I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 261: Comrade Jianguo! You are such a good comrade! Seeking full order]

The head of the foreign affairs department, Mike Pey, said anxiously, his tone of voice increased by three points.

"Master, you are sloppy."

Faced with the accusations that McPee said, the commander was very dissatisfied.

McPeggy "You have just returned from the empire that never sets. Is there something wrong with this visit?"

"That's not the case. The empire is still very polite to me when the sun does not set. McPeggy" shook his head and continued: "I am anxious about the celestial affairs."

"Heaven? What happened to the Heaven?"

"Commander, look at the files here! This is the data I got from the Federal Investigation Agency, as well as the data collected by the Central Intelligence Agency."

McPeggy opened the file and handed it over to explain.

"It can be seen from the above that the Tian Dynasty tested three nuclear weapons in the last few days!"

"A conventional land-based intercontinental ballistic missile, an intercontinental ballistic missile launched through a submarine, the third one is amazing.

"The third one is the nuclear weapon launched from the intercontinental ballistic missile pit! This one is used for the second nuclear strategic counterattack!"

McPearl sighed again and again: "Oh, the leader, the leader, there are nearly two hundred countries in the world, in addition to our free country, our old rival, the Northern Bear Nation, has the ability to counterattack a second nuclear strategy!"

"Now, the success of the Tianchao test means that the Tianchao also has the capability of 537 second nuclear strategic counterattack!

"This signal is very dangerous!"

"Danger"?" The chief frowned: "Is it dangerous? We have 11 aircraft carriers, and nuclear weapons will not be discussed. The world knows about 6000+!"

"Is it dangerous?"

Mike was so anxious that he slapped his thigh straight: "It must be dangerous! Think about it, the Heavenly Dynasty is usually silent, and it shows the ability of a second nuclear strategic counterattack once it strikes.

"Who knows what kind of weapons they have developed in private?"

"Having the capability of a secondary nuclear strategic counterattack means that once we have a military conflict with the celestial dynasty! Then, it is impossible to use nuclear weapons as a last resort!"

"Because, even if we destroy all the conventional nuclear weapons of the celestial dynasty, they still have underwater nuclear weapons, as well as nuclear weapons for a second nuclear strategic counterattack!"

With a long sigh, Mike said helplessly.

"Let's dig a hole for ourselves!"

Listening to Mike Pian’s explanation, the commander gradually realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Mike Pei, you should have told me earlier! I'm not busy looking for loopholes in my opponent, I plan to defeat him!"

Say "No more, I don't know (dacd) which idiot has exposed the content of my phone. I was busy sending someone to find that guy, and I didn't pay attention to it for a while."

Didn't follow?

I didn't pay attention to your size!

McPeggy was going to be stunned.

For a moment, he even wondered whether Comrade Jianguo was alluding to the commander.

"Okay, okay, these little things, forget it. I'll pay more attention next time.

The commander waved his hand.


McPeggy sighed helplessly: "But,

"Commander, we and Toyo are also allies. In the cyber war a few days ago, Toyo asked for a door-to-door visit, so you don't want to do anything?"

The commander said in a serious tone: "Aren't you busy investigating the internal reasons!"

"I am in constant trouble, so how can I manage Dongyang?"

Mike was going to be stunned.

All the allies are ignored, who is willing to charge for the battle in the future!

Commander, Commander, I'm really going to be confused by you!

I'm running around outside every day, ganging up! You are good, you always get me off the chain at critical moments!

Before McPeggy could speak, the commander continued.

"It's just to clean up the celestial dynasty, do we need to join forces with Toyo?"


"If we join hands, will we still be a great free country?"

The thought in his mind turned, and the leader said proudly.

"Can't beat the celestial dynasty, it's because Toyo's own technology can't do it! Let them spend money, come and learn, buy our national defense equipment, buy our weapon interception system, and buy our cyber security system.

"This is a great opportunity to make money!"

McPeggy opened his mouth, and choked silently for a while!

He is really going to be blown up.

"Master, we have a garrison in the East, you are like this...

The commander waved his hand and interrupted him directly, saying, "It's alright, making money is the most important thing!"

"My name is Wisdom, you don't understand!"

"I pointed my finger to my forehead, and the leader said proudly: "The most genius brain in the history of the free country! I won't do anything that would harm our free country!"

McPeggy was completely defeated.


Dongyang almost fell. Not only did we not take action, we were still watching the show! Even our garrison did not intervene! This is afraid to be condemned by Dongyang.

Commander, if you understand a little bit about the horror of cyber warfare, you will know how miserable Dongyang is.

"Commander, what do you plan to do with the anchor of the Celestial dynasty called'You have the ability to hit me"?"

The commander was stunned: "Who? Who do you say?"

The flesh on Mike's face twitched sharply.

He understood it, but the commander didn't know anything. In addition to internal matters, Ha don't want to care!

"It is the culprit that caused the cyber war between the Celestial Empire and the East! The culprit who caused the East to fall in many places and forced the East to be soft! The Celestial man who publicly sold the information of the East and disrupted the unspoken rules of international espionage!"

"So many titles!" The commander's eyes widened and shocked: "It seems that this person is a scourge!

"McPepe, what do you think should be done?"

"He! Must deal with him! Re-integrate his information and send colleagues from the Central Intelligence Agency to investigate him overwhelmingly!"

McPeggy said with a murderous look: "You can send someone to the celestial dynasty to investigate!

"You can also use the anecdote we left in the sky, investigate!"

"Anyway, this person must be found! His strength makes me feel a strong threat!

"In case, in the future, there will be a cyber war between us and the Tian Dynasty, this person must be a scourge!

The commander nodded and said: "Okay, you go and deal with this matter!"

"But the situation is different right now, and it's best if I don't need someone who helps me investigate internal affairs."

Mike was just about to exaggerate the commanding sentence, and when he heard the following words, he was so angry that he almost didn't spray out a mouthful of old blood.

At this moment, a senior blond staff quickly walked in.

"Your Excellency Grand Commander, Your Excellency McPeggy, a secret message from Kangaroo Country!"

"Huh intelligence?" The general leader asked anxiously: "Has Kangaroo found out the people who recorded my phone calls?"

Mike was completely convinced. He can see it, the commander cares more about himself! and his position!

"No! It is said that the Kangaroo State spent 50 million U.S. dollars a few days ago and bought a copy from the anchor of the Celestial Kingdom. This is the top secret information about Dongyang's spies in my free country!"

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