I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 254: I hate Su Ming! The stock price plummets by 100 billion!

The person above?


The head of the company didn't say anything about it, but none of the high-level people underneath knew about it.

Even the vice president is at a loss.

The wx executives at the video conference end also looked dumbfounded.

They don't know what happened.

The head of the enterprise waved his hand and said in a hurry.

"Remember, no one is allowed to leave the company without permission! Anyone who leaves without permission will be expelled!"

"The meeting is over!"

After the conversation, the head of the company hurriedly left the meeting room without looking back.

"Where are they?"

"CEO, they are in the VIP reception room."

Nodded, the head of the company walked briskly and asked: "Who are they, do you know?"

The secretary said embarrassingly: "The head of the enterprise, I only know a few of them."


"Lee Bureau of the Price Supervision Bureau and several deputy bureaus! I don't know the other people! It can be seen that the Li bureau and others are led by those strangers!"

Upon hearing Li Ju and the others, the head of the enterprise breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it was the boundary of the deep city. Although it came suddenly, the problem shouldn't be too big.


When he heard the latter sentence, the corner of the company's eyes suddenly twitched.

Li Ju and others were actually accompanied!

If you can accompany Li Ju and others, then the identities of these people are worthy of careful scrutiny.

Immediately afterwards, the secretary whispered again.

"The head of the enterprise, there are people from the military department."

"Military Aircraft Department?"

The head of the company's pupils shrank suddenly.

Even the people from the Military Aircraft Department came, and he knew that this matter was even more serious!

Immediately, he scolded Su Ming bloody in his heart.

If it weren't for Su Ming's whole Po Laozi's "Poor Die You" plugin, this wouldn't happen at all!

If it hadn't been for Su Ming's repeated revelations, every time it involved a very sensitive field, the situation would not have developed to this point!

After scolding Su Ming, he scolded Director Gao again.

"The news is blocked first! No one is allowed to disclose it, understand?"


He hurried to the door of the VIP lounge, the head of the company tidied his clothes, and then opened the door with a smile on his face.

As soon as the head of the enterprise came in, Bureau Li stood up first and introduced Commissioner Pang and others.

"Come on, let me introduce you! This is the head of the enterprise.

It is not easy to be able to achieve the length of a round!

Although Commissioner Pang and others knew about the company's president, he first introduced them to the company's president. A small detail highlights the difference in status between the two sides.

"Chief Enterprise, this is Commissioner Pang from the Anti-Monopoly Administration of Tianshang!"

"Hello Commissioner Pang!"

This "is Commissioner Xue from the Internet Bureau!"

"Hello Commissioner Xue!"

"This is Commissioner Director of the General Administration of Anti-Unfair Competition Enforcement!"

"Commissioner Dong, hello...


"The remaining few, everyone has seen it, so I won't accept it."

Listening to Li Ju's introduction, the head of the company's expression remained unchanged, but a storm has already set off in his heart.

It stands to reason that with his current social status, he would not be so shocked under normal circumstances.

Even if he meets with the city lord of the deep city, it won't be like this!

Firstly, the deep city is his stronghold! Secondly, he has this confidence!

But now, there are all departments that "prescribe the right medicine"!

It is the Tianshang Anti-Monopoly Administration, it is also the Internet Bureau, and the Anti-Unfair Competition Enforcement Administration, the Beijing Municipal Price Supervision Administration, is not so important!

What's more, there are people from the Military Aircraft Department!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most troublesome situation the company has encountered in 20 years!

And all of this has a lot to do with Su Ming!

Thinking of this, the head of the company was angry and anxious, but he still had to smile on his face.

After being courteous, Commissioner Pang was also unambiguous, and directly stated that he could enter the topic.

Immediately, Xiao Sun moved the computer over and retrieved all the data in it.

Who would have thought that in the early hours of the morning, most people were asleep! And the headquarters of Nanshan Pizza Hut, many high-level executives are talking to the head of the company.

An unprecedented interview with the Internet super giant, and that's it!

The talks started at 12:15 in the morning and have been talking about more than three in the morning.

Among them, Xiaosun and several technicians from the Military Aircraft Department inspected the Penguin related background.

Soon, the code involved in the case was extracted.

At this time, the technical staff who wrote these codes were miserable and became the scapegoat for this incident.

At about 3:30 in the morning, a few police cars came and took away a few people from the building.

After that, Commissioner Pang and others hurried into the car and left here.

Waiting until everyone left, the head of the company and the others were still in a state of shock.

The last time I dealt with the Military Aircraft Department, it was because the Penguin was attacked by hackers.

This time I came directly to arrest people.

Looking at the disappearing taillights, the CEO let out a long sigh.

The secretary of the company president walked over and whispered.

"CEO, two bad news!"

"Is it bad news again?" The company's eyes twitched, and he blurted out subconsciously: "That made you sleepless and broke the news again?"

"He's endless! It's so late, still not going to bed?"

Obviously, don't press the boss.

"No, it's on the wx side and the NYSE side.

It wasn't Su Ming who broke the news again, and the head of the company was in a better mood.

"What happened to wx?

"There is news from Dong Zhang that a commissioner has also stationed at them! Just now, 537 they left and took away Director Gao and a few technical personnel who violated the regulations!"

The head of the company took a breath and continued: "Where is the NYSE?

"The head of the company, there is news from the NYSE that our stock price has plunged and dropped by nearly 2%! The market value has dropped...100 billion!"

The head of the company was livid and said nothing.

2%, how little it sounds.

Counting the market value of Penguins, the meaning of this 2% is completely different, it is 100 billion!

100 billion, the market value of many listed companies can't reach this line!

The head of the enterprise stood quietly on the spot, sighing in a thousand words.

This time the stock price fell and the market value fell, it has little to do with the official interviews! It has been exposed many times and related to Su Ming!

Of course, this does not mean that the official interview has no impact on the market value!

It means that the point in time of the impact has not yet begun!

As soon as day came, the news of the interview and punishment was released, and the whole network was in an uproar!

At that time, the stock price will continue to plunge, and the market value will not fall by a mere 100 billion! As for how much it has fallen, this will not be known until the day after tomorrow!

For the penguin, this time, it was not bitten by a mosquito anymore! It was a real injury!

It took a long time for the head of the company to suffocate a foul language.

"Special! I hit the gun!"

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