I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 238: WX: I may lose blood, but you want to make something else! There are bad guys in the cr

The 4.0 version of the update, once updated, can cut off 99% of external links.

In this way, version 4.0 is equivalent to an advanced version of the "Poor Die You" plug-in!

It's not just limited to cutting the Internet, all websites, partners, brothers or sons, one size fits all!

For wx, this is indeed equivalent to breaking an arm! But even if they hurt themselves, they don't plan to bow their heads to Su Ming openly.

I may lose blood, but you don't want to make blood!

Soon, Director May came back.

"Director Gao, the statement has been issued! We are based on the perspective of the majority of netizens and chose to block all links! I believe that all netizens will support us!"

Director Gao nodded.

The old stuff on the board of directors didn't show up one by one, and pushed him to the top, and he couldn't help it!

"Five Three Seven"

The market value has fallen by more than 10 billion, and someone has to come out and take the blame!

If he doesn't deal with this matter well, then he is the back pot man!

Therefore, even though he is very sleepy now, he does not dare to sleep.

"Director Gao, there is something I have to say."


"What if other partners call and question us?"

"Humph!" Director Gao snorted coldly.

"Why, they still have an opinion?"

"I wx even my sons and my brothers are chopped down, how about a few of them?"

With that, Director Gao showed a trace of dissatisfaction on his face.

"Those APP external links, click it, and they will automatically jump to their app! We treat them as partners, what about them? Did they put us in the eyes?!"

"Furthermore, in case they do something illegal and disorderly, maybe we have to take the blame!"

Director Gao has a tough tone.

No way, if you can't get Su Ming, just get a partner!

Anyway, it's just one thing, can't be seen by people, we are now! We are normal for the sake of users and crack down on illegal external links!

After fully comprehending the spirit of Director Gao, Mei takes charge of the pipeline.

"I see! If they call, I know how to deal with it."

"very good!

Director Gao patted Director Mei on the shoulder, and then spoke earnestly.

"Recently, we have to pay attention to what we say and do. Yesterday we were caught in the handle by making you unable to sleep, and we got involved once! Almost something big happened!!

"I understand, Director Gao!"

"More!" The tone of the voice paused slightly, and Director Gao turned his words and said sternly.

"It's almost five o'clock now! According to the time he set yesterday, about 5 hours, he will show up again!"

"Although we don't know what he is about to reveal, we still have to be prepared to be full!


Everyone around them looked solemn and waited.

As more and more netizens noticed wx's new statement, they all boiled over.

In their view, this is the gospel of the majority of users, this is a victory!

"Good guy, I'll call you good guy! Look at what wx said, for the sake of user experience, all plug-in links have been blocked! I almost believed it! (狗头保命.jpg)

"True and false? Is this made you sleepless' in a hurry? Would you rather hurt yourself a thousand more than let the other party wish?"

"Don't doubt it! I tried it, and I can't even send the link to the penguin music! wx is as fierce as ever, really wolf to myself!"

"Actually, I just hope that wx can block the messy bargaining links and red envelope links such as hacking.com. Others, the penguin music link, have also been blocked for me!

"Anyway, this is also the welfare that makes you sleepless and gives us! If it weren't for you to fall asleep, how would wx worry about the so-called user experience?"

"Yes! If it weren't for the great gods to support us! We are the non-food to be cut! The external links between the giants are at least tens of millions of profits! The user agreement has set traps for us, and we will return Talk about user experience?"

"I think so too! Wx's brain is kicked by the penguin, and then all the external links will be cut off! After all, it is to behave, let us ordinary people think that wx is on our side! In fact, the limelight is over. , It's back to its original state again!"

Originally, everyone was grateful to wx, and felt that it finally did what everyone did.

The wx executives also feel that if you lose some money and take a wave of people's hearts, it will be a hundred profit without a loss!

However, there are bad people in the crowd" Ah!

Those bad guys, their eyes squeezed bright, and they saw through wx's tricks that seem to be the strong man who broke his wrist and actually abandoned the car to protect the handsome.

This made the wx executives very embarrassed for a while!

As the turmoil continues to spread, more and more Internet giants have discovered this matter.

At the headquarters of Chop.com, Director Ma looked at the announcement issued by wx and was stunned for a while.

"This...this is too shameless!"

The head of the operations department, the head of the public relations department and others around him were all dumbfounded.

"The left hand asked us for money, and the right hand took a knife to kill us? The name is also for the sake of user experience! Co-author, all good people let it be, we become clowns?"

Cheeky "! These super giants are all cheeky!"

"Cut off our external links, and still understand! It even blocked its own music app and its own browser yesterday? Is it crazy?"

Everyone in the office, you look at me and I look at you, but don't understand what the other party is going to do.

After discussing for a while, everyone had a slight eyebrow.

Their speculation is somewhat similar to that of netizens, thinking that this is a measure used by wx to cover up! First avoid the limelight, let the netizens have nothing to say, and let Su Ming feel that they are showing good in disguise, so that they can do their best To save yourself.

Afterwards, Director Ma called the competent department.

The result from the other party is the same.

All of them were also blocked. 2.3

These years, Internet giants all need traffic, a lot of traffic! And Wx is like the landlord who has surplus food!

Now, the landlord has cut their food, and everyone is in a hurry.

The point is, you just need to break it. Anyway, give a message in private, when will you recover?

The results of it?

Ha no news!

At this moment, the Internet is turbulent, and the Internet giants involved in it are also a little uncomfortable.

On the contrary, the giants such as the bib of the treasure department, which made a fortune, watched the show.

The peanuts and melon seed beer are all short of it.

And Su Ming, the initiator of this incident, is still sleeping happily.

Su Ming's cell phone rang with a ringing tone.

Picking up the cell phone and looking at it, it was Xu Tingxue's call.

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