I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 260: The head of the enterprise publicly apologizes! Something happened to the free country!

The CEO's answer made Mu Qing stunned.

If a person tortured a large company into this way, wouldn't the company hate it?

It makes no sense.

Mu Qing, who has low emotional intelligence, blurted out subconsciously: "Chief Executive, don't you hate him?"

"On the way I came, I heard your employees whispering, saying that you were so angry that you didn't sleep well all day."

There was a stiff smile on the company's face.

If it weren't for a good night's sleep and lack of energy, he would really be so angry that he would stand up and reward her with a slap.

Did you interview like this?

Can you not be angry for you?

It is said that your EQ is low, and now it seems that EQ is really not generally low!

Knowing that I was so angry that I couldn't sleep well, and I asked if I was angry?

Taking a deep breath, the general manager pushed the frame of the frame, his tone calm.

"Reporter Mu Qing, my time is precious! You still have less than ten minutes, so please go straight to the subject."

It can be seen that the head of the company is already very impatient.

After being secretly clicked by the head of the company, Mu Qing smiled awkwardly, and then began to cut to the topic.

This time, Mu Qing asked a lot of normal questions.

As time recommended, Mu Qing looked at the last two minutes, so he asked the question of keeping the finale.

"The head of the enterprise, according to the news exposed on the Internet early this morning, and the announcement issued by the official four major issues at noon! Obviously, the official has conducted an in-depth investigation on the suspected monopoly and theft of user data by Penguin!

"Excuse me, what do you think about this?"

The head of the enterprise sat down, his face unchanged, but he was very satisfied in his heart.

This question seems tricky, but it is an important opportunity for him to convey his personal and company attitude to the outside world!

This is also an important opportunity to stabilize investors and shareholders!

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply, and the company president said sincerely.

"What you said is currently under investigation by the authorities."

"Penguin is also actively cooperating with the official investigation work. We have also established a special working group composed of relevant persons in charge of multiple departments to carry out related business self-examinations.

"We will continue to actively cooperate and communicate with regulatory authorities on compliance requirements! After the investigation is over, we will report the latest situation to all sectors of society!"

"...For antitrust and other investigations, our attitude is to face honestly and actively cooperate...

After a slight pause, the head of the enterprise looked at the camera sincerely, and said slowly and firmly.

"As a communication platform with more than one billion users combined and carrying over one billion daily active users, we deeply understand the important social and public attributes of the platform!"

We "will continue to work hard to ensure that what we do meets the requirements of the laws and regulations of the celestial dynasty! At the same time, we will do our best to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users from infringement!

"In the future, we will assume our due social responsibilities."

"I apologize for the bad experience caused to many users in these incidents!"

When this interview video was exposed, most netizens surprisingly unanimously launched a condemnation against Mu Qing reporter.

She thinks she has no quality as a reporter at all and asks embarrassing questions.

And I strongly doubt whether she has a deep background, otherwise, how can she interview big people every time with her emotional intelligence?

Of course, those netizens with IQ online and clear-minded immediately discovered the problem.

"The general manager of the enterprise is very clever and deliberately accepted an interview with this skinny reporter who is not highly controversial in terms of emotional intelligence! This is obviously to divert the public's attention."

"It can be seen that the head of the company is still very haggard! With Mu Qing, who is not coordinating with Germany, he can really divert his attention and topic, and give Penguins a wave of sympathy!"

"What bullshit he said! Anyway, I only know one thing, if it wasn't for ‘make you sleepless and make a big deal, the official would not interfere! If it weren’t for the official intervention, would the company president apologize?"

"Well, don't you, take a look, at the end of the whole article, I said a painless apology! Is it useful? It's useless! Apology is useful, why do you want the police officer?"

"Don't say anything else, from a psychological point of view! The company's president has never explicitly mentioned making you sleepless. It can be seen that he still does not approve of this result! The so-called apology is just to stabilize the stock price. That's it! Capital chases profit, just look at it and just smile!"

That night, in the boys' dormitory, Liu Gui said with excitement, watching the interviews about the company's president on the Internet.

"Brother Su, hurry up and take a look, the head of the company will appear on the scene and apologize publicly!"

Su Ming walked over curiously.

Su Ming smiled secretly from the bottom of his heart after listening to the company's always saying something that is not painful or itchy.

"It can be seen from the picture that the mental state of the company's manager is not good, he looks very haggard! Of course, I don't feel distressed at all, but

Liu Gui said with a smile.

"Slightly gloating.

Su Ming poured cold water on the side.

"All you can see is that the head of the company deliberately let you see you! Including his haggard, interview!"

"Women companies always deliberately select this reporter and let her interview! Otherwise, do you think that Penguin has had such a big incident, and he still has the heart to accept the interview?"

"Do you think the company's president doesn't know the bad reputation of this reporter? There are long lines of reporters who want to interview! Without the company's secret approval, Mu Qing can't even go upstairs in the Penguin Headquarters Building!"

"Don't look at the company's general manager who doesn't talk a lot, and he doesn't feel very happy. There is no shortage of thoughts."

Su Ming smiled lightly: "After all, how many simple people can sit in this position? The bloodbath of capital is very cruel!"

"Huh?" Liu Gui's eyes widened, with an incredible expression on his face.

Su Ming's words completely subverted his 18-year-old's cognition of capital.

"Study hard, most of what you see on the Internet are fake! Just get used to it!"

After speaking, Su Ming climbed into bed and started a long-night chat with Xu Tingxue.

Both Su Ming and Xu Tingxue opened the same door on the Poor Death You 2.0 plug-in. Xu Tingxue shared a lot of videos, books (Li Haozhao), etc. to Su Ming, which she found interesting and useful links.

This wave of hot chat lasted until late at night.

After saying good night to each other, both of them fell asleep.

On the sky side, the night is deep, and the moon is on the branch.

But on the free country side, the sun is very good, and it is in the busiest time of the day.

Outside the Black Palace of the Free Country, a middle-aged man with a big belly and a round face, holding a stack of documents, went straight to the inside of the Black Palace.

After catching an assistant, the middle-aged man asked, "Where is the commander?"

"in office!"


A few minutes later, the middle-aged man stood at the door of the chief executive's office and knocked on the door.

"Boom boom boom——"


"Master, it's me!"

McPeggy? Fast forward!"

Pushing the door open, McPeggy walked in quickly, put the folder in his hand on the general leader's desk, and said in a hurry.

"Master, you are impulsive!!"

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