I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 269: I'm anxious by Su Ming! There is light in my eyes and love in my heart!

Everyone said that they would not follow the example of the senior director of the wx department, which would bring serious disasters to Penguins.

"If anyone commits a crime, don't blame me for not giving him face!"

With that, the head of the enterprise's sharp eyes swept across the top of the wx department.

"Zhang Ying, everyone knows about your talents! But your opponent has given too much preferential treatment. Take care. Don't do this kind of thing next time."

Zhang Ying nodded solemnly.

In this kind of high-level meeting room, the head of the company personally named.

This is very embarrassing, but there is no way, this matter really spread from the wx department.

But this is not the case for those who negotiated with Su Ming and listened to the opinions of the masses.

However, even if she could travel a few days ago, Zhang Ying would still let Director Gao and Director Mei mess around.

There is no way, this kind of arrogance and dominance has penetrated into the bones.

It's a pity that the birds are pecked by the birds all day long. They were unlucky when they met Su Ming. As a person, he has long been banned and titled, and he can't even make waves.


"Okay, the meeting is over."

After finishing speaking, the head of the enterprise flicked his sleeve, turned and walked out.

All the upper floors in the room, you look at me and I look at you, and finally all sighed together.

Early the next morning, as soon as the head of the company returned to the office, the secretary handed over a document.

After a glance, the general manager's face collapsed in an instant.

The New York Stock Exchange closed yesterday, and Penguin's stock price plummeted again.

Everything is as the secretary said, the market value has evaporated by nearly 700 billion in a few days!

700 billion, one by one can circle the blue star.

And now, the money is gone.

"Damn, it's a curse to keep you awake!

The head of the company cursed secretly.

At this time, the secretary handed over another document and said in a serious tone: "CEO, the above documents are down."

The head of the enterprise was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.


"Yes! The results of our investigation above have come out, and a fine has been imposed! Specifically, it is estimated that it will be sent back later.

The head of the enterprise quickly took the file and opened it.

With just one glance, the company couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It says that in accordance with the latest Anti-Monopoly Law of the Celestial Dynasty, Penguins must immediately stop illegal monopoly behaviors and confiscate related income! And, 1% to 10% of the annual sales of the previous year will be fined!

The inscription was jointly signed by the four major bureaus.

Seeing this, the head of the enterprise was dizzy.

1% to 10% of sales as a fine! This is an astronomical figure!

Looking at the data sent by the technical department again, it clearly reads that the users of the "Poor Die You Plug-in" have passed the 10 million mark.

He has to confiscate illegal gains and pay a fine, but Su Ming can make money lying down at home.

The more I think about it, the more angry he gets.

Suddenly, the head of the enterprise raised the documents in his hands to the sky and cursed.

"Fuck you so you can't sleep!"

With that ferocious expression, I can't wait to eat Su Ming.

Jinhang University Student Canteen.

After experiencing yesterday's initiative to give a little bit of water, Xu Tingxue liked Su Ming more and more.

The girl who is in love at first looks at the person she likes, and the light in her eyes can't hide.

Several times, Su Ming felt a little embarrassed.

Su Ming said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: What a sincere and simple and lovely girl this is.

Not far away, Liu Gui and Sun Xiangxiang watched this scene while eating.

Liu Gui said to Xiangxiang Sun: "Xiangxiang, when we were in love at the time, did you see the light in my eyes?"

"Just your head! I love to eat or not!"

Sun Xiangxiang glared at him, not having a good temper.

"More light! You think I am Ultraman!"

Liu Gui smiled awkwardly and said, "I remember! The look in my eyes at the time was also bright!"

"Fart! This kind of thing can't happen to my old lady."

He was talking angrily, but Sun Xiangxiang's face couldn't help but blush.

"Hahaha, let me just say it."

Looking at Su Ming in front of him, Xu Tingxue said shyly: "Just send it here, we'll see you at noon."

Su Ming nodded and said.

"Well, go to class.

"You are off get out of class late, do I have to go get you a meal first?" Xu Tingxue asked cautiously.

"No need, let's go together. Go to class.


Waved to Su Ming, Xu Tingxue bounced towards the classroom.

Seeing Xu Tingxue's back, Su Ming's eyes flashed with doting.

Back in the classroom, he found that many people were gathering together, constantly exclaiming.

Seeing Su Ming coming, Liu Gui waved and said.

Brother Su, "Come and see, big news! Big news!"

"What news?

"It has something to do with penguins!" Liu Gui said mysteriously.

Su Ming walked over to take a look, and was also taken aback.

Just an hour ago, the Citizen Daily, which had been silent for a few days, finally spoke about the Penguin incident.

"Monopoly! Great power is definitely not the confidence of a monopoly!"

"In recent days, the penguin and the "make you unable to sleep 550 sleeps" have caused a lot of trouble! As a result, the penguin was filed and investigated by the relevant departments of the Chinese dynasty for suspected monopolistic behavior such as "choosing one of two"! This move was subject to the whole society. extensive attention!

"The development of the platform economy is inseparable from the scale effect and network effect, but it does not mean that platform companies can move toward a monopoly. Large Internet platform companies should take the lead in strengthening industry self-discipline and further enhancing their sense of social responsibility.

"In fact, the Internet industry has never been and should not be an extra-legal place for antitrust

Throughout the article, I will talk about penguin affairs and monopoly matters. There is no mention of Su Ming.

Obviously, this is because of a signal from the upper side, so he can selectively avoid Su Ming.

Seeing this, Su Ming also understands that the dynamic that he posted before has played a big role.

Thinking about it carefully, Su Ming knows it too.

If one's own strength is almost equal, it will be settled by Penguin, and there will be no follow-up.

Just because I have not been settled, I have shown my value.

And all of this is due to the fact that the tuba "has the ability to hit me".

Su Ming has a hunch that within a few days, the official will contact his trumpet, just like he would contact the tuba.

It has the greatest effect on the country, and the more preferential treatment it receives.

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