I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 237: Emergency Public Relations! wx Broken Arm!

Thinking left and right, Wang Ji felt that it was unlikely.

A hacker with this ability, what is it to do with Wang Qi!

It makes no sense!

Wang Qi is only a junior student, how could it be possible to provoke such a terrible character?

Wang Ji was puzzled.

After thinking about it, he took out his phone and opened the recording-software.

Wang Ji said sternly: "You say it again! All the details must be told, and you can't hide it!"

Countless thoughts flashed through Wang Qi's mind, and then the whole thing started from entering the lecture hall to the end when the police came and took it away.

No matter the details, the queen has said everything that can be remembered.

After speaking, Wang Qi said helplessly: "Brother, no more. That's it."

Even if he was prepared in his heart, Wang Ji was still a little unbelievable when he listened to it again.

"You swear to brother, you really didn't do this thing?"

"Brother! I swear! If I lie to you, the whole family will not die...

Realizing that he had said something wrong, Wang Qi hurriedly said.

"No, no, if I lie to you, the sky will thunder!"

Wang Qi didn't care about these details, but said in a serious tone.

"Okay! I believe you!"

From a bystander point of view, Wang Qi did it deliberately! According to Wang Qi, he is nothing more than a puppet controlled remotely!

Someone wants to harm him?

Thinking of his brother's usual arrogance and domineering, Wang Ji had a headache.

Too many people have offended, look for a needle in a haystack!

Rubbing his swollen temples, Wang Ji said sternly.

"I believe you were framed!"


Seeing Wang Ji nodded, Wang Qi was overjoyed.

"It's great, they don't believe me! The police officers think we are lying to them that I am lawless."

"Even if Wang Qi is arrogant, it is impossible to do this kind of thing under the public!

Pat Wang Qi on the shoulder, Wang Ji solemnly said.

"Tell me, who have you offended all these years."


"Ah for what!

Wang Ji urged: "Think about who is there, I will record them, and then try to see if you can find out something!"

"Let me think about it."

After thinking about it, Wang Qi began to speak.

After a while, the lawyer Wang Ji called came.

After another half an hour, Wang Ji and the lawyer walked out of the Xuanwu branch.

"Lawyer Xiao, what do you think?"

"It's not easy! Unless you can find evidence that someone is really fucking your brother behind! Otherwise, based on the evidence provided by the school, your brother has at least one year in prison!"

Suddenly, Wang Ji thought of the phone, "That phone...

"That's evidence!"

"Then I'll go," Wang Ji was about to walk in when he was stopped by Lawyer Man. "The police, just leave it to me! You can find someone next to him and get a good understanding of the situation!"

Gritting his teeth, Wang Ji said helplessly.

"Hey, it can only be this right now!"

After returning to school, Wang Ji found a lot of classmates who had a good relationship with Wang Qi before, but now they can't avoid them all, which makes him very speechless.

Finally, they saw him passing by the side in frustration.

At first glance, it looks familiar.

Soon, he reacted.

Aren't these two people Wang Qi's attendants!

Although they didn't meet much, he still caught up and shouted.

"Wait a moment."

Looking at the boy in front of him, the two are different.

"Huh? Have we met? So familiar?"

"I also feel a little familiar! What do you want us to do?"

"Do you know Wang Qi? I am his brother, Wang Ji!

As soon as these words came out, the two of them suddenly realized that they asked immediately.

"Brother Wang, what can you do with us?"

"I heard that Brother Wang was arrested! Wouldn't it be true!"

"It's true!" Wang Ji nodded solemnly, and asked: "There are some situations at the moment, I need to ask you.

"You have the best relationship with Wang Qi, so do you know, who has he avenged recently?

"Encounter? Impossible! Brother Wang is a very good person, so how could he have enmity!"

Wang Ji was very dissatisfied with this answer.

"To be honest! I know what my brother is like!"

The two looked at each other with embarrassment on their faces.

Later, they broke the names of several people.

These people are all people who have a stiff relationship with Wang Qi after school starts.

After recording, Wang Ji asked, "Are there any more?"

"No! What I know, the relationship is not good, there are only a few people."

"It seems that there is another... the other one hesitated and said, "But it doesn't necessarily count!

"You don't mean him? How could it be possible? We haven't started yet!"

"Um... well, you really don't think so.

…0 Seeking flowers…

Hearing what the two said, Wang Ji suddenly became interested.

"Who are you talking about? It doesn't necessarily mean what you mean? Can you talk about it?"

"This matter, in fact...

One of them quickly explained it.

"So, this person named Su Ming shouldn't know yet, we were going to clean him up! How do you know, this happened to Brother Wang! Alas.

Wang Ji thought for a moment, and felt that the two were unlikely.

"Okay, thank you." After saying that, Wang Ji left.

Next, he needs to pay a visit to see which one is more suspicious.

At the same time, Shencheng wx headquarters.

The senior director and the others didn't close their eyes overnight, and they were busy all day, and the connection launched three updates.

Now, no matter how other people check, they can't find the fact that wx has eavesdropped on user privacy!

Because this loophole has been completely repaired!

The people from the penguin department brought by Li Kang were arranged to rest next door.

The senior director and others dare not sleep, and there is a fourth update, which will be launched soon!

"Director Senior, is 4.0 really going to be launched? If it is launched, the impact on us will be huge!"

"Yes, Director Gao, in 4.0, we have cut all the external links! That's all, even the several external links on the Penguin side have also been cut off. Will this be too extreme?"

"A certain red book and Du Niang's pretty links have been blocked, and the links on the Internet have also been blocked! Even the links to Penguin Music and Penguin Browser are blocked! Director Gao, Director Li, they are still resting next door, let's It’s not good to cross the river and demolish the bridge like this."

People inside wx don't understand it, so it's fine to block external links. How can I block the links of my brothers?

It makes no sense!

Director Gao said helplessly: "This is the decision of the board of directors! Only in this way can it be a hundred, and there is no need to bow your head to make you sleepless!"

Everyone understands, this is to protect yourself by breaking your arm!

Even the board of directors feels the strong pressure that makes you sleepless?

"Director Mei, we are planning an announcement to inform the entire network that the latest 4.0 will block all external links and return all wx users a piece of pure land! No need to use external plug-ins!"


Director Gao sneered coldly.

I slashed myself, and now you can’t sleep, you have no excuses!

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