I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 231: Exposure! Planting! Destroying People! Offending Hackers!

Wang Qi stared, watching the phone automatically send a message to the other party.

Not a text message, but a screenshot:

The picture is a screenshot of a chat with him and his girlfriend: The scale of the content is naturally very large.

This person is not someone else, but the coach of the gym he often goes to!

Wang Qi panicked at the thought of the opponent's 1.9-meter body and more explosive muscles than his own.

It's not a big problem to steal the other's girlfriend! But if it is exposed, the trouble will be big!

He panicked and wanted to withdraw, but the phone automatically sent a series of screenshots to the other party!

Good guys!

It's all large-scale chat content!

Not only that, but there is also a private photo of the two!

The moment the picture was sent out, the queen's head exploded, and her mind went blank.

On the other side, at the Yinjiniao Gymnasium, a tall and burly man is instructing a newcomer to exercise.

"You must pay attention to your posture when you train your muscles, understand?"

"If you practice like this, you will ensure that your muscles are sore tomorrow, as it should be."

Before speaking, his phone vibrated.

In the beginning, he didn't care, and continued to give pointers to the newcomer.

Immediately afterwards, the phone vibrated several times.

The coach said to the newcomer: "You first exercise as I said, and I will come over later."

Walking aside, the coach took out the phone -520 to watch.

It turned out to be news from Wang Qiqihar.

"This kid, I don't know I'm at work."

The coach murmured angrily.

He and Wang Qi have a good relationship, and they often eat together.

Clicking on the chat dialog box, the coach's face turned pale, holding the phone, shaking suddenly.

"Special! Dare to plunder my girlfriend!

As soon as the voice fell, a private photo was sent over.

Seeing this photo for a moment, the coach's eyes stared like brass bells.



Countless negative emotions flooded his mind.

"Wang Qi, you are dead!"

At the moment, he didn't care to point out any shit newcomers, and sent the screenshots to his girlfriend.

Soon, he sent a message from his girlfriend, saying that he was a godfather, and just slapped it, there was no substantial relationship.

The coach sent a private photo again. Now, the other party panicked and quickly admitted his mistake in wx.

"Good fellow! Good fellow! Fortunately, when I treat you as a brother, you actually dig the foot of the wall!"

"Dog men and women, you are done!"

At this moment, Wang Qi was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, restless.

Zhao Hai on the side watched him constantly twisting his body, and reminded him in a low voice.

"Queen, what are you doing! The principal is talking on (dacd)! If you want to twist, the students will twist slowly! Don't be ashamed here!!

Wang Qi turned his head and looked at each other with a complicated expression. He wanted to say a few words but didn't know where to start.

"I... Sigh!"

Zhao Hai glanced at the other party's phone, and his face suddenly showed a strange look.


Wang Qi hurriedly covered his phone, "It's not what you think!"

"I know, I know!" Zhao Hai rolled his face and stopped paying attention.

Soon, Wang Qi's phone vibrated.

Slightly letting go, it was a message from the fitness instructor.

"Wang Qi, you kid dig my corner! You are dead!

Seeing the threatening news from the other party, Wang Qi was also excited, and he cursed in his heart: "I have thrown Lei Lou's mother!"

Of course, he only dared to curse in his heart.

However, the phone automatically sent a message for him.

"I unlocked all poses."

The coach who saw the news felt his brain buzzing and his eyes were bloodshot.

On the other hand, Wang Qi also felt his scalp numb, and he felt like hell.

This mobile phone is wicked!

Then think again.

never mind!

I won't go to Yinjiniao after the big deal!

Is it possible that he can come to Jinhangda to beat me? Jinhangda is my place? Give him a lesson when he comes!

After comforting himself in this way, Wang Qi calmed down a bit.

It is this cell phone that gives him a headache.

"Has the situation! Is there a virus in the phone?"

"It doesn't make sense, have I opened a messy website? If it doesn't make sense, it will be poisoned!"

Thinking left and right, Wang Qi couldn't figure out where the problem was.

In the end, he decided to shut it down, and it was over!

Long press the lock screen button, Wang Qi waits for the shutdown button to appear.

However, the shutdown button did not appear, but the shared button appeared!

The wireless sharing of the fruit phone jumped out strangely.

"Fuck! What's the situation! The lock screen button I pressed, shouldn't the shutdown button appear!"

Before Wang Qi could figure out what was going on, a dialog box popped up on the phone when he saw it.

[Is it acceptable to share the picture nearby?..)

"No! Don't share! Don't share!"

Wang Qi was so anxious that he was about to get angry, and desperately pressed the shutdown button. However, it didn't work at all.

He knew from there that Su Ming changed the basic settings of his mobile phone. Unless the phone is smashed, he can't control the phone at all!

Not to mention pressing the shutdown button, even if the screen is punctured, it is useless, the background is completely operable.

The phone automatically selected the shared picture!

In the next second, he encrypted the private pictures in the album and was shared!

Seeing the success of sharing displayed on the phone, Wang Qi's brain roared, and cold sweat came out of his forehead.

At a glance, I shared it with twenty people!

Zhao Hai on the side suddenly felt the phone vibrate, and then took a look at it.

Open it and take a look.

Bluetooth received a shared picture.

Clicking on the picture, Zhao Hai quickly squeezed the phone into the jerky, and then looked left and right with a vigilant face. After finding that no one noticed, he was slightly relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Wang Qi, dissatisfied.

"Wang Qi, why are you sharing this kind of photo with me! You are sick!"

"I...you...you got it?"

Wang Qi widened his eyes and looked at Zhao Hai.

"I'll take your head! Keep me away!"

Zhao Hai turned off Bluetooth while talking.

Unfortunately, he was still a step slower.

A series of pictures were received, all private photos of Wang Qi and his bed partner!

And there is more than one!

With a secret curse, Zhao Hai directly shut down.

The phones of many people in the lecture theatre shook.

Among them, there are senior executives of Jinhang University, teachers, and students.

Some people did not turn on the phone, but listened carefully to the words of Principal Ge, while some people secretly turned on the phone.

Among them, the students after the third row are the main ones.

They looked at the pictures shared on their phones and exclaimed one by one.


"This is so special, who is sick!"

"Isn't this Wang Qi, the vice president of the Student Union! Who is that girl! Gan, there is more than one"

"Is this Wang Qi's brain sick? What kind of ghost pictures are being shared!

Hearing these whispers, Wang Qi was so ashamed that he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

He doesn't know why the phone is like this, but he knows, he's done!

The whispers of the students below immediately attracted the attention of Principal Ge.


He patted the table, and Principal Ge angrily said: "What do all of them look like! Don't talk!"

The students at the bottom didn't want to talk, but it was Wang Qi's operation that shocked everyone.

Soon, the teachers also noticed the pictures they had received, and all of them looked weird.

Those students looked at Wang Qi one after another.

Suddenly, the huge lecture hall suddenly fell silent.

President Ge and other senior officials also looked at Wang Qi.

Wang Qi couldn't stand any longer, stood up and said, "Principal Ge, I am not feeling well, I...I...

Before he could finish speaking, his cellphone heard something strange again!

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