I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 240: Official Intervention! Saying that Gender Equality Is Good?

The sudden appearance of a few strange middle-aged men changed the expressions of everyone present.

They were still saying that these people will definitely not come today.

I don't know, I went straight to the door in a blink of an eye.

Hit everyone by surprise.

Li Ju asked cautiously: "How many are you?"

The secretary looked at the oldest and most majestic man and explained.

"Juju Li, this is Commissioner Pang from the Anti-Monopoly Administration of Tianshang!"

"And Commissioner Xue of the Internet Bureau!"

"This is Commissioner Director of the General Administration of Anti-Unfair Competition Enforcement!"

"This is Commissioner Qin from the Capital Price Supervision Bureau!"

Listening to the secretary's introduction, everyone shook their hearts.

There are a lot of commissioners in the four major situations!

Moreover, it can be seen from the secretary's introduction. This time, the General Administration of Anti-Monopoly of Tianshang is the head, the Internet Bureau is the supplement, and the General Administration of Anti-Unfair Competition Enforcement is the second. Commissioner Qin of the General Administration of Price Supervision in the capital may just be accompanying!

Those who can stay in this office are old and cunning people, and they quickly figured out the key.

Just through the sequence of the secretary's introduction, they guessed a lot of unspoken meanings!

This time, it involves both the monopoly of Internet giants! It also involves Internet security, including but not limited to eavesdropping on user privacy!

Bureau Li hurriedly stepped forward, shook hands with the four people one by one in the order introduced by the secretary, and smiled.

"Commissioner Pang, Commissioner Xue, Commissioner Dong, Commissioner Qin, hello, I am Li Youcai from the Price Supervision Bureau! Just call me talented!"

Commissioner Pang smiled and said: "We have all heard of Comrade Li Youcai's reputation in Beijing! The Shenzhen market is well managed!"

"Commissioner Qin, you have a good man."

Commissioner Qin watched this scene with a smile, and said nothing.

Just as Li Ju was about to speak again, Commissioner Pang glanced over everyone in the room, and finally fell on Li Ju.

"Comrade Li Youcai, you haven't got off work yet so late."

Li Ju's heart lightened slightly, he knew that the highlight was coming.

"Commissioner Pang, I found some problems in the deep city in the past two days, so I have been in meetings and discussions!

"It has been discussed since the morning until now."

"Huh? Come and listen." Commissioner Pang asked.

"Is such that..."

Bureau Li briefly raised the question of wx.

Finally, he said.

Specifically, we are still discussing!

After listening to Li Ju's words, Commissioner Pang nodded slightly.

"This time, we are here for this!"

"According to my investigation, many Internet giants have gained monopoly status through innovation and development! This is actually not terrible! What is really terrifying is that those super giants abuse their monopoly position to control the general public!"

"This is never allowed from above!"

Everyone nodded their heads to agree with him.

"Internet companies have grown savagely, it has been a long time, and it has been reorganized!"

Commissioner Xue from the Internet Bureau also spoke.

"The Internet is intricately intertwined, and ordinary Internet giants have such a big impact on online fishing vessels! We talked about the bib a while ago, but the deterrence is obviously not significant enough!!

"Super giants like wx must be strictly regulated! The Internet is not a place outside the law!"

As soon as Commissioner Xue's words fell, a young comrade ran over from a distance holding a pile of documents.

"Commissioner Pang, all the information related to wx is in it!"

Seeing this scene, Li Ju's pupils shrank slightly, turning over things in his own turf, he didn't know it! This made him feel a crisis.

Li Ju is familiar with these materials.

When meeting in the meeting room in the morning, I used these materials.

Inside, it records evidence that wx secretly collects user privacy in the background...

"Comrade Li Youcai, I'm really embarrassed. I'm worried about the news being leaked, so I trouble Commissioner Qin for a while.

Commissioner Pang explained with a smile.

Li Ju and a few people around could only force a smile, saying that this is what it should be, and it won't get in the way.

While everyone was discussing, researching, and consulting data together, the wx public relations department was urgently spreading news across the network.

In the 4.0 update version, not only 99% of the plug-in links are isolated, but also some new adjustments have been made.

For example, dynamic display emoticons, new Moments background, personal database

With the public relations department taking action, these new improvements instantly became popular across the Internet.

You can see those attractive video screens on bibs, voice shaking... and even Wx's circle of friends.

Throw a bomb and the screen can blow up!

Throw a firework, the screen can show a dynamic picture of firework...

All of a sudden, countless netizens flocked to it!

"Oh my god, can wx send this kind of dynamic emoji? Seeking link! Seeking channel!"

"This is the latest version 4.0 of wx, I have downloaded it, and have a great time playing with Mi!"

"It's so cute, this firework is so beautiful! My boyfriend was also dragged by me and followed to 4.0! The thieves are energetic, let's play together!"

"Wx dad, we love you. We will support you as always!"

Among them, female netizens are the most!

Obviously, the routine of the head of the public relations department, Mei, has succeeded again.

The boys are not worried about the girls.

Those voices that questioned wx were all covered up, and the whole network was in rapport.

The strength of girls is too strong.

Many rational male netizens stepped up and said: "wx just gave you a little benefit that is not a good thing, so it bought you? I went, when it eavesdropped on privacy, I never saw you so excited! "

"This reminds me of Du Mu's poem: Business women don't know how to die "

"I seem to understand why there are so many people from the East and the Freedom on the Internet! I have forgotten everything about my last name after seeing a little benefit!"

Soon, those female netizens jumped out and retorted.

"Isn't it just eavesdropping on privacy! What's so great! It doesn't eavesdrop, and other apps also eavesdrop! What can we do? We are just weak women! I believe that wx will protect our privacy and will not leak!"

"That is: there are more programmers men, shouldn't it be your men's problem and responsibility to do this? It's our ass?"

"Take care of yourself! We love what we love!"

Facing a series of rhetorical questions, most of the male netizens were dumbfounded.

What about equality between men and women?

Did we all come to fight yesterday?,

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