turn on the sound shake and the scarf through wx.

When everyone was shocked, the front desk shouted: "No. 12!"

Su Ming said to the two of them: "It's us, goodbye."

Immediately, he pulled Xu Tingxue up and walked towards Haidilao.

Xu Tingxue followed Su Ming, admiringly said.

"Su Ming, you know a lot, and you have more opinions than the average person! I don't understand what you just said. If it weren't for you, I don't know this...it's terrible."

"Hahaha, order first!"

The waiter came over with the ipad and said politely: "Two, please order."

"Tingxue, come here, let me see what's going on online now."

Xu Tingxue took the ipad docilely and began to order food.

Su Ming sat inward, then turned on his mobile phone and registered an anonymous account through the plug-in link.

Subsequently, he opened the wx accountability statement.

The accountability statement cannot leave a comment, but for Su Ming, this is not a problem at all.

After finishing, Su Ming said: "How is the order?"

"I ordered a few vegetarian dishes. Come over and take a look."

While eating at Su Ming's side, his message under the accountability statement caused a huge sensation.

[Only 45 million? Who do you look down on?)

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