I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 220: Anonymous Netizens Contributed! wx Can't Sleep!

At the same time, several heads of technical departments gathered at the Headquarters of Yinke.

Right in front of them, sitting on the top floor of Yin Shake.

These people also looked at the audio file sent by Su Ming and were in shock.

Originally they did not intend to participate, but this audio file brought them a great impact. Their ambitions are just around the corner.

The audio executive asked: "Have you checked the authenticity of this audio file?"

The directors of the technical department underneath said one after another.

"Mr. Xiao, we have verified! The audio file is authentic and there are no traces of forgery!"

"And we also compared the voice segments. The female voice segment of the audio file and the voice segment of the wx public relations department director Mei we collected reached 98%! Another male voice segment has a matching degree of 99% with the wx senior director. %!

We can "100% confirm that the men and women in the audio file are Director Mei and Director Gao of wx!"

Yin Shaking, Mr. Xiao frowned, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

When this audio segment is sent out, it will inevitably cause great shocks.

"Can you find out the source?"

We "tracked but didn't track it!"

Can't find "?" Manager Man said in distress: "This person can get such an audio file from the wx headquarters, which shows that his strength is very good! He sent it to us, it should be hoped that we will expose it! But, a?"

"Mr. Xiao, could it be the one who kept you awake? Just imagine, once this audio is exposed, it will definitely cause a huge disturbance! The wx executives are really awake!

"The possibility of him is not small! There is another possibility. The other party may be a famous anchor-'You have the ability to hit me! After the broadcast last night, he never showed up!"

"It's unlikely that it's an anchor! If it's really an anchor, can you bear to expose it until now? It's a live broadcast long ago, wx! No matter how hard wx is, can there be Dongyang hard? Can there be other countries hard?"

When the words came out, everyone nodded, feeling very reasonable.

Although their acting styles are somewhat similar, it’s more gentle to keep you awake than if you have the ability to hit me.

Manager Man waved his hand to interrupt everyone's speculation, said.

"No matter who he is! Now that this audio file is in our hands, we must show its worthy "qi!"

"We and wx are fighting openly and secretly for traffic, and we are hurting each other! This time, we have important confidential recordings in hand, and we need to plan carefully to maximize its value!

Everyone nodded, and wx their wrists, and it was exciting to think about it.

"Go, let the people from the operations department come over!"


CU shocked the headquarters.

The middle management gathered in the meeting room. In front of them, audio was playing on the projector.

[Let them bite the dog

After hearing the last sentence, the CU executive said: "What do you think about this audio file?"

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, silently.

"Don't worry, speak boldly!

With the acquiescence of the high-level, the supervisors underneath said one after another.

"Mr. Yang, there is no problem with the authenticity of the audio! The identity in the audio can also be confirmed! Since the other party sent it to us, let's explode it!"

"Yes, no matter who the other party is! No matter what the other party's purpose is! What we want is two words-traffic!"

"According to the old rules, let the copywriting department give a shocking headline, and then translate the text inside! There is no need to point out who it is, let's not do too much interpretation, just say that anonymous netizens contribute, let the netizens guess for themselves! "

"Lao Lu's suggestion is good, my operation support department!"

"My technical department also supports it!

Manager Yang nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Very well, you guys do this matter well!"

The bib and the shock department of CU are all of the Fa Cai Treasures, backed by Fa Cai Treasures, they are full of confidence! Even if wx settle accounts in the future, they will be able to withstand them.

And Yin is a super giant on the Internet. Although it is not as good as the old Penguin, it still has the strength and confidence to challenge wx! As long as there is traffic and muddy water, there is nothing to dare to do!

For a time, under the chaotic network, undercurrents raged!

Everyone just thought that this was wx carrying the Penguin series to unilaterally crush Su Ming!

I don't know, a bigger storm is coming.

Su Ming made a small plan and successfully let the social giants of the Fa Caibao department into the game!

A mutual peck between capital giants is about to begin.

At the core of the whole thing, wx didn't know what was about to happen.

wx headquarters, technical department.

Director Gao put his hands on his back and stood indifferently in front of the big electronic screen.

Behind him, those technicians and related team supervisors did not dare to take a breath.

What was displayed on the big electronic screen was the second message that Su Ming gave them.

[Wx, wash your neck! I've finished singing the first half, and I'm here in the second half!"

"Wash your neck for a long time!"

"It's me in the second half!"

Director Gao is impatient.

"Arrogant! What an arrogant!"

Turning around, he looked at everyone with cold eyes, and asked.

"I'm going to ask you, wx is not ours anymore! Why, the other party just speaks if they want to speak! Do what they want!"

Everyone bowed their heads and said nothing.

As those who have the authority of the wx background, it is easy to delete comments and control comments! Which comments are not pleasing to the eye, block them if you want to block them!

But these two such eye-catching comments, how can they not delete them!

If you want to delete a comment, unless you delete the entire accountability statement! Otherwise, no!

Right now, they are caught in a dilemma.

Either delete the accountability statement, so the comments are gone! Or do not delete, the comments are here! No matter what kind, the blow to wx's image and reputation is huge!

"You guys are so angry at me!"

Director Gao was so angry that he gritted his teeth and wanted to smash the big electronic screen in front of him.


Thinking of being forced to this point by a hacker, he couldn't help sighing, and then picked up the phone.

He gave up the delusion of relying on his own team to solve the problem, he needs to ask the technical team of Penguin! Penguin has not only the technical team of enterprise chat, but also the technical team of various game departments!

Among them, many technical teams also participated in the cyber war with Toyo hackers last night! It can be said that they have accumulated a wealth of experience!

It's a shame to ask Penguin for help, but it's nothing compared to the overall situation.

Just as he was about to make a call, the big electronic screen suddenly jumped.

Under the accountability statement, there was one more comment.

Surprisingly, it was left by Su Ming.

[The show has started! Buy it]

Director Gao's right eyelid jumped wildly, and he had a very ominous premonition!

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