I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 222: Let's add fire! The wall is down and everyone pushes! The whole network eats melon

Sure enough, I opened the bib and searched for the first one. It was [wx Kyogen: Netizens are all dogs!).

Good guy, the direction of this news is too clear!

Clicking on the news is a piece of content combined with audio and text.

You don't need to listen, Director Gao knows that the same thing is recorded in it.

Director Gao had no face to look at the scolding underneath.

Even those netizens who supported wx felt a little bit self-deceiving after posting their comments.

In the current Internet, except for the navy, all netizens with a little brain are swearing wx!

Compared to the reversal of the situation, what made him more shocked was where the other party obtained this recording!

This is a private conversation, how could it be exposed?

It makes no sense!

His eyes stayed on Director Mei for a while, then he shook his head slightly.

Thinking left and right, he still couldn't figure out which link went wrong.

Countless thoughts flashed in his mind, and finally, Director Gao sighed softly: "You are waiting here, no one is allowed to leave!"

After speaking, Director Gao returned to the office and began to investigate whether there was any recording equipment in the room.

After a while, he reluctantly returned to the technical department.

Everyone looked at Director Gao, waiting for his instructions.

"I don't have eavesdropping or recording equipment in my office!

As he said, his gaze stayed on Director May again.

"Bring the phone, let me check it!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at Director Mei.

Could it be that my own insiders did it?

If you think about it carefully, it is really possible! After all, this is the wx headquarters, and most people can't get in at all!

What's more, Director Gao and others don't believe that there are hackers who can eavesdrop on wx headquarters!

Director Mei panicked and said, "Director Gao, do you doubt me?"

"It's not a suspicion, it's just a routine investigation!"

"Okay." Director Mei handed over the phone.

After receiving the mobile phone, Director Gao handed the mobile phone to Liu Xueqing and others to investigate on their behalf.

Just when they waited for the results, they cut the headquarters of the network. Director Feng and the director of the operation department were discussing an activity plan.

"According to the proposal of the director of the public relations department of wx, Mei, we have decided to launch an event to top things on the hot search!

This time, "Don't engage in tens of billions of subsidies, be more realistic! If you give out 100 million, you will still share the red envelopes. As long as the sharing is successful, the other party will open the red envelopes!

"In this case, netizens will pay less attention to wx!"

Listening to the proposal of the director of the operation department, director Feng nodded and said: "There is no technical problem!"

"Okay, then our operations department can start! If this incident is not handled well, it will have a great impact on me cutting and cutting the Internet!"

They had just discussed a plan, and the people underneath quickly walked into the report.

"Director Feng, something has happened!"

Major event "? Is there any major event that wx can't solve?"

"It's really hard to tell about this matter." As he said, the other party handed over the ipad in hand and explained: "Someone broke the chat content of wx senior."


Director Feng looked shocked, and quickly took the ipad and looked at it.

After reading it, his back was cold.

"Hey! Such an important thing has been exposed! Now wx is in a difficult situation!"

The head of the operations department on the side also came over and took a look.

"Director Feng, do we still engage in activities?"

"Hi... Director Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"I'll get in touch with the higher-ups!

With that, Director Feng ran to the side and made a call.

After a while, he ran back, said.

"Let's not do it for now, let's see the situation! wx is already like this, we are taking part in it, this fire is probably going to burn us!"

"The executives have also said, let's not rush to take action! Let's talk about it when this wave of turmoil has passed."

"Ah." The head of the operations department looked embarrassed: "Will wx settle accounts with us afterwards?"

"Now they can't take care of themselves! Let's just wait for the high-level notice!"


At the end of the first wave of revelations, Su Ming leaned back on the chair happily and sat and watched the turmoil.

"The dog bites the dog!"

"It's the capitalist who is good for it, it has benefits, and all of them have jumped out! The partners of wx have not come forward yet, it is estimated that they are waiting."

"The wall is down and everyone is pushing, and I will add fire to you!"

With that said, Su Ming boarded the wx backstage and left another sentence under the accountability statement.

[Are you curious, why do I have your internal chat content?]

As soon as this news came out, countless netizens moved out of the bench one after another, preparing to eat melons.

"It's a real hammer! This thing is to make you sleepless'!

"Great God, you are a great pen! Even this kind of confidential chat can burst out!"

"Great God, I really convince you! I have been doing wx for so long, and they haven't put a fart yet! Hahaha!

"These news and videos are all new users! The major platforms that don't deal with wx are all working hard! The Internet giants bite each other, it's really the first time I've seen you!"

Seeing "wx deflated, inexplicable excitement! Whispered: How does the great god get such confidential chat content! Or the audio file! The great god, you won't eavesdrop on wx!"

"Eavesdropping? Damn, it's impossible! I think someone inside wx broke the news!!

This wave of giants interacted with each other, leading to skyrocketing traffic on various platforms and making a lot of money.

Those self-media that took advantage of the trend also seemed to jump out to make a wave of traffic.

…0 Seeking flowers…

In the past they dared not make money from these super giants, but now it is different. With the super giants in front of them, they will die.

It is a fool to have money and not make money!

Su Ming grasped the hearts of those people and successfully turned the major platforms into his own guns!

And he only needs to move his fingers.

Finally, the self-examination inside wx is over

There is no eavesdropping software in the phone of Director Mei of the Public Relations Department! There is no suspicion of exposure!

This caused wx to fall into trouble again.

The suspicious persons are Director Gao and Director Mei, both of whom are okay right now, then who is this inner ghost?

In other words, are there any ghosts?

When everyone was puzzled, they discovered that Su Ming had sent a fourth reply.

[Are you curious, why do I have your internal chat content?]

Liu Xueqing said in shock: "Director Gao, he...he seems to have mastered our whereabouts!"


"Damn it! Who the hell is this person!"

"Could it be'You have the ability to hit me?"

"Impossible! The style is not the same!"

"Director Gao, this is the fifth time, should we respond to him?"

"Can you contact him privately?

Liu Xueqing shook his head and denied Director Gao's proposal.

Taking a deep breath, Director Gao said: "Ask him, what on earth do you want to do!"

Immediately, Liu Xueqing replied under Su Ming's message.

Seeing that the wx, who is high above the user like nothing, came to reply to the message in person, the netizens were shocked.

It turns out that wx is also a mortal! It will also be anxious!

[Wx, high above, has finally come down! You ask me what I want to do? I just use the way you treat users to deal with you! Why, this is anxious?)

Seeing this reply, the netizen was stunned.

The means to deal with us?

Huh means?

Does wx need to deal with us?

Director Gao frowned, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

He tentatively replied: "What means?"

Soon, three consecutive messages jumped out.

[Eavesdropping! Wx turned on the microphone function and recording function of the mobile phone privately, isn't it just for big data collection! Then it pushes relevant content based on keywords! It happened that I did it too!"

[Good guy, I am developing a plug-in, and you will post a lawyer's letter to me all over the Internet! Now that netizens know that you have privately opened mobile phone recording permissions and collect user privacy, will they send you a lawyer's letter? Hahaha, thousands Ten thousand lawyer's letters, who can stand it!)

[Is there any account of 5999 users whose mood is blocked?]

As soon as the news came out, the huge technical department became quiet.

Netizens who eat melon all over the net are also quiet. again,

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