I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 236: Being nervous for Su Ming! Lock it up and pursue legal responsibility! (seeking complet

Was Wang Qi arrested for the crime?

Is it related to Su Ming?

Could it be that Su Ming knew that it was Wang Qi from the Student Union who was harassing him, and then fought with him?

Thinking of this possibility, Xu Tingxue's heart tightened.

Anxiously, she hurried over.

"Hey, I said it has nothing to do with Su Ming. Look, it makes you nervous!"

Sun Xiangxiang shook his head helplessly, then handed the phone over and said.

"Hey, see for yourself.

Xu Tingxue hurriedly took the phone and read it from start to finish.

After reading it, she was stunned.

"This man really has a brain disease!"

"I was right to ignore him, this person is terrible!"

"In the public, they did such a shameless thing!"

Sun Xiangxiang nodded and said.

"That's right, when he came out before, I knew from a glance that he was definitely not a serious person!"

"Sure enough, a beast!"

This kind of "people, they should be locked up! lest they be released to harm others!"

"Scumbag! No, scumbag!"

After that, she looked at Xu Tingxue and said, "Now, don't worry about your Su Ming fighting each other."

"Huh! It's really dirty to work with this kind of scum!"

Xu Tingxue said dissatisfiedly.

In his eyes, Wang Qi couldn't even match Su Ming's hair.

"Catch it in, it's just over 520!"

As soon as the conversation turned, Xu Tingxue said a little embarrassed.

"Sister Xiangxiang, I am not very familiar with Jinling. Let's study and study together to see where is suitable for strolling."

"Don't buy anything!" Xu Tingxue emphasized: "It's a simple delay."

"Tiaka. It's so good to hear about snow at my house, and I only buy in and don't buy anything. The girl who loves the first time is really enviable."

Sun Xiangxiang smiled and picked up the phone.

"Come on, let's see which place is suitable for a date between Tingxue and Brother Su."

"Should I go to the Confucius Temple, or Jiming Temple, or...

As the Wang Qi incident spread, everyone in the school who knew it was scolding him.

Men's ridicule, women's scolding.

Obviously, this matter will not stop at Jin Hang University, and it will continue to spread.

For Wang Qi, he has already died directly!

The top hackers are behind the screen, they only need to control the computer, and they can easily get a human agency!

This is not only the power of hackers, but also the fate of offending hackers!

Of course, ordinary hackers dare not do this, and it is difficult to do so.

But for Su Ming, it's fine to have hands.

At the same time, at Jin Hang University, a tall boy hurriedly rushed into the office of the vice principal.

As soon as the boy entered the office, he hurriedly said.

"Vice President He, what is going on with my brother? How could this be?"

Vice Principal He put down the things in his hands and glanced at the other person, his expression unhappy.

"Wang Ji, calm down and speak slowly."

Vice President He did not attend President Ge’s campus safety lecture and did not know what happened.

And Wang Ji in front of him is Wang Qi's own brother! Not only that, he is also a graduate student majoring in communications engineering at Jinhang University!

In addition, I have already signed up to participate in the school friendly match of the Internet Security Competition next week!

He still has some popularity in the school! This popularity, of course, is not inexplicably comparable to the Queen's.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Ji calmly said: "Vice President He, my brother"

Wang Ji said everything he knew, and after listening, Vice President He was also shocked.

The notice from the office of the President of Jinhang University, why didn't I know? It doesn't make sense!

At the same time, he also felt that normal people should not be able to do such things!

"Vice President He, this is true."

Wang Ji handed the phone over, pointed to the notice on it, and said.

"I don't believe my brother would dare to do such a thing!"

"This is definitely a false accusation!"

Vice Principal He waved his hand and motioned him not to speak, then picked up the phone and called the secretary.

"Secretary Zhao, what is the notice from the principal's office? Do you know the specifics? Let's talk about it!"

"Vice President He, it's like this.

After listening to Secretary Zhao's explanation, Vice President He frowned.

This incident clearly exceeded his understanding of normal people.

What a special one!

Is this something normal people do?

How can normal people do this!

Putting down the phone, it took a long time for Vice Principal He (dacd) to respond.

Vice President He looked at Wang Ji and said helplessly.

"What happened to your brother is absolutely true! More than two hundred people at the scene know all of them. You said he can't do it, so he has to watch it in the lecture? Now it's all right, and I was caught by President Ge! Alas! "

"Principal Ge said that I will be held accountable for the legal responsibility of my brother!" Wang Ji tentatively said, "Vice Principal He, can you see if this hand...

Vice President He shook his head firmly.

"If President Ge really wants to pursue Wang Qi's legal responsibilities, then I can't do anything about it!"

"Huh? You are the vice principal."

"Today is different from the past! Principal Ge is about to start to clean up the school atmosphere, he is serious, you better keep a low profile!"

The vice-principal He's tone seemed a little helpless, and the fact that Principal Ge didn't close one eye, it meant that their life was not as easy as before.

Then he waved his hand to signal that Wang Ji could leave.

After walking out of Vice President He's office, Wang Ji was still in a daze.

He doesn't believe his brother can do such a thing.

So he took a taxi and went straight to the Xuanwu branch.

Twenty minutes later, Wang Ji walked out of the taxi, looked at the police station in front of him, struck his head, and walked in.

As soon as he entered, he quickly stated his intentions.

Later, he was arranged to wait outside, and the two could not meet until the preliminary interrogation was over.

Just like that, Wang Ji waited for hours outside.

A police officer came over and took Wang Ji to the special exchange room.

As soon as he entered, he saw his own brother sitting there haggardly.

Wang Qi's eyes lit up when he saw Wang Ji's appearance.

"Brother, you are finally here! Where's the lawyer? Didn't you bring a lawyer here yesterday?"

"I forgot to come in a hurry before, I have already contacted, and I will be there in a while!

When the lawyer was about to come, Wang Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Ji asked solemnly.

"Wang Qi, you and I are telling the truth! Why do you want to do this kind of thing on such a serious occasion?"

Seeing his own brother calling his name directly, Wang Qi knew that Wang Ji was serious.

"Brother! You have to believe me, I really didn't do it! I admit, I made those videos, but that was just my interest."

"I really didn't spread it! Absolutely not!"

Wang Qi suddenly lowered his voice and whispered.

"Brother, let me tell you, I suspect it's the problem with my phone! Otherwise, it's a hell!

Before, "I, these are all automatically sent by the mobile phone. I can't turn it off alive and dead. Principal Ge can do it with the touch of it. It's so evil!

Wang Qi said all his doubts and confusions.

After listening, Wang Ji also felt a little weird.

He is engaged in communication engineering, and he deeply knows that it is still quite difficult to achieve this!

At least, he can't!

Among the circles he knows, there are very few who can do this step!

If it is exactly what the queen said, then he is definitely in serious trouble!

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