I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 241: Wx Online Tribulation! Official Attitude! [Seeking Full Order]

A large number of netizens are speechless, and those people are not female boxers.

If it's a boxer, they would hit it.

But the point is not!

According to the logic of those girls, this matter has little to do with me anyway! Even if it matters, we can’t go against the sky.

Listen carefully, the truth is set.

Helpless, someone said with emotion.

Sometimes "It's not unreasonable for a shop to bully customers! It's all we are used to."

"Yes, as long as we resist more strongly, those Internet giants dare not reap us easily!

"Yesterday, we scolded wx! Today, some people started to praise Wx, it is not a navy! It is hard to imagine, in case I said that in case I would make you sleepless tonight, I exposed wx's ulterior secrets, and those who praised wx would return Can you sit still?"

Don't worry, "Well, even if you can't sit still, it's a version problem! Maybe, 5.0-out, one by one will be licked again!"

Everyone was helpless.

They found that the wx thing, relying on their ordinary people, is useless at all!

After all, the quality of netizens is uneven, and they are the easiest to be fooled! Maybe, they were friendly in the first second, and opponents in the next.

This made them think of the conversations among wx executives that Su Ming broke out yesterday.

Of course, those netizens and wx executives don't know, the official has already started!

This time the four major bureaus have joined forces, and the confidentiality work has been done very well! It can be seen that the above is serious!

Even super giants like wx have not received any news.

Deep city, wx headquarters.

Senior Director and others kept looking at the time.

It's already past nine o'clock. According to the words "make you sleepless" left last night, he will appear after ten o'clock today!

Therefore, everyone's hearts are hanging.

No one knows what kind of anecdote will be revealed after the opponent appears.

Director Gao looked at Liu Xueqing and asked, "Director Liu, how is the self-examination?"

Liu Xueqing's tone was serious.

"Director Gao, several of our teams have already checked thoroughly, there should be no problem!"

The supervisors of several other groups also spoke.

"Moreover, we have launched four consecutive version updates, and the bug (dacd) that can be repaired has already been fixed! There will be no problems!"

"Director Gao, don't worry! We have already solved all the problems!"

"I can guarantee that the other party will never find any problems with our system or procedures!"

Seeing everyone so confident, Director Gao breathed a sigh of relief.

Yesterday's battle, everyone lost miserably, but it can be seen that everyone has seriously reflected on it.

They felt that this time, they would never be defeated.

"Seeing you are so confident, I can rest assured!"

Know the shame "Then be brave, come on!

After cheering everyone up, Director Gao went outside and lit himself a cigarette.

At this moment, he has not slept for two consecutive days and one night. But even so, his spirit is still very excited.

It's about his career, he must remain highly motivated.

In the next room, Li Kang and others have already woke up. They did not leave, but guarded here.

After this night, everything will be a fresh start.

Li Kang already knew about some of the actions in version 4.0.

However, as the technical team who came to support, Li Kang feels that he only needs to be responsible for his own affairs.

Others, it is a high-level game, and it has nothing to do with them.

Noting that Director Gao was smoking outside, Li Kang looked at each other and nodded remotely, without saying much.

On the other side, Director Mei of the Public Relations Department was annoyed by the phone calls one after another.

The phone calls from those partners are all directed to her side.

She can grasp the spirit of the above decision! But those partners may not be able to understand it, so she needs to spend time to assure them through round and round ways that the plug-in link will be restored in the future.

After working all night, Director Mei finally calmed down those partners.

As for the browser of a certain music of a brother, she is not responsible for it.


With a long sigh of relief, Director Mei's expression relaxed a lot.

At this time, she saw Director Gao smoking in the corridor and quickly walked over to report.

"Director Gao, friends and merchants are all comforted.

"That's good!" Director Gao took a deep breath and asked, "How is the response on the Internet?"

"Very good! According to our previous

Having said this, Director Mei had a trace of embarrassment on her face.

Yesterday, I talked too much. Su Ming accidentally caused a wave of things. They still have some hesitation in talking.

Anyway, "Let's mainly have a good relationship with female users!"

"Now the online reviews are very good! What happened yesterday is almost overwhelming."

"The optimization of the exit of the new version has played a great advantage!"

Hearing this news, a smile finally appeared on Director Gao's tired face.

"This is good news today."

"Fixed the netizens, and then you will be unable to sleep! Hope, he just scared us this time!"

During the speech, Director Gao was exhausted.

"Director Gao, I believe that we will be able to survive this catastrophe safely!"

"I think so too! Keep busy, I'll go back and sit down.

After extinguishing the cigarette butt, Director Gao waved his hand to Director Mei, and then walked back to the original path.

At the same time, Su Ming succeeded in discovering the clue based on the strange news found on the Internet.

"Yesterday's incident was so big, someone from above really came!"

This result was expected by Su Ming.

The last female boxing incident was at the end. Not only did the military plane go out of the way, but they also talked about the bib.

After some investigation, Su Ming looked at the information that popped up, and was slightly shocked.

"Good guy, last time it was just an Internet game! This time

"The General Administration of Anti-Monopoly of Tianshang! There is also the Internet Bureau! The General Administration of Anti-Unfair Competition Enforcement! The General Administration of Capital Price Supervision!"

"Four big situations!

After a little thought, Su Ming understood.

I attach great importance to this matter above, and plan to take advantage of this wave of my own, and tidy up the Internet super giants!

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