I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 218: Cyber ​​Violence Su Ming! Counterattack, wx wash your neck! (please complete the order)

This kind of thing, wx public relations department is full of experience!

Soon, the wind direction of the whole network began to reverse.

Many netizens who originally supported Su Ming have become miserable.

At the beginning, everyone thought that Su Ming was fighting against wx's monopoly! Give countless wx users a chance to choose!

But with the smearing of a large number of articles, many netizens were confused.

They don't know the status quo!

One said that netizens have the right to choose freely! Break the monopoly of wx!

One said that the plug-in was illegal and had a Trojan horse virus, and it also gave a conclusive example of the money in the account being transferred after XX was used!

More importantly, the latter is conclusive, and there is too much evidence!

I searched it casually, and it was all "Poor Die You" plugin is not shallow, and it took away the money in my account! "

""I hate you the developer of your plug-in, I hate you! "May 20" my life-saving money was cheated by you!"

"If there is a choice, I would rather bargain prices and red envelopes for the links of the cut network, than download the "plug-in! Sell my personal information!"

The slander news one after another, netizens are completely messed up.

Especially the netizens who later planned to support Su Ming against the wx monopoly. After seeing these new words, their minds suddenly went blank.

Coupled with some turmoil from the navy, the situation fell to one side.

"Good guy, I even treat him as a man at the expense of me, and resist the wx monopoly! I still use him and'have the ability to beat me! Comparing each other, now it seems that he is far inferior to the hero in my mind!"

"It's a pity, the real hero in my mind! Since I went offline, there is no news! It is estimated that I was recruited by the country!"

These netizens don't know that the hero in their mouth is the same person who is being attacked by the Internet.

Very few netizens who stood up to support Su Ming were overwhelmed by numerous comments as soon as they spoke.

Those netizens who can keep their heads sober are helpless.

"Under the Internet tide, netizens are too easy to be swayed by some untrue news!"

The truth "It's obviously there, but it just can't be opened! It's too difficult! It's too difficult!

"If it hadn't been for me to follow from the post bar from the beginning! Under so many new bombardments, I would be dazzled!"

Seeing that the direction of the wind is getting more and more unfavorable for Su Ming, those netizens who support him are anxious, but helpless.

They are just ordinary people, alone and lonely, let alone speak out. The message has just been sent, and it will not be displayed directly!

At first glance, I realized that those platforms that can be logged in with wx are all penguin! They all wear a pair of pants!

No way, they can only go back to the bib and post it again.

Compared to the chaotic bib, Post Bar supports Su Ming the most.

Most of them have used the'Death to you plug-in,' they know there is no problem with this plug-in!

The so-called questionable news came out after several confrontations between Su Ming and wx.

All fools know that there is a problem!

They are anxious and useless.

Seeing that the situation is going well, everyone forgot about wx's arbitrariness and turned around to attack Su Ming.

This made Director Gao overjoyed.

"I'm really dizzy! The problem that the public relations department can solve is that the waste of the technical department is delayed for several hours!"

"We don't need to do it ourselves to arrest people! Collect the evidence and let the police arrest it!"

The head of the public relations department, Mei, has a trace of respect on her face.

Director Gao patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Director Mei, good! I am optimistic about you!"

Director Mei smiled and said excitedly: "Thank you for the cultivation of Director Gao. We have already contacted cutting and cutting the net, and they said there will be actions!"

Nodding satisfied, Director Gao looked at her with a smile.

"Pay attention to the dynamics on the Internet, and report any abnormalities to me immediately!"


Afterwards, Director Gao carried his hands on his back and walked towards several teams of the technical department leisurely.

When he came to the office, Director Gao couldn't laugh at all the technicians were busy there.

"The plug-in hasn't been thoroughly studied! The comments can't be deleted, and none of the problems can be found!"

"If it wasn't for Director Mei of the Public Relations Department who came up with a trick and temporarily resisted the risk for you, you would all have to be dismissed!"

Several people were speechless by Director Gao.

"Watch it! What more moths are going to come out, you guys roll it out!"

At the same time, the bib headquarters.

Mr. Zhao sat in a chair leisurely, drinking coffee and watching the dynamics on the Internet.

Since he chose to remain neutral and no one helps, his mentality has suddenly relaxed..0

Maybe it’s your business. Laozi just doesn’t participate. You wx just thought about it yesterday! Anyway, you don’t wear a pair of pants! There is no counter-attack, but it’s because of your great face.

Director Feng whispered to the side: "Mr. Zhao, the situation right now is a bit familiar!"

"It's not just familiar, it's exactly the same as our original method-cyber storm! However, they can't control the hot search at the moment, they can only ferment the matter through the huge social platform of the Penguin family!"

"The current situation is very unfavorable for this bar friend! I just don't know, can he come back!"

"It's all like this, can it come back? You think he is "has the ability to hit me? How is it possible! That great hacker god should be recruited by the state, otherwise he would have dealt with this kind of thing long ago!"

Chopping the net, who has been watching the show behind his back, is also plotting to take this opportunity to harvest a wave of traffic!

The best way, of course, is to spend money! Real money! Let those women who are willing to forward crazy to taste the sweetness!

Then they will be able to drive more traffic! Traffic is just non-vegetable!

Watching a play, ready to harvest non-vegetable leeks!

Those enthusiastic netizens are still denouncing Su Ming, but they don't know that they have become a fragrant dish in the eyes of others.

"The carnival continues!

The final result is that the giants will make a lot of money! Leave a lot of chicken feathers!


The male dormitory of Jinhang University.

Su Ming sat in front of the full computer, looking at the data pulled out from inside wx, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

These are not the black history of wx! Rather, the current loopholes! Risks!

Each one has a huge blow to wx!

Opening a few webpages casually, watching the accusations full of screens, Su Ming sneered coldly.

Immediately, he boarded the wx backstage and left a message under the accountability statement.

[WX, wash your neck! I've finished singing the first half, and I'm here in the second half!)

As this message was exposed, the original noisy network was quiet for a moment.

Everyone can't figure out why the other party is still so arrogant in this situation!

Shouldn't he find a tree hole to hide?

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