I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 252: Penguin apologizes publicly! An apology is useful, why do you need a police officer?

What is fun in hardship? The netizens at the moment are making fun in hardship.

Obviously they are closely related to themselves, but they can do nothing but watch them from the sidelines.

Many people asked one after another.

"It's all like this, will the official intervene?"

"I hope the official will intervene, otherwise we are really inferior to non-cooking!"

"I remember that when Penguin fought against 630 ten years ago, it was exposed to steal user privacy. It's been ten years and they haven't changed it yet!"

I hope that "the official punishment will be severe! The official interview with the bib last time, I hope that this time I can cure a penguin!"

"Difficult! Is the penguin's body comparable to when it was circumvented? The Internet is half of the world, it's not just a talk!"

The more the discussion, the more desperate those netizens became.

"Stop talking, brothers, let's go and conquer Penguin's official WeChat account! Let's take a sigh of relief!"

"Um.. The example of the former deputy head of Penguin's technical department who was found by Penguin is still hanging there! Let's have nothing to do, I'm afraid we will-be checked by the water meter!"

"It makes sense! Even the deputy head of the technical department can't run. We are at this level, and we will be accurate!"

At the same time, the Penguin high-level meeting room.

Director Gao is doing a debriefing.

Finally, it made you sleepless! A series of counterattacks began!"

In this regard, I feel very...

Before he could finish speaking, the corporate manager waved his hand in dissatisfaction.

"Gao Ming, this matter originated from your improper handling, which caused us to suffer heavy losses!"

"At the moment, the loss of wx has already been implicated in Penguin! You can't shirk the blame for this incident!"

The high director at the end of the video has a complicated expression.

He wanted to say that if you handle this matter, it will be better than me!

Who doesn't know the penguin's temperament.

However, he did not say.

Saying this at the high-level meeting, then he really stopped cooking completely!

"Sorry, CEO! I mishandled this matter. Please punish it."


The CEO sneered.

"It's useful to punish you? If you punish you, those losses will come back? If you punish you, can our stock price rise?"

"If you punish you, can this matter be exposed?"

Faced with a series of rhetorical questions from the head of the enterprise, Director Gao was speechless.

He whispered: "The head of the enterprise, I also think for the benefit of wx. "Make you sleepless and develop plug-ins privately, which seriously affects the interests of wx and the interests of the friends and businessmen we cooperate with.

Before he finished speaking, the public relations manager in the conference room looked at the message sent by his hand, his face changed slightly.

"Head of enterprise, something went wrong.

Hearing this, Director Gao stopped talking, and the head of the enterprise quickly looked at the manager of the public relations department and asked.

"What happened again?"

"That made you sleepless, broke the news again!"

"What! He broke the news again!"

Hearing this, the penguin felt dizzy.

You can tell from his tone that he is really bored.

Ten years ago, 630 had never made him so worried.

Su Ming has become a thorn in his eye!

"Quickly, tell me what happened."

The manager of the public relations department said the matter quickly, and after listening, everyone present was silent.

Cell phones and computers are all neatly put alive.

At this moment, the company's president had no thoughts of investigating responsibility, and he quickly looked at the manager of the public relations department and said hurriedly.

"Immediately you send someone to make a statement!"

"Remember, this time, be more sincere! Don't give me any more moths!"


The manager of the public relations department nodded. He knew that it was useless to evade the responsibility statement like the last time.

Immediately, he walked out of the meeting room quickly.

The head of the company glanced over the people below and then over the people in the video conference, and asked with a complicated expression: "What else is there, let's say it all."

"Rather than being exploded, let's investigate it ourselves!"

Soon, netizens noticed that Penguin's official Weibo issued an apology statement.

[Penguin Apology Statement!]

"Recently, we received external feedback that the computer-side Penguin scans and reads the browser history.

"In this regard, the Penguin security team attaches great importance to and launched an investigation, and found that the computer-side Penguin has read browser history. It is used to determine the security risk of user login...

…0 Seeking flowers…

"The read data is used to judge whether it is malicious login in the local client on the computer side. All relevant data will not be uploaded to the cloud, will not be stored, and will not be used for any other purpose...

"All the Penguins apologize for this incident. Internally, they are sorting out historical issues and strengthening user data access specifications."

At present, "the above-mentioned security risk issues have been resolved as soon as possible, and a new version of Penguin on the computer side has been released. To reduce inconvenience, all affected historical versions of Penguin on the computer side will begin to update and push upgrade packages early tomorrow."

"For the impact on users, Penguin is again deeply sorry!"

This time the apology statement is obviously more sincere than the last time! It makes people look like an apology! Not a show!

If it is placed before, all netizens will definitely forget it.

But after two consecutive days, after so many things, netizens obviously didn't buy it.

Under the apology statement, countless netizens sneered.

"If you don't upload to the cloud for comparison, how do you judge whether it is a malicious login? So the reason given in the statement is completely deceiving ordinary people."

Penguin": I'm sorry, I won't let you find out in the future! I was wrong, I will come next time! Hahaha!

"Penguin: We changed the scanning technology. This time it is more concealed! (Tan Shou.jpg)

"Without strict supervision, without severe punishment, you will be unscrupulous! The big deal is an apology, and then continue! I hope the government will deal with it fiercely!

"Um, it is unlikely that the official will clean up. After all, there are no clear regulations in the laws of the empire! I guess, Penguin apologizes first, and then treats it cold for a few days, it will definitely get out!

It's so "easy? I'm gonna! Dare we deserve to be squeezed!"

"Penguin: Squeezing you is to give you face! You still don't know what is good or bad? (狗头保命.jpg)

Just as the netizens laughed at themselves, Su Ming, who came out of the shower, also saw this statement of apology.

Taking a look at the surveillance around the Penguin Headquarters building, Su Ming smiled, and then replied.

[Apologizing is useful, why do you want the police officer?"

When this word came out, everyone was dumbfounded. They always felt that there was something in Su Ming's words. again.

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