I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 268: Su Ming has become a taboo! The market value plummets by 700 billion!

A trace of anger flashed through the eyes of the CEO.

It’s really a good name to keep you awake! I suspect that he did it on purpose!"

"It made us go up and down, and haven't had a good night's sleep for several days.

Hearing the company's complaint, the secretary behind him said nothing. He knows that silence is the best at this moment.

Seeing that the secretary was silent, the company's president continued.

"It's all caused by that guy!"

"I knew it would be like this. The ‘poor you plug-in’ back then should have been left to nothing. That damn clever! I have to add some chaos!"

"It's okay now, I lost my wife and lost my troops! This plug-in, on the contrary, got a savage survival.

"For a little profit, I made a big loss!"

"The wx department, it seems that we have to take care of it."

At this moment, the head of the enterprise actually regretted a little.

This is something unprecedented in the "Five Five Zeros".

If it weren't for Su Ming, this supervising knife might have to fall later.

There will be more time left for him.

Moreover, at the end of this matter, the "Poor Die You" plug-in did not have the slightest impact. Instead, it was equivalent to an advertisement with a large number of users.

This is a big blow to enterprises in general.

It's the first time to dare to stalk wool on a penguin!

The CEO of Su Ming was both jealous and admired.

Thinking of Mr. Bao's hiding behind the scenes, Mr. Qi is even more helpless.

He felt that his own day would not be too far away.

"I'm so low-key, alas!"

"Interview twice in a row, nothing more, let's keep a low profile in the future."

With a sigh, the head of the company looked at the secretary and asked, "By the way, how is the stock price now?"

He was so busy these two days that he didn't have time to pay attention to these things.

"The head of the enterprise, the market is not very good! Our stock price has continued to fall for the past two days."

"Since the listing, this is the worst plunge we have experienced.

The secretary explained in a low voice: "In the past few days, our market value has fallen by nearly 500 billion! When the news of our second interview is released today, the NYSE data will come out tomorrow, and it is estimated that there will be another drop."

"Up and after, our market value loss is about 700 billion!"


Hearing this number, with the total composure of the enterprise, the corners of his mouth twitched at this moment.

700 billion!

Not 70 million!

"Head of enterprise." The secretary continued.

"At the moment, investors have a lot of grievances against us!"

The CEO waved his hand in dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry about those people! We take them to make money, and they just lie down."

"It's 5 trillion yuan, another step away. It's all the one who made you sleepless' harm! This person, harm! My plan has all been disrupted!"

Having said that, the head of the enterprise reluctantly walked towards the building.

Inside the building, the atmosphere is still very serious.

Those employees know that this is a catastrophe for Penguin.

In the high-level meeting room, those high-level officials dare not look directly at the head of the enterprise.

They do not know when the supervision will end.

Will there be three more interviews!

I don't even know what will happen next.

In short, the premonition is not very good.

Apart from anything else, two consecutive interviews gave them a lot of pressure.

The head of the enterprise stood at the forefront, his sharp eyes swept across the upper floors of the conference room.

No one dared to speak in the silent conference room.

There are not only the high-levels of the Penguin Department, but also the high-levels of the Wx Department.


Clapped his hands, the head of the enterprise spoke.

"Well, if you have anything you want to say, just say it."

"Speak freely while everyone is here, I won't blame you."

With the permission of the head of the enterprise, one of them looked at the head of the enterprise and summoned his courage.

"CEO, what shall we do next?"

"The current market reaction is very unfavorable to us."

Once the news of continuous interviews broke out, I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Investors have been waiting for us to explain."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes turned to the head of the enterprise.

The CEO nodded and said.

"This matter originated from the ‘plug-in developed to make you sleepless’ to die of you!! And wx’s clever improper handling!"

"This is a man-made disaster, but also another natural disaster!"


The head of the company paused slightly, and said as soon as the conversation turned.

"This incident is also a good reminder for us, the current Internet ecology is no longer what it used to be. 0"

We "can no longer follow the old path of the past and need to make some changes.

"So, starting tomorrow, I will talk to you alone, our new direction!"

Listening to the words of the head of the enterprise, everyone's hearts were stunned.

They guessed that the second interview should involve some Minggan topics.

It is these topics that made the company's president decide to make some big changes.

In fact, the heads of enterprises are also very helpless.

If the stock price has fallen, it can rise again! If the traffic has passed, you can also find a way to pull it back.

After all, with the size of a penguin, no one dared to continue making times.

But the previous methods of dominance cannot be used indiscriminately. If you use it indiscriminately, it will cause big troubles.

Those giants who played the autumn wind were just taking advantage of the situation! When things passed, they disappeared.

At this time, someone asked again.

"Chief executives, what about the platforms that take advantage of the chaos to harvest our traffic? Do we need to deal with it?"

When someone spoke, others also said.

"Yes, the head of the company. If this continues, our traffic loss will be very serious."

"The head of the company, some of the giants of our faction before, have quite complained about us! Of course, they have also made trouble in the back before, which has caused us some considerable trouble."

These people spoke very carefully and did not mention Su Ming! Obviously, within Penguin, Su Ming has become a topic that cannot be discussed.

The head of the enterprise waved his hand and said in a casual tone.

It’s okay, "They won’t last long for 2.3."

"If it hadn't been for the intervention from above, I would have cleaned them up."

"Record this account first, and then calculate the general account after the gust of wind has passed!

The heads of the company have said so, and others have said that there is no problem.

"Everyone has kept a low profile these days."

"If you have anything, tell me privately, don't put it on the table for now."


Everyone nodded and said: "Yes!"

"Very good!" The company president nodded in satisfaction, and said: "At this point, don't mess with the company again and make you sleepless!"

"We, can't stand the second one to make you sleepless!

It can make the head of the enterprise emphasize that Su Ming's trumpet keeps you awake, which is enough to go down in the annals of history.

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