I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 232: Social death! Just that simple answer!

Through the surveillance probes around the lecture hall, Su Ming clearly watched what was happening in the lecture hall.

Wang Qi's every move is under Su Ming's control.

Looking at the scenes in the picture, the corners of Su Ming's mouth rose slightly, with a sneer.

"What's the point of cracking down on counterfeiting? It's the best policy to kill people and punish the heart!

All the out-of-control operations of Wang Qi's mobile phone are controlled by Su Ming from behind.

Simple and easy!

This is a powerful hacker, possessing a method that looks like a ghost in the eyes of ordinary people.

Looking at the chaotic classroom, Su Ming quickly operated on the keyboard.

Soon, a dialog box popped up on the computer interface.

[Data transfer completed!"

Seeing the news, Su Ming smiled meaningfully, and slammed the enter-key on the keyboard.

"The highlight is coming!

"Wang Qi, be mentally prepared!"

At the same time, the queen got up and said that she was unwell and wanted to take a step first.

Principal Ge did not speak, and he could see that his face was very ugly!

He usually rarely manages school affairs, but he didn't expect such a thorn in the school!

I am here personally on the popular science spy campus and safety, this kid is good, and he is playing the opposite of the bottom!

Looking at the weird looks of everyone below, you know that this kid must have done nothing!

Feeling sick? What a fool!

In this kind of safety lectures, normal people are uncomfortable. If they can bear it, they will endure it. If they can’t bear it, they will sneak away directly from the bottom. It's okay for you, just stand up and say it in front of everyone? When is your home?

Principal Ge is very dissatisfied!

The school discipline and spirit of the school disappointed him!

He needs to be neat!

If there is another incident similar to Zhen Meili, then he can directly sue the old man and return home.

Any "students and teachers participating in the meeting, without special circumstances, are not allowed to leave here!"

Principal Ge looked serious.

"What's uncomfortable, can't hold it for an hour?"

"Looking at you, it doesn't look like a major event! Sit down first!"

Wang Qi roared frantically from the bottom of his heart: "Talk about it! Talk about f*ck!

Immediately, he explained: "Principal Ge, I..."

"I said! What's the matter, wait until the meeting is over, then go!"

Principal Ge's face became colder and colder, and he said solemnly: "If you want to go to the hospital, I can send someone to take you there!"

"If anything happens, I will carry it!"

Although President Ge didn't know what happened, many students and teachers knew about it.

After passing a secret pass from insiders, good guys, more than two hundred people in the lecture hall, suddenly more than half of them knew.

The faces of everyone were weird.

The boy laughed secretly there, and the girl looked contemptuous.

In the eyes of those boys, Wang Qi must want to share with someone via Bluetooth. As a result, I accidentally pressed the wrong button and shared it directly with all the people around who turned on Bluetooth sharing!

Those girls think that Wang Qi has a brain disease!

Wang Qi looked anxious and wanted to rush out, but he didn't dare.

Sit down, he was worried about another moth coming out of the phone.

In case, these private photos are sent to President Ge and other leaders by the phone of "Zhongxie", then he is really done!

"Flush or not?"

For a while, Wang Qi was sweating profusely.

Seeing that Wang Qi's expression didn't seem to be fake, the vice-principal who had some trouble with him beside Principal Ge whispered.

"Principal Ge, this student seems to be really unwell! Or, let him leave first?"

Principal Ge was calm.

As soon as I was about to reorganize my school spirit and discipline, someone jumped out.

He had to wonder if this was a long-term formation laid down by the vice-principal.

A minute or two passed, and nothing happened to the phone. Wang Qi felt that the phone should be back to normal.

In this case, you don't need to leave.

Facing President Ge's sharp gaze, Wang Qi sat down slowly.

He dared not look at other people's eyes, but hoped that this lecture would end soon.

Seeing Wang Qi finally sat down, a trace of embarrassment flashed across the vice principal's eyes. Principal Ge retracted his gaze, coughed slightly, and continued to speak.

"The third point is that anyone who gives you money to take some military and official pictures, immediately report to the school! Such a person is very likely to be an overseas spy

"Our brother Yang, a 211 junior student in the province"

Listening to President Ge's speech, Wang Qi saw that there was nothing unusual about the cell phone, and his heart in his throat finally fell a lot.

"What a broken fruit phone! It's so special, I'll change it as soon as I go back!"

While cursing secretly in his heart, Wang Qi lowered his head and carefully picked up the phone.

He didn't dare to touch it for fear of accident.

Everything seemed to be back to normal again, as if nothing happened in the huge lecture theatre.

Principal Ge was talking on the top, and the teachers and students underneath were listening attentively.

Only Wang Qi could not sit still.

After carefully turning on the phone and looking at the normal interface, Wang Qi was finally relieved.

"The lecture is over, I'll take half a month off and go out to play!!

"Can't stay in school anymore, this time I'm embarrassed, I have to avoid the limelight!"

There are more than a dozen unread messages in his wx.

But he dared not open it.

The previous scene left a psychological shadow on him, afraid that something would happen if he touched it!

But, the more he worried, the more he came!

His phone, under his nose, is out of control!

wx opens automatically, followed by a chat dialog box.


This person is the previous follower-the thin boy.

Then, wx automatically opens the album and sends a video to the other party!

After sending, exit the chat with the other party and open another chat dialog again.

This person is also one of Wang Qi's two followers.

The same video is posted again!

Everything, fluent and smooth, is faster and smoother than Wang Qi's own operation!

It was too fast, and Wang Qi didn't react at all.

When he reacted, both videos had already been sent out.

"The way! What the hell! Why are you here again? There is no end!"

Wang Qi is about to cry.

Fortunately, this private video was only sent to two attendants. If it were sent to other people on the scene, then he... totally dare not think about it!

Now he was really scared.

He decided that he would not keep these private photos and videos in the future.

However, something more unexpected happened to him.

The voice of the mobile phone was tuned to the maximum remotely. Under Wang Qi's stunned voice, the video previously sent to his attendants was opened.

When the voice was full, the foul language was extremely loud!

Zhao Hai, who was nearest to him, heard this voice first, and then more and more people heard it.

After that, Principal Ge stopped talking.

Because, he heard it too!

In the huge lecture hall, no one dared to speak, no one dared to gasp loudly, only the deafening foul language in Wang Qi's phone echoed in the sky!

At this moment, there is only one thought in the Queen's mind; I, it's over!


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