I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 239: Xu Tingxue reveals his heart! People from the four major bureaus of the capital are her

A quarter of an hour later, the student cafeteria.

Su Ming hurried to the cafeteria, took a glance, and when she saw Xu Tingxue sat aside, waiting for herself.

He walked over quickly and apologized slightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, and I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, it's okay! I just finished cooking, too.

Xu Tingxue waved her hand quickly, then pushed the meal for Su Ming over, saying: "It's still hot, let's eat.

Su Ming glanced.

I found that Xu Tingxue’s dishes were all her favorites.

Like braised pork belly, chicken wings, etc.

Su Ming's heart warmed for a while, and he secretly said: This girl is really a detailed control, which makes people feel warm.

"Why don't you eat it? Don't you like it?"

Seeing Su Ming not eating, Xu Tingxue said nervously.

"Hahaha, I like it! I like pork belly and chicken wings."

Su Ming picked up a piece of pork belly and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing Su Ming eating very happily, Xu Tingxue breathed a sigh of relief, with a little excitement in her heart: No overturned! Great!

After eating for a while, Xu Tingxue hesitated.

"Su Ming, I'm going to have a showdown with you about something."

Su Ming glanced at the opponent's expression and smiled: "The showdown? What 30 cards do you have?"

"Morning thing.

"Morning thing?"

At this time, Su Ming was interested, he wanted to see what Xu Tingxue would say.

Xu Tingxue's eyes flashed with firmness, and said.

"In fact, it is like this. On the way to class this morning, a boy suddenly held a bunch of flowers.

She will take care of what happened in the morning.

After speaking, Xu Tingxue added another sentence.

"The reason I didn't tell you was that I was worried that you would have a conflict! Fighting and fighting would require detention for several days! Seriously, you would lose money and go to jail, and you would be ruined in this life."

"So I, I really didn't mean to hide it from you. On the one hand, I was really annoying that person at the time, it was disgusting! On the other hand, I didn't want you either"

After listening to Xu Tingxue's explanation, Su Ming smiled dumbly and said.

"I thought it was a big deal! It's all right."

Xu Tingxue asked cautiously: "Aren't you angry?"

"Why is this angry? This kind of people, the wicked have their own wickedness!

"Hehe, that's good!"

A sweet smile appeared on Xu Tingxue's face.

In this scene, all the boys around were intoxicated. There is only one sentence in their minds: You look so beautiful when you smile, like a spring flower!

After laughing, Xu Tingxue said mysteriously.

"Su Ming, let me tell you, that person is actually called Wang Qi! I only found out about it an hour ago.

"Queen? A little familiar. It seems to have heard it.

"He is the vice president of the Student Union! It is said that he watched action movies at the campus safety seminar held by President Ge, and

While speaking, Xu Tingxue handed the phone over and said.

"Gu, this is the announcement from the principal's office.

Su Ming took it curiously and looked at it.

Before he had dealt with Wang Qi, he just fell asleep and didn't know that this happened later.

After reading it, Su Ming exclaimed in shock.

"Good fellow! This is not a human! It's a beast! What a beast!"

Fortunately, "President Ge was righteous, so he went to the police and arrested him! Keeping this kind of person would be a curse!"

"There is Zhen Meili before, and Wang Qi afterwards! Our Jinhang style, we really need to take care of it!"

The appearance of Su Ming filled with righteous indignation, outsiders can't tell, there is his shadow behind these two things.

Xu Tingxue nodded in agreement, she agreed with Su Ming's opinion.

After eating, Su Ming took Xu Tingxue around the school and chatted.

Until dark, Su Ming sent Xu Tingxue back to the dormitory.

After agreeing to have dinner together at noon tomorrow, Su Ming turned and left the girls' dormitory.

On the way back, a few boys walking in front of Su Ming were rushing towards the dormitory talking and laughing.

"Have you heard that wx has broken its own arm! It has cut off all external links! It's really cruel to myself!"

"Those external links are really annoying! I use wx, I like its simplicity! I have to clean up those bells and whistles, there is no user experience!"

"It's funny to say. It made you sleepless last night. The "Poor to death you plug-in" developed last night, only shields the link to the hacking network! It causes Wx to jump up and down, and it must be made known to all--

--I'm fine now, I found that I couldn't pull out this nail in my eye, simply blinding my own eyes! Wx is after all wx, even the way of acknowledgment is so cryptic!"

"Yeah, I also said it was for user experience. Anyway, the good people let it do it! Now all the big online giants are messing up! They have posted on Weibo and accused wx of being unkind! Hahaha! It's a laugh!"

Su Ming smiled lightly after listening to the conversation of several people.

Originally, as long as I blocked a link to the hacking network, I made some extra money, and everyone didn’t lose money.

It turned out to be good, I have to fight!

Then hit it!

I lost the fight, but I still don't admit it! All these bells and whistles, he-turi!

After returning to the dormitory, Su Ming turned on the computer and began to study online.

What netizens can see is what the major platforms want them to see.

As for what they can't see, special methods are needed.

Su Ming also wants to know if wx has made some ulterior deals behind this statement!

Just as Su Ming was getting a lot of news, among the countless messy news, he suddenly discovered a valuable confidential message!

On the other side of 537, at Shencheng Airport, a plane came to a halt slowly.

At this time, the two long-awaited black bulletproof cars drove past quickly!

Soon, several people got off the plane and got into the car quickly.

After a while, the vehicle disappeared and the plane quickly took off again.

Everything is in order, and no one knows who is on the plane.

At the headquarters of the Shenzhen Price Supervision Bureau, a black vehicle drove up quickly.

At this moment, Li Ju and others are still waiting anxiously in the office.

"It's getting late! They should be coming soon!"

"Juju Li, will they not be here today? After all, the document says it will arrive at noon tomorrow!

"It's already past nine o'clock. Isn't there any news? I think they are not coming.

Listening to the people's discussion, although Li Ju was in a complicated mood, his expression was extremely firm.

"Wait! I think they will be there today!"

At this moment, Bureau Li's secretary suddenly knocked on the office door and said, "Juju Li, can you come in?"

Upon hearing this, Li Ju's expression suddenly changed.

He hurriedly gestured to everyone, and then said: "Come in!

As soon as the voice fell, the door opened.

As the room door opened, the secretary appeared in the sight of everyone.

And behind the secretary, stood a few mysterious middle-aged men.

Li Ju secretly said: Sure enough!

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