I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 253: Netizens' brain supplement! Internet earthquake! Official interview! (please compl

Many impatient netizens asked one after another.

"@让你不睡睡,大神, do you know the inside story?"

"Of course it's useless to apologize, but... what can the police officer do? Is it possible to arrest someone? I don't think it is very likely! I looked through the laws of the celestial dynasty and did not find the relevant legal provisions!"

"Although I also hope that the official can beat the penguin! But everyone understands.

Seeing the replies of those anxious netizens, Su Ming smiled and shook his head.

The height determines the viewing angle.

Taking a look at the surveillance video, Su Ming found that the bulletproof vehicles had been parked outside the Penguin Headquarters building.

It can be seen that several men in black walked out of the car.

Immediately afterwards, four high commissioners and Li and others also came out.

At this point, zero has passed. There are fewer and fewer people around the building. Many people on the road didn't care about this scene.

In their opinion, it's no surprise that there are such people in suits and leather shoes who come to the Penguin Headquarters building every day.

Watching Commissioner Pang and the others step into the building, Su Ming stretched.

"These past few days, it has exhausted me!

The official has entered, and Su Ming knows that this matter is almost qualitative!

If there is no accident, the interview and punishment will not escape.

It's just that Nanshan Pizza Hut is not a scarf.

Su Ming cannot guess how much the official strength is.

However, in his opinion, this matter has caused such a big trouble, and the punishment is not small!

after all…

Thinking of what he had found before, the corners of Su Ming's mouth rose slightly.

"The General Administration of Anti-Monopoly of Tianshang, the Internet Bureau, the General Administration of Anti-Unfair Competition Enforcement, and the General Administration of Capital Price Supervision, the four major aspects of the Internet are all entering the venue!"

"From this point, we can see that the intensity this time should not be small!"

"Next is the official business, it has nothing to do with me."

With a thought, Su Ming launched a small promotion of the "Poor Die You 2.0 plug-in".

No matter what rules wx will launch afterwards, this plugin can be updated in time and flexibly change!

After finishing the promotion, Su Ming ran to the official Weibo of Penguin and replied to everyone.

"It's getting late, everyone wash up and go to bed early. Get up tomorrow morning and you will know the result!"

As soon as the news came out, those netizens suddenly felt as if they were being scratched by countless cats.

"@让你不睡不睡, Great God, do you know what the inside story is?"

"@让你不睡睡睡, God please, tell me, otherwise I can't sleep!

"Great God, I don't ask you to say too much, just let your breath out a little bit! Just breathe out! Let's make up for it by ourselves!"

"Great God, if you are a good person, you can tell us a little bit of inside information! So that we can feel at ease! Although we are non-cuisine, we are also a non-cuisine with ideals!"

Netizens are called anxious, they always feel that the trouble is so big, Nanshan Pizza Hut should also do something!

It would be really heart-wrenching if the wind and waves passed by. The reputation of Nanshan Pizza Hut will surely shake the past and present again! This is something that no one wants to see.

Su Ming stood up and said under the constant calls of everyone.

"Don't worry, it is good news for you!"

"If you really can't sleep, then I will say four words-refer to the bib! You can slowly make up for it!"

"Well, everyone, bye!

Once the account was retired and the traces of intrusion were cleaned up, Su Ming switched back to the normal system.

Su Ming glanced at the solicitation message from 630 and skipped it.

Then, Su Ming covered the computer and fell asleep happily. Leave a crowd of netizens and mess around the Internet.

"The great god went to sleep again? This is too cool, right!"

"What's the matter with the chic? If you have this strength, you are so full of wine! However, according to what the Great God said, the Great God must know some inside stories here! Otherwise, I wouldn't say that!"

"I also think that according to the two keywords of "good news, refer to the bib"... Fuck, is the great god hinting that the official has intervened?"

"Official meddling? True and false comparison! If the official intervening, the great god has really done a great thing that affects hundreds of millions of netizens!"

"I support the Great God! He did not lie to us from the beginning! In this matter, I believe that the Great God will not lie to us!"

Having said that, they are still somewhat worried.

After all, a bib is a bib, and Nanshan Pizza Hut is Nanshan Pizza Hut!

The head teacher will deal with the top ten good students in the class, but seldom will punish the outstanding students who have been in the top two of the grade.

The former is a good student! The latter is an outstanding student who always wins!

Soon, someone posted a blurry photo on the Internet with a text.

"Well, I just passed by the Penguin Headquarters Building and saw a few black vehicles parked at the door! Originally, I just shot it casually and sent a dynamic feeling that it was not easy to beat the workers.

"Yeah, I know, after seeing the message that made you sleepless, I will look back at the picture I took. This, is this license plate familiar to everyone?"

"Don't ask me if I took the photo, I can tell you 100%, I didn't take the photo! (Certainly.jpg)

After a while, this incident was noticed by countless curious netizens.

Taking a closer look at the license plate, many netizens who participated in the Toyo Cyber ​​War two days ago reacted immediately.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Isn't this the license plate of the military plane?"

"The military aircraft department? Am I dreaming? The military aircraft department car stopped at the gate of the Nanshan Pizza Hut headquarters building? Oh my god!"

This "photo won't be p! Now the media is crazy, don't be fooled!"

"If this photo is true, I wish the host great luck every year! If it is fake, A, the Military Aircraft Department will check your water meter tonight!

Just as the whole network's enthusiasm continued to rise, several front desks at the Penguin Headquarters Building looked at Commissioner Pang and the others in horror, and entered the president's exclusive elevator.

In the elevator, the company's personal secretary personally received them.

The head of the company, who was holding a high-level meeting, looked at the reminder received on his mobile phone, and his face suddenly pulled down.

"After a while, everyone will return to their posts. Don't look, don't ask, don't talk."


"No one is allowed to leave the post without my permission tonight!"

The high-levels were at a loss.

What's happening here?

Before they could react, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and the secretary of the company's president walked in quickly, whispering in the ear of the company's president.

"Chief executives, the people above have already arrived.

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