I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 219: Su Ming makes the game! Expose wx! The dog bites the dog among the capital! Seek full o

The one-sided wind direction suddenly stopped.

Those netizens who accused Su Ming looked at this scene and suddenly had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

Those netizens who supported Su Ming almost jumped up with excitement.

They all thought that under this situation, Su Ming didn't dare to take the lead.

I don't know, Su Ming is not afraid, but provocative again!

More bluntly, let wx wash your neck.

How rampant this is!

Completely ignore the threat of wx, and overwhelming accusations.

All the netizens can see that this matter can't be turned over! Either Su Ming was arrested and sent to jail with silver bills; or wx no longer banned the use of the "Poor Die You Plug-in".

"I have provoked wx three times in a row! There is no turning back! For a plug-in, is it necessary to pay for myself? I don't understand!"

"Funny! There is no turning back! From making you sleepless and developing that plug-in, he can't look back! He was stared at by wx, how can he turn his head? He can only be hard to the end!"

"On the wx side, even the lawyer's letter was posted, and I started to collect evidence and demand compensation!-In the afternoon, 45 million! How did you make that brother look back?"

"Don't have any brains? One by one, 30 is waving the flag for wx? Anyone who has really used your plug-in knows that this plug-in is really effective!"

"Someone is in front of WX, for the benefit of the public! Give us the right to choose! But you are holding back here! Alas, irritating!"

"Just one sentence, no snowflake is innocent during an avalanche! When you find that everything is under the control of wx, you will have no chance to regret it! La, it's gone now.

With Su Ming's voice, the trend of the Internet has changed, and suddenly more people support Su Ming.

After calming down, many netizens discovered that, hey, they were actually used as a gun by wx!

Especially, when someone traced back the news about the problem with the "Poor Die You" plug-in, it was discovered that these were all posted by the media.

As for the virtues of self-media, everyone knows it. Notorious, don't do business!

As a result, the wind on the Internet is completely messed up.

Some scolded from the media, some scolded wx, some scolded Su Ming, and some scolded those who forwarded bargaining links...

Seeing the chaotic internet wind, Su Ming himself was stunned for a while.

"No, these people really think I'm doing their best?"

"I just want to make a plug-in to make my wx cleaner, and I don't want to be noticed by wx, just make some money by the way."

After thinking about it carefully, Su Ming reacted.

They think that they are working for their welfare, but because they are oppressed by wx, but they are unable to resist a kind of emotional transfer.

Simply put: you leave me powerless, but someone makes you uncomfortable, I am very happy, we are all the way!

After figuring it out, Su Ming smiled lightly.

"Wxwx, you use capital means to attack me with dimensionality reduction, but it's useless!"

"Seeing that there are so many platforms where you are unhappy, I will also come to give a tooth for a tooth, let your capital bite each other!

Later, he opened an anonymous mailbox and sent the information in his hand to several large social platforms anonymously.

Of course, these platforms are not Penguin.

Such important confidential information was sent to the Penguin platform and hidden in minutes.

Seeing wx's continuous eating marks, as the person in charge of the non-Penguin platform whose external links were strongly closed by wx, everyone was extremely happy.

In the headquarters of the collar, Mr. Zhao watched Su Ming jump out again, and he burst into laughter.

"Good guy! This person is really hard! I have been hard wx three times in a row! If this goes on, wx's face will be lost!"

"The point is, wx still has nothing to do with him!"

"What about sending a lawyer's letter? I will leave a message under the accountability statement!"

"Arrogant enough! Hahaha!"

A few minutes passed, and he hadn't waited for wx's response, Mr. Zhao said with emotion.

"To deal with us, wx has countless ways, but the other side is a mysterious hacker who doesn't know the basics, wx is also big!"

"Fortunately, the last time I was punished by'You have the ability to beat me', we kept a low profile a lot!"

When he was feeling emotional, Director Feng suddenly shouted.

"Mr. Zhao, we received an anonymous email!

"Huh?" Mr. Zhao frowned. Just Gaoxin, won't it be overturned?

"Did you open it?"

"Not yet! It says wx secrets, I'm afraid of fraud!"

"Wx confidential?"

Mr. Zhao rang in his heart and hurriedly leaned over: "Can you find the sender?"

"Not found!"

So "Ah! Wx's wall hasn't fallen yet, did anyone push it together?" Mr. Zhao frowned and said in a serious tone: "Open it first!"


Director Feng clicked the mouse and opened the email.

"Mr. Zhao, there is only one audio, nothing else."

"Open and listen!"

Director Feng tapped.

Soon, the voice of a man, a woman, and a conversation came from the computer.

The woman's voice is very seductive.

[We can post some articles to guide the wind to women who are easily emotionally mobilized)

Hearing this voice, Mr. Zhao suddenly had a very familiar feeling.

Not only Mr. Zhao, but Mr. Feng and others also found it familiar.

"Mr. Zhao, this voice is very familiar! I can't remember it anymore."

"Don't worry about it, keep playing!"

[Support, make you sleepless", most of the netizens are young men attacking their female relatives and friends...)

[Do netizens have a brain? Without 520... under the circumstances, they just meet the keyboard man of the windshield...)

Then, a middle-aged man's voice sounded.

Let them bite the dog

After listening to the entire recording, Mr. Zhao suddenly realized.

"I said how so familiar! This woman is director Mei of the wx public relations department! The man should be the senior director of wx!"

"Where did this anonymous netizen get this recording? It's terrible!"

Suddenly, his face changed suddenly.

"This anonymous netizen, it's not just the individual who can't sleep", right!"

"This method matches well with the screen name! If this audio is broadcast, wx really can't sleep!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone suddenly felt chills in their backs.

Using the means of the Internet to deal with Internet giants, what kind of strength this wants!

Mr. Zhao secretly rejoiced that this incident himself did not enter the game indiscriminately! Otherwise, the ghost knows what kind of situation it will turn into!

Director Feng whispered: "Mr. Zhao, what shall we do? The other party sent us this recording, I'm afraid."


Mr. Zhao coldly snorted, and said: "The ones who gain the way help more than those who lose the way, and wx fools the entire network. This is a just act!

"Send! Send me!

Thank you for your 10,000 sleeps, n

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