I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 223: Wx regrets it! The bib server crashed! (please complete the order)

Eavesdropping on privacy?

Attorney letter?


Looking at Su Ming's reply, Director Gao's mind went blank.

Title and lawyer's letter are next. In the first reply, the eavesdropping privacy mentioned completely defeated Director Gao's defense.

All kinds of apps enable microphone recording and other permissions by default to collect privacy, and then push related products and services based on keywords mentioned by users...

This is almost a default thing in all apps!

To say that it sounds good is the use of big data, and that it is awkward is to use their high-end technology to install a bug around you and collect information that is beneficial to them!

Of course, even if ordinary practitioners broke out such things, they would be quickly refuted by major giants.

But now, Su Ming burst it out!

And when the attention of the whole network was the highest, I named him and said that wx did bad things!

Now, who can cover up?

Accusation? "Deleting posts on May 20?

It can't be done at all!

Even so, Director Gao has a way to expose this matter with the lowest loss.

Send countless naval forces to slander and wash away the world! Expose the secrets of other platforms!

Getting traffic from the media? Not much to say, just block it on wx!

Other giants pick things? Spend money, spend traffic, make profits, and you can get it!!

After all, in the capital market, interest is everything.

Of course, this price must be calculated in billions, and a lot of traffic will be lost!

It's not this that makes him really break the defense!

It was Su Ming who used their method of collecting customer privacy and harvested them!

This is what really makes them creepy.

In the past, ordinary users were non-cooking!

But now, under Su Ming, giants like wx have also become non-cuisine! It is not a weird method, but what the giant is best at!

My means of making money has become a means for others to sanction me, and no one can withstand it.

As you can see, the complexion of Director Gao is very ugly! It is worse than the exposure recording!

At this moment, he doesn't have the account of 5999 users in mind!

Self-preservation is the most important thing!

Director Gao wanted to slap himself.

Okay, what to ask!

Now that's all right, ask for a depth bomb!

How does this end!

Director Gao regretted: "I made a mistake! I underestimated his ability!"

Tu, I knew that the opponent was so strong. In the previous "Poor to Die You" plug-in incident, he just opened one eye and closed one eye and passed by!

Well now, in order to maintain the hegemony of wx, wx is pushed into the swamp!

Those social platforms that fear the chaos of the world, those social platforms that watch dramas, and those related to Penguin, are also panicked at this moment.

App collects user data, this is a big taboo!

The unspoken rules were exposed, and they were also nervous.

Change to anyone, they can accept it! Even if it is a resigning executive from a certain industry!

But this person is Su Ming alone, but he can't!

The former can be settled! The latter can not be settled!

WX is on the road of constant leveling, getting deeper and deeper!

Countless netizens were stunned. They need time to digest the confidential news that everyone knows!

Eating melon and eating it on yourself, this experience is really big!

"Then what? This revelation, is it true? Monitoring, so scary!"

"I don't know, wx, that's a super giant! I don't know how to do this, right?"

"It doesn't matter whether it is super giant! It made you sleepless. He just used the same method to deal with those giants! Otherwise, how can he obtain such confidential audio content?

"Hello everyone, I am a certain security platform, we can prove! According to our just detection, wx does have the behavior of eavesdropping on user privacy!

"I'm doing security! I can't say it clearly, just think about it, why do you say what you say, and push it to you online, then you will understand!"

Many professional anonymous people came out on the platform, and those netizens suddenly went crazy.

"I'm so special, I said why I casually said to buy hahaha, then opened the shopping app and immediately recommended it to me!"

"I'm qiao! No wonder my friends and I mentioned that I have lost sleep and hair recently. When I opened those apps, they were all melatonin anti-hair loss shampoos... It turns out that there is a software that monitors me 24 hours a day!"

"Way! I do some shy things at night, is it possible to be monitored by wx? I have only one request, can you tag me as a hunk? This is my last stubbornness!"

Looking at the hot discussion on the Internet, Mr. Zhao was also dumbfounded.

They have just received an anonymous email from Su Ming, and they are still considering how to expose it while avoiding themselves.

It is necessary to maximize the benefits, or not to affect oneself!

I don't know, Director Gao's reply directly caused a major earthquake on the Internet!

Platforms such as Bib and Yin Shao were caught off guard!

"Mr. Zhao, what should we do now? Netizens are very excited now! The traffic has skyrocketed several times, and our servers may not be able to bear it!"

"This incident was originally harmless, but it was exploded under the spotlight by the other party, and the consequences would be disastrous! If one is not careful, we all have to roll over!"

"Don't panic, I will think about it!" Mr. Zhao wandered back and forth in place with his hands on his back, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.


There was a flash of inspiration in Zhao's mind and said: "Public relations department, you immediately issue a statement to inform the whole network that this is absolutely not the case with our bib! And pointed to the wx approach! We must not let netizens notice us."

"Lao Feng, your technical department will immediately turn off this feature! And update the app! Be fast!

Just when the bib was in a hurry, Mr. Yin Douman also urgently took a series of measures.

This time the fishing boat is more ferocious than ever!

Fishing vessels, those super giants are not worried! Netizens' anger, they also don't care!

What they have is a way to divert their attention, cover up the truth, and fool netizens!

But, the fishing boat that can't be covered is poison!

All major platforms are busy fighting the fire! While clearing their own relationships, they accuse wx of being too inhumane! Even the Penguin platform is no exception!

After all, the dead Daoist does not die the poor Dao!

Seeing the chaotic internet, Su Ming said in a calm tone.

*2.3 I will develop a plug-in to make a little money! Why bother!"

Later, he left the last paragraph under the accountability statement and went to bed.

Regardless of the flood!

[Brothers, I'm going to bed first, you continue! I still have melons in my hand, let's continue to eat melons tomorrow night!''

This sentence suddenly lifted the appetite of countless netizens.

Could it be that there is something more serious than wiretapping?

Unfortunately, they cannot leave a message under the accountability statement. It can only be discussed frantically on social platforms.

Finally, the server of Bib collapsed under the impact of huge traffic!

Looking at the server crashing in front of him, Mr. Zhao was both anxious and gratified.

This allowed them to update the app and bought time!

This night, for wx's senior director and others, it was destined to be awake.

It's all like this, it's not enough! There are still melons to burst!

Director Gao wants to scold his mother!

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